For have to practice exercises look no further. There are now 57 worksheets on this topic and even more if you are interested in other modal verbs so be sure to check out other sections of the site for those. Here is a sample of what you will find on this page. The worksheet combines have to and must; it includes lesson notes for an entire fifty minute lesson as well as all the required handouts and answer keys. Since there are four individual practice activities, feel free to pick and choose what you want to use in class; there is no need to use the whole lesson and choosing just certain activities gives you much more freedom to include your own material. It is that easy! If your students are working on specific vocabulary not included in this lesson, you can simply use these activities as inspiration for your own worksheets which you could tailor to your students interests. Busy Teacher would like to see your worksheets; if you have worksheets on this topic, please upload them and help out fellow teachers around the world.
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This is a worksheet for revising must and have to at intermediate level. There are 2 activities in which students are asked to fill in the blank spaces with a suitable modal verb and fill in ...
A test for esl secondary school students on be allowed to, must, mustn't and have to. There are 5 different activites including a short reading, a multiple choice, correct the mistakes and a short ...
Some pictures of unusual signs. I use it with modals. I put them in groups an show them the pictures. Then I have them create sentences using the modals to explain the idea of the sign. They ...
This reading comprehension has been designed to test Ss' knowledge, understanding and use of must/ have to and their negatives. It may also be used to introduce travel documents vocabulary. ...
This is a test I´ve created to check the knowledge of usage of modal verbs: have to, must, can and might. It is an elementary level and it includes vocabulary connected to household chores. ...
Help students gain practice with past modal verbs! This worksheet for intermediate students gives both introductory information and follow-up exercises about using modal verbs to speculate about t ...
This worksheet can be used to explain what modals are and how we use them (with many examples.) The road signs can be used to elicit sentences using modal verbs, for example: You can park here. Yo ...
This worksheet can be helpful if: - you don't know how to teach have to or it seems challenging for you. - you want to use an indirect approach to teach. - you have already taught it and now you w ...
This is a writing aimed at pre-intermediate and intermediate level students. They have to describe life in the year 3012, using modal verbs to talk about different things like: education, jobs, ci ...
This power point was designed to practice students' speaking on Modals or Auxiliary Verbs, as well as to help them differentiating the function of modal verb. There are 20 questions slides for you ...
Intermediate Level. To practice coming to conclusions: "must be" and using "have to, don't have to" in the context of jobs. 1. Cut up the jobs and the adjectives and put them in separate columns ...
This is not an in- depth look although with more time it could be used to help write a letter to Facebook for instance or together with a look at the film the Social Network. This tries to look at ...
Elementary worksheet. It will help your students recognize the affirmative, negative and interrogative form of "have to". This worksheet will also help students learn through a range of at least t ...
A short ppt presentation about two modal verbs that can help you in the explanation of them in grammar and show some examples, it doesn't have any exercise, it's only a task to explain these mod ...
The following worksheet contains a set of exercises using the modals have to, has to, doesn't have to, don't have to. It is suitable to work with elementary students or pre-intermediate ones. At t ...
This worksheet provides cliparts so that students can practise modal verbs of obligation (must- musn't - can't) in the classroom. They can stick it on a cardboard and write the rules. Then they ca ...
Traffic signs and their description is given. Students have to fill in the gaps in the descriptions with an appropriate modal verb and match it to the traffic sign it describes. They learn modals ...
In this worksheet you can work with all the skills and besides you will reinforce students' knowledge about MUST and HAVE TO. On the one hand you will work on students' comprehension while watchin ...
This worksheet is a list of 47 questions and tasks that can be used as an ice-breaker, a class activity or 1on1 activity. Print out the entire list or cut out individual questions. Students roll ...
Modals Test: Must/Have to (obligation), Don't Have to (absence of necessity), Can't/Mustn't (prohibition), Can (permission), Be Able to (ability).
his worksheet was originally created for a middl ...
This is a 20 sentence worksheet for elementary students to test their understanding of the modals can (can't), have to (don't have to) in the context of sports. It has two simple exercises (10 sen ...
This worksheet consists of 20 pictures and 20 sentences with gaps. The students have to complete the sentences with the affirmative, interrogative form to express obligation and the negative (don' ...
The worksheet will be useful for those of you working with PEARSON Longman Success Upper-Intermediate. It is to go with the first lesson of Module 6 Secret Worlds. It is supposed to be used as the ...
This worksheet will help your students to better use the modal verb must and its equivalent have to. Before doing the exercise don't forget to give your students the general idea of using the moda ...
A worksheet to practice modal verbs and consolidate them in a quick and simple way with a multiple choice exercise. Each sentence provides a picture to help students understand the sentences.
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