658 FREE Conditionals Worksheets
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FREE Conditionals Worksheets

In this section you can find activities for all four conditionals. With 658 current worksheets, there are a lot to choose from but you can select the specific conditional you are teaching to see worksheets relating only to that conditional. This will make your search a bit easier. For a study guide and quiz on the four conditionals use this worksheet. It was created with intermediate students in mind but could be used in any class on conditionals. It includes not only a clear explanation of each conditional but also some practice activities and an answer key. This is perfect for your review lesson! If you want to focus on just one conditional at a time, which is recommended when introducing the material, choose another one of our available worksheets.
Conditionals are often problematical for students because the sentence structures can be difficult to form and the meanings challenging to comprehend. Practicing one structure at a time is important if your students are going to master them. Be sure they are confident producing their own unique sentences prior to moving on with another conditional or other course material. This is a topic usually reserved for intermediate and advanced courses and students in middle school or above. Success with this topic at with other levels and age groups may be limited so take this into consideration when planning your curriculum.

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Movie Worksheet: Wacky Inventions (the Flintstones)

Movie Worksheet: Wacky Inventions (the Flintstones)

This worksheet can be used either like vocabulary expansion + comparing life in the past with present after watching a cartoon or to practice conditionals. Here’s what I did: 1) Ss read the ...
16 Views 34,215 ElemPre-IntInt
Mixed Conditionals

Mixed Conditionals

This is a worksheet on mixed conditionals which are classified into 3 groups so as to make it easier for students to study. After the summary, there are two exercises:  1)Choose the most suit ...
10 Views 24,617 AdvExam
Conditionals Reading Comprehension and Speaking Practice

Conditionals Reading Comprehension and Speaking Practice

I wasn't able to find a reading comprehension text to show my adult students how conditionals can be used in practice. So, I created a text packed with all 3 conditionals (1, 2, 3). There is a spe ...
52 Views 268,738 Int
Movie Worksheet: Interview with Emma Watson

Movie Worksheet: Interview with Emma Watson

An interesting interview with Emma Watson from the Times magazine series "Ten questions for..." where the questions asked are selected from the questions sent by readers. There are several questio ...
10 Views 26,774 IntAdv
Second Conditional , 'What If' Speaking Activity - PPT

Second Conditional , 'What If' Speaking Activity - PPT

This is a great speaking activity to get your students talking about life using the second conditional. I have tried it myself and it worked really well as it promoted a cheerful as well as   ...
97 Views 116,276 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
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Second Conditional - Reading + Speaking

Second Conditional - Reading + Speaking

This activity allows students to read and talk about unreal situations. This is the aim of this activity. There's a short text about a lady who speculates about  the things she could do diffe ...
32 Views 83,476 ElemPre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: Wishlist by Pearl Jam

Song Worksheet: Wishlist by Pearl Jam

I made this worksheet as an extra activity for a class in which I aborded  past/past perfect tenses and "wish" (past, present and future) subjects, in a class for intermediate level students. ...
6 Views 16,994 Pre-IntInt
Second Conditional Speaking Game

Second Conditional Speaking Game

Get the best of your students' talent to talk about what would happen if a situation occurred. Get them entertained and pracitse the target language, 2nd conditional. This game is aimed at ta ...
63 Views 105,644 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Conditionals Grammar Guide

Conditionals Grammar Guide

This is a complete grammar-guide for teaching first, second and third conditionals at intermediate level. There are clear and simple explanations about the form and use of each conditional as ...
10 Views 12,075 Pre-IntInt
Revising Conditionals Worksheet

Revising Conditionals Worksheet

This is a worksheet for revising first, second and third conditionals at intermediate level. There are two different activities in which students are asked to circle the normal word and rewri ...
10 Views 12,922 Pre-IntInt
If I Were...Flashcards

If I Were...Flashcards

This is a set of pictures to be used while studying subjunctive mood and conditional sentences of the second type. I t might be a warm up where students have to continue a sentence on their card o ...
21 Views 23,913 Pre-IntIntAdv
Neighborhood Problems

Neighborhood Problems

This is a warm up to talk about problems in students' neighborhood. It will provide students  with a chance to give advice to each other. Besides, practice the conversation and discuss   ...
5 Views 14,662 Pre-IntInt
First Conditional

