The third subsection of nouns deals with singular and plural nouns. Browse through the 163 available worksheets to find something that your students will enjoy. When learning vocabulary, students initially learn the singular form of nouns rather than both the singular and plural forms because this approach makes it easier for them to increase their vocabulary more quickly. Later on, as students start learning verbs and making sentences, they also have to learn the plural forms for all those nouns they learned earlier on. This simple worksheet for beginners helps students do just that by asking them to write the plural form of vocabulary words they already know. You can create worksheets just like this one to give your students practice with plurals of other vocabulary words and can even assign a worksheet like this as homework. Check out the rest of the section for more options and feel free to download as many as you want.
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By presenting this boardgame into your classes young students will have fun while learning plural nouns. It's played with dice and counters, when students land on a square they are asked to chang ...
This song is made for beginner because I give some choices. I asked my students to fill in the blanks. This song is quite slow so it will be easy for the beginner. I use some nouns, prepositions a ...
This is to practice comparatives and a few superlatives. After watching the video, students have to choose if the sentence is true or false and correct the mistakes. Each sentence has a mistake. ...
Adding ion to a verb to make a noun; practicing nominalisation (Australian English Grade 8.) Including all rules from ct +ion; ss +ion; t +ion; drop-e +ion; it to ission; be to p +tion. Followed ...
Here's a set of 86 supplymentary flash cards I made for New Grammar Time 2 coursebook, but it actually can fit any elementary grammar coursebook. It contains pictures with hints for naming singul ...
This worksheet will help your little students to study the Have got/Haven't got grammar. Your kids can practise their reading and writing skills, see how plural and singular nouns are formed. You ...
This is a worksheet on short answers and plurals. In the first exercise, students have to fill in short answers based on the verbs "be", "can", "have got" and on the tenses "Simple Present" and "P ...
This is the poem to practice regular and irregular plural form of nouns in's excellent for Phonetic lessons. You should be able to read it out loud or use it for narrow transcription. ...
This worksheet has some activities for basic students like: put the sentences in the plural, complete the text with the missing words and answer the questions. The answers must be complete. The ex ...
This is a powerpoint with general rules for creating plurals. I use it as a Power Quest. Students are responsible for writing everything that is orange in their ESL notebooks. Some of the slides ...
A pair work practice sheet for there is/ there are and quantifiers. Students are grouped in pairs and allowed 10 minutes to practice the sheet ideally after the presentation of there is /there are ...
Learning Grammar using newspaper. Objectives: To identify Parts of Speech from newspapers. Construct sentences based on the “formula” made with different parts of speech. Procedure: 1. ...
This is fully animated PowerPoint presentation for teaching or revising plural of nouns at elementary level. There are simple and easy explanations and examples illustrated with graphics for easy ...
Power Point Presentation I designed to use during my Skype lessons. It's based on Murphy's Basic Grammar and presents the topic PLURAL NOUNS (Flower(s) /Bus(es). The goal was to show the rule and ...
This is a great way to get kids involved in phonics. All you need is a dice and kids. Take turns in throwing the dice to move around the board. When you come to a word, the teacher should sound ou ...
I like to use wordsearches as warm-ups. You can either use it just as it is or erase the given hidden words and students will look for them on their own. In the second case, before giving the hand ...
This simple worksheet provides theory on the different rules to make plurals, for Spanish students. It gives information on the different exceptions to the main rule as well as some examples. At t ...
This worksheet contains some basic information about Plurals. Also there you will find the exceptions from the rule. You can use it for teaching children because there are a lot of pictures. It ca ...
Hey everybody. Well this is a worksheet I made for my ss to have something different and stop focusing only on vocabulary... It is interesting how they have fun and do their best to complete the s ...
This is a good worksheet about singular/plural count nouns. After you give your students the rules of the singular plural, this worksheet will help them to practice the rule more. I hope you will ...
I prepared this ppt to teach noun modifiers (a two-car garage, a five-gallon tank, etc.) Students should remember that these phrases act as if they were adjectives, so they never take the plural. ...
In this memory game students will relate images and phrases about the quantity of family members, and especially, they will practice the use of [i][/i]I've got, the use of "s" in plural. Also, the ...
This is a matching activity for revising collective nouns. Recommended for intermediate students who are asked to match the words / expressions with the pictures. The worksheet is available in bo ...
This file is ideal for testing the use of the Verb TO BE and elementary vocabulary and structures with young learners. It can be used for assessment as well as revision as it provides practice on ...
This worksheet examines the student to know his ability to differentiate between many, much, some and any. It has many levels from the very easy level to the difficult one. So, you will be happy w ...
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Singular/Plural Nouns?
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