The third subsection of nouns deals with singular and plural nouns. Browse through the 163 available worksheets to find something that your students will enjoy. When learning vocabulary, students initially learn the singular form of nouns rather than both the singular and plural forms because this approach makes it easier for them to increase their vocabulary more quickly. Later on, as students start learning verbs and making sentences, they also have to learn the plural forms for all those nouns they learned earlier on. This simple worksheet for beginners helps students do just that by asking them to write the plural form of vocabulary words they already know. You can create worksheets just like this one to give your students practice with plurals of other vocabulary words and can even assign a worksheet like this as homework. Check out the rest of the section for more options and feel free to download as many as you want.
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This is a worksheet dealing with Plural of nouns, providing four different tasks including regular and irregular plural nouns, with different levels of complexity but all very simple such as writ ...
A Word search puzzle to practise regular and irregular plural forms of nouns. Students are required to read the singular form of the nouns and then search the plural form in the puzzle.
This is a 3-page worksheet containing basic rules to form regular and irregular plurals and four different tasks: Complete the plural of the nouns;
Match the singular noun with the plural form; ...
Song "I'm blue". The first page contains the lyrics for the teachers to check, and in the second page there are different exercises for the same song. The students will recognize the vocabulary an ...
This is a worksheet to be used to consolidate the use of demonstrative pronouns "this", "these" and to recapture the usage of plural form. I ask my kids to brainstorm the names of zoo animals. The ...
The worksheet contains exercises for identifying common/proper nouns, using nouns as complements (predicate nominative, direct object, indirect object), and diagramming nouns. I used it as a revie ...
This is a 21 page booklet of handouts and worksheets regarding the pluralization of nouns. The rules of the spelling changes for pluralizing nouns are presented clearly and concisely. The inform ...
A simple exercise to practice plural noun-forms - there are 3 tasks - to write regular plural forms, irregular plural forms, and write singular form from the nouns given in plural.
On a game card write several words from the different parts of speech. You then attach a spinner. Spin the spinner and have the students write the word in the square they think it belongs. When bi ...
To teach the demostratives and plurals ( regular and irregular) this worksheet can be very useful. Pupils have to deduce the rules of the plurals as well as the use of demostrative pronouns themse ...
A worksheet to work on vocabulary and a bit of grammar. Students need to match some verbs, adjectives, and nouns to their proper meaning. Students must develop sentences as well using some of thos ...
This game can help students to remeber plural form of some nouns. Cards can be used as a memory game. All cards are face down, 1 player can open only 2 cards at the same time. If the cards are: ho ...
This worksheet revises some elementary grammar and lexical points: the verb to be, personal pronouns and possessives, prepositions of place, nationalities, plurals, basic conversations with the ve ...
The worksheet to practice plurals. Contains two types of exercises: choose the proper noun from the list and write it in the plural form, and write the correct form of the nouns in brackets. Aimed ...
Short explanation+ revision in boxes, four drill exercises
1) a) Put the nouns below into 2 groups: countable and uncountable nouns; b) Add -s only to the nouns that cannot be used without i ...
Hi busy teachers! This material is to practise the use of superlatives and compartives in meaningful senteces. In the powerpoint you will see different products with a short description of them in ...
This worksheet contains different activities related to animals, plural and singular forms, the verb can for animal abilities. You may use it as a test, too.