Welcome to the past perfect section. You can use this as a resource to find worksheets and activities or even just as inspiration when creating worksheets of your own. Since all the worksheets are free, easy to download, and printable, lesson planning does not need to take up as much of your time as it use to. There are 113 Past Perfect worksheets available to you in this section, as well as more tense worksheets in other subsections. Here is a sample worksheet from this page. It was designed with upper intermediate classes in mind and has actually been updated since it was first posted which shows that Busy Teacher is always evolving. There is just one activity which gives students more practice forming past perfect sentences without taking up too much class time. You might also want to consider using this as a homework assignment. To make things even better, the answer key is included so you can just start printing out worksheets now. For other tense worksheets, look through the rest of this section or others.
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The PowerPoint presentation focuses on the figures and events of American history depicted in the film "Forrest Gump". It helps EFL students to get the more profound understanding of the plot. The ...
This is a simple listening worksheet for the song "Ideserve it" by Madonna. You will find two exercises: a) fill in the blanks and b) Answer T or F. The tense I wanted students to work on was the ...
This is a worksheet contrasting the past perfect and the past perfect continuous tense. There are 4 pages with different activities in which students are asked to fill in the blank spaces with th ...
This is game to be played like Memory, but you need to match the base form and past participle form instead of a picture, or word. I also laminate all my cards. This vocabulary is for what I cal ...
This worksheet focuses on past perfect tense with its linking words. There is a brief grammar explanation before the exercises. Students should rewrite the sentences using the given linking words. ...
The worksheet is suitable to introduce or review the Past Perfect Tense. The scenes used are from the movie "When a stranger calls" (1979). The first scenes are the ones necessary. They take about ...
Irregulars can be tricky, so here they are. This set of cards is to help you to check your students' knowledge of irregular verbs. The verbs are the most common in use. You can vary the ta ...
This is a crossword containing irregular verbs. The crossword can be used in order to help the young learners to remember the forms of irregular verbs better. The students are to write the past si ...
A quick exercise where students work in pairs to build sentences using the past perfect tense. They must choose appropriate words from each column and write the complete sentences underneath. The ...
Fill in the blanks activity. Great song, people of all ages like it. Good to work Present Perfect Tense and Phrasal Verbs. I gave it to my Teen students and they sang along. Goog vocabulary with m ...
This is a worksheet for teaching the past perfect tense. Students are asked to read the text, answer the questions, fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb given and complete the sente ...
Useful worksheet, it includes the following: PAST SIMPLE, PAST CONTINUOUS, PAST PERFECT SIMPLE, USED TO. Explanations, examples and differences between each past tense. Useful for students to prep ...
Some sentences to revise both the structures and the uses of the past simple and the past perfect. The students have to fill in the gaps with the correct form of the past simple or perfect in the ...
I decided to make a set of worksheets related to irregular verbs of some patterns. This is the first one - the pattern "ow-ew-own" (6 verbs and 3 exercises). Hope you'll find it useful )
A simple worksheet contrasting the present perfect, past simple and past perfect tense. There are two exercises in which students are asked to read the sentences, choose and circle the most suita ...
I uploaded this worksheet in order to emphasize the differences between the past simple tense and past perfect tense. Students usually have difficulties to understand it, so I think this worksheet ...
There are a number of bizarre situations that your students are involved in that they have to explain what happened and why they were in this situation. For example ''Tom was seen running down the ...
This is a simple worksheet contrasting the past simple and the past perfect tense. It includes explanations and example sentences at the top of the page followed by 2 exercises in which students ...
Worksheet to practise the most common tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, future, present perfect and past perfect. There are 24 different sentences in whic ...
Board game with sentences on each square that the students have to re-say in the third conditional form. Good for revision or to reinforce the form after introduction to the grammar. Better with s ...
This worksheets contains nice sentences to have a further and deeper practice in using these two tenses. The level of the exercise is rather high and there are some doubtful sentences, which will ...
This is a mixed-tense worksheet which is meant to integrate many of the grammar topics intermediate students are expected to handle properly. It is designed for intermediate students who need to p ...
This is a series of short role plays about past perfect and simple past. Students role play the situations and the others find out the situations by making up sentences in the past perfect, such a ...
The song Tom’s Diner by Suzanne Vega gives a great opportunity for both teenagers and adults to practice all Past Tense Forms. At first, students may be asked to listen to the original song ...
Here you can find a worksheet is to practice forms of some basic irregular verbs. It's good for elementary students, as well as for beginers or pre-intermediate learners.
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Past Perfect?
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