First Conditional

A short powerpoint on the first conditional. First of all, students are asked how to form the 1st conditional. They then have to fill in the blanks with words so that the sentences make sense. ...
8 Views 17,960 ElemPre-Int
Conditionals Zero and One

Conditionals Zero and One

1. Complete these conditional sentences with the verbs in the correct form. (0 and 1) 2. What sentences are type “zero” and what are “type 1”? 3. Write the correc ...
19 Views 99,439 ElemPre-Int
Conditionals in Context ( Part 3)

Conditionals in Context ( Part 3)

It's the third part of an exercise set practising all types of conditionals in context. It is recommended for intermediate and upper-intermediate students. The students are to complete the sentenc ...
11 Views 25,785 IntAdv
Grammar Worksheet: Conditionals in Context (Part II)

Grammar Worksheet: Conditionals in Context (Part II)

It's the second part of an exercise set practising all types of conditionals in context. It provides a funny dialogue, a mistake correction exercise and a speaking/writing exercise. The students a ...
21 Views 44,891 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Conditionals in Context ( Part 1)

Conditionals in Context ( Part 1)

A good set of exercises practising all types of conditionals in context. In this grammar worksheet conditionals are used in dialogues and a monologue. The students are to complete the sentences us ...
19 Views 43,470 Pre-IntIntAdv
Song Worksheet: Nicest Thing by Kate Nash ( Conditional 2 and Wishes)

Song Worksheet: Nicest Thing by Kate Nash ( Conditional 2 and Wishes)

The song by Kate Nash. Perfect for practicing the second conditional and wishes. Students must complete the lyrics of the song. The song is a storylike so there are few repetitions. The answer key ...
4 Views 10,503 Pre-IntInt
Drill 3rd Conditionals - Making Excuses

Drill 3rd Conditionals - Making Excuses

3rd conditionals making excuses.Duration: 10 - 15 minutes.Preparation: Print out this sheet. Aims: Fluency with the target expressions. Repeat the exercise for as many weeks as is necessary to ach ...
17 Views 20,233 Adv
Movie Worksheet: Sheldon Cooper's Fears and Phobias ( The Big Bang Theory)

Movie Worksheet: Sheldon Cooper's Fears and Phobias ( The Big Bang Theory)

This is a more complete version of the previous worksheet. I used one episode of The Big Bang Theory - Season 5 Episode 9 - to talk about fears and phobias. There are questions and a matching acti ...
11 Views 32,539 IntAdv
Reading Comprehension: My Future Plans and Expectations

Reading Comprehension: My Future Plans and Expectations

This is a reading comprehension text.I used it as a test after teaching future plans,conditional type 1 and time conjunctions. My laerners are asked to read the text and to do some activities rela ...
24 Views 256,525 Pre-IntInt
Reading Comprehension: If I Listened to my Parents, I Would Never Lose my Leg.

Reading Comprehension: If I Listened to my Parents, I Would Never Lose my Leg.

This is a readig comprehension text about a fifteen-year-old boy who disobeyed his parents. After reading the text my learners are asked to do some activities. It is suitable for intermediate stud ...
22 Views 22,834 ElemPre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: Ang Lee's Life of Pi ( Group Follow up Activities)

Movie Worksheet: Ang Lee's Life of Pi ( Group Follow up Activities)

This is a selection of fun activities that you can do after watching Life of Pi. I've used this with 5th and 6th graders with great success. They can put themselves in Pi's shoes, they can cut a ...
8 Views 17,513 ElemPre-IntIntAdv


This is a worksheet you can use to practise First Conditional with your students. It is a "five minute activity" you can use to check your students have learnt First Conditional structure ,and you ...
11 Views 14,134 Pre-IntInt
Song Worksheet:I wish I could fly by Nina Simone (I Wish Structure)

Song Worksheet:I wish I could fly by Nina Simone (I Wish Structure)

I use this song as a revision or an introduction of I WISH structure. The song has become an anthem for the civil right movement so it can also be used to discuss the problem of racism and discrim ...
7 Views 24,190 IntAdvExam

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