163 FREE Singular/Plural Nouns Worksheets
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FREE Singular/Plural Nouns Worksheets

The third subsection of nouns deals with singular and plural nouns. Browse through the 163 available worksheets to find something that your students will enjoy. When learning vocabulary, students initially learn the singular form of nouns rather than both the singular and plural forms because this approach makes it easier for them to increase their vocabulary more quickly. Later on, as students start learning verbs and making sentences, they also have to learn the plural forms for all those nouns they learned earlier on. This simple worksheet for beginners helps students do just that by asking them to write the plural form of vocabulary words they already know. You can create worksheets just like this one to give your students practice with plurals of other vocabulary words and can even assign a worksheet like this as homework. Check out the rest of the section for more options and feel free to download as many as you want.

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Some - Any

Some - Any

•, Singular/Plural Nouns
This is a some - any powerpoint presentation designed to teach young learners (movers) . The aim is for students to learn that we use some before plural nouns in affirmative sentences and any befo ...
6 Views 24,382 BegElem
Put the Sentences in Plural

Put the Sentences in Plural

Rania Foka
• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
This worksheet has been designed for elmentary young learners who wish to practise the plural form. There are also illustrations in order for them to be motivated. It can be given as homework, it ...
2 Views 18,604 Elem
Plurals + This-These-That-Those Exercises

Plurals + This-These-That-Those Exercises

Ursula Viessa
• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
The worksheet previously uploaded had the rules for the formation of plurals. This one-page worksheet has the rules plus the exercises. Although the exercises are basic, they  may still cause ...
9 Views 50,578 All
Plurals + This-These-That-Those

Plurals + This-These-That-Those

Ursula Viessa
• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
It is a one-page worksheet containing plurals. It can be used as a review or as a refresher. Students always make mistakes when using plurals. This is the first worksheet. There are more to follow ...
6 Views 19,607 All
One or Two?

One or Two?

• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
A worksheet to review or reinforce plural nouns plus coloring. Look at the picture and circle the correct word. It includes some irregular plural nouns. Also, students can color the pictures. It ...
3 Views 21,304 BegElem
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Diagnostic Test

Diagnostic Test

tima ilyes
It's a beginning diagnostic test of the school year for the elementry students. It's a general and complete test that lets them  have a general revision of three years English learning. It's ...
12 Views 52,558 ElemPre-Int
What's in a Classroom

What's in a Classroom

I made this worksheet for the beginning of the year so that my French student becomes familiar with school items. The classroom picture is projected. I ask -how many items do you know? Can you pro ...
5 Views 13,728 Pre-IntInt
Food (Much, Many, Not Much, Not Many, a Lot)

Food (Much, Many, Not Much, Not Many, a Lot)

•, Singular/Plural Nouns,
This worksheet is aimed at elementary and beginner students. It can help students to learn some new words about the topic food. Here you can find some activities, such as: match the Russian words ...
10 Views 26,095 BegElem
Figure out Parts of Speech

Figure out Parts of Speech

•, Singular/Plural Nouns, ,
The activity (which is basically just one slide) is aimed at helping your students to figure out parts of speech in the text. The words in red are non-existent, thus you can use this activity even ...
4 Views 23,091 Pre-IntIntAdv
Lion and Zebra

Lion and Zebra

•Singular/Plural Nouns,
This is a craft worksheet for preschool and kindergarden. It aims at teaching two animals belonging to the wilderness. In this craft you can either color the lion's mane and the zebra's stripes or ...
5 Views 9,254 Beg
Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns

•Singular/Plural Nouns,
This is a worksheet to practice demonstrative pronouns. Students look at the picture and, considering the distance between the objects and the girl, write sentences using this, that, these, those. ...
8 Views 34,618 BegElem
Collective Nouns Memory Cards

Collective Nouns Memory Cards

•, Singular/Plural Nouns
Memory game to help students remember collective nouns such as 'stack of plates', 'pack of gum', 'flock of birds' and so on. The cards are pictures only, therefore you should teach the collective ...
7 Views 19,236 Pre-IntInt
Wordsearch- Plural Nouns

Wordsearch- Plural Nouns

• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
This is a simple wordsearch about the plural of nouns, it is very easy and helpful, besides you can use it at the beginning or in the end of class. There some nouns in singular and your students ...
9 Views 24,728 Elem
Balloon Volleyball

Balloon Volleyball

Balloon volleyball game for elementary students. Consists of a basic description of the game plus some variations and suggestions. The basic game is just to play volleyball with a balloon, and say ...
6 Views 10,559 BegElemPre-Int
The Plurals: Rules of Formation

The Plurals: Rules of Formation

• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
This worksheet is suitable for both children and adults. It contains the explanation of singular and plural forms of a noun, the rules of formation of plurals, irregular plurals and two exercises. ...
16 Views 22,543 ElemPre-Int
Much, Many, and a Lot of PPT

Much, Many, and a Lot of PPT

•, Singular/Plural Nouns
This is a PowerPoint for teaching or revising many, much, and a lot of at elementary levels, both adults and kids. There is a brief explanation using some photos. Also, it is followed by a fill-in ...
18 Views 28,454 Elem
One and Many

One and Many

•Singular/Plural Nouns,
The concept of ‘many’ is the first step for students to identify numbers 2,3 etc. The best way of making children understand ‘many’ is to contrast it with ‘one’ ...
2 Views 9,058 BegElem
Test for Junior

Test for Junior

elena tsilimpari
•, Singular/Plural Nouns, ,
A small test on vocabulary and grammar for juniors . Vocabulary about numbers 1-20, family, school items, colours. Grammar about plurals,verb to be, possesive adjs. This/That, a/an. Eas ...
5 Views 24,881 Beg
Spelling Irregular Plurals

Spelling Irregular Plurals

BusyTeacher Contributor
• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
Although most nouns have plurals formed according to regular rules (see Regular Plurals of Nouns), some nouns have unusual, or irregular plurals. This page will introduce the most common ones, so ...
4 Views 31,448 Beg
Elementary Test

Elementary Test

An Enlish test for elementary students. Topics in the test: classroom vocabulary, using the definitive and indefinitive article, changing singular nouns into plural. Basic English with possibility ...
3 Views 17,420 Elem
Initial Test- 6th Grade

Initial Test- 6th Grade

Molnos Ildiko
It's a test for the beginning of the year- a placement test- for students who learnt English for 3 years. Exercises can be used for the appropriate grammar or vocabulary part. It contains some gap ...
5 Views 35,383 Elem
Singular Plural PPT

Singular Plural PPT

• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
This power point is about the rule which teaches that nouns ending "s, ss,sh,ch and x" change to plural form by adding "es". There are a few examples and 2 questions. The colourful slides help mai ...
6 Views 23,018 Elem
Compound Nouns Brick Wall Puzzle

Compound Nouns Brick Wall Puzzle

• » » Singular/Plural Nouns
Find the word that collocates with all the given words to make compound nouns. Suitable for good intermediates and up. Use this worksheet to revise previously learned vocabulary, or have the stu ...
8 Views 14,167 IntAdv
Parts of the Speech Train

Parts of the Speech Train

•Singular/Plural Nouns,
I came up with this idea when I was teaching the parts of speech. It is very simple. I used a train to show my ss that all should have an order. I labelled them with the words Subject, Verbs and s ...
8 Views 19,078 All


•Singular/Plural Nouns,
Demonstratives worksheet: this activity is to practise the use of this, that, these and those. Moreover, students will practise the use of singular and plural nouns and will make questions and ans ...
20 Views 74,175 Beg

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