58 FREE Drinks Worksheets

FREE Drinks Worksheets

Welcome to the vocabulary section dedicated to drinks. There are currently 58 worksheets in this section. They are all free, printable, and easy to use in any ESL classroom; you can often simply edit them if you want to focus on certain vocabulary words or structures. Each worksheet includes a suggested level which makes choosing an appropriate worksheet for your students even easier. There are even some special activities, such as this PowerPoint game, which turns learning new vocabulary words into a fun game. It is very interactive and would be fun in an elementary level class of younger students. The first slide is all about pronunciation while the rest of the slides test comprehension through multiple choice questions. The whole presentation is very bright and colorful so your students will love it. If you are searching for a handout instead, browse through the rest of the section to find one that suits your needs. There are even more worksheets in the general food and drinks category so be sure to check there too.

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  • Complete Beginner (14)
  • Elementary (43)
  • Pre-Intermediate (25)
  • Intermediate (16)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (8)
  • Exam Level (2)
  • Suitable for All Levels (2)
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Coffee Wordsearch

Coffee Wordsearch

» » Drinks
This word search contains some basic vocabulary related to coffee. List of words used in this word search: MACCHIATO, ARABIAN, DOUBLE, BEAN, ROAST, COFFEE, CUP, LATTE, ITALIAN, ESPRESSO Created ...
6 Views 7,521 ElemPre-Int
Food Word Search 4

Food Word Search 4

This is an elementary level wordsearch puzzle including different food items, that could be later used to practice countables & uncountables. List of words used in this word search: HAM, CHEE ...
9 Views 16,215 Elem
Food Flashcards

Food Flashcards

Drinks, ,
. A set of 28 cards on Food Vocabulary. Depending on your students' level they can be used in several ways such as memory games, conversation cards, oral test, group work, etc… What to ...
32 Views 40,664 ElemPre-Int
Food and Drinks PowerPoint Game

Food and Drinks PowerPoint Game

Make your students learn the usual vocabulary related to food and drinks in an amusing way. First they click on the pictures to read and listen the words. Then they have a multiple choice game to ...
31 Views 57,429 ElemPre-Int
Food and Drinks Boardgame

Food and Drinks Boardgame

This is a quick time-filler to review Food vocabulary. Every square provides a picture clue. Every time a correct answer is given it can be used as a communicative activity.
15 Views 17,405 ElemPre-Int
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Food / Countable and Uncountable Nouns / Quantifiers

Food / Countable and Uncountable Nouns / Quantifiers

Complete worksheet on countable and uncountable nouns, use of quantifiers, containers and quantities and food vocabulary. It includes a grammar guide and more pages with 7 different tasks.
116 Views 197,588 Pre-IntInt
Find the Differences

Find the Differences

This worksheet consists of two pairs of pictures for finding differences. Topic is food and clothes. With the help of this worksheet children can practice there is and there are, some/ any/ no. Ch ...
27 Views 73,001 Elem
Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

This is a worksheet about countable and uncountable nouns. Student have to write the words corresponding to the pictures in English and then ask questions about them using how much and how many.
21 Views 20,371 Beg
Test on comparatives, superlatives, modifiers, food, giving an opinion, revision of simple past and future

Test on comparatives, superlatives, modifiers, food, giving an opinion, revision of simple past and future

TEST on comparatives, superlatives, modifiers, food, giving an opinion, revision of simple past and future. This is a written test that I made on food, comparatives, superlatives, modifiers, simpl ...
56 Views 71,423 Elem

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