In this section you can find activities for all four conditionals. With 658 current worksheets, there are a lot to choose from but you can select the specific conditional you are teaching to see worksheets relating only to that conditional. This will make your search a bit easier. For a study guide and quiz on the four conditionals use this worksheet. It was created with intermediate students in mind but could be used in any class on conditionals. It includes not only a clear explanation of each conditional but also some practice activities and an answer key. This is perfect for your review lesson! If you want to focus on just one conditional at a time, which is recommended when introducing the material, choose another one of our available worksheets.
Conditionals are often problematical for students because the sentence structures can be difficult to form and the meanings challenging to comprehend. Practicing one structure at a time is important if your students are going to master them. Be sure they are confident producing their own unique sentences prior to moving on with another conditional or other course material. This is a topic usually reserved for intermediate and advanced courses and students in middle school or above. Success with this topic at with other levels and age groups may be limited so take this into consideration when planning your curriculum.
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This worksheet consists of 3 different exercise to revise 1st, 2nd and 3rd type conditional clauses. In 1 the students have to put the verbs in the correct form according to the type of conditiona ...
A song worksheet based on the hit "Don't give up" by Josh Groban. Student listen to parts of the song and complete five activities that includes listening for detail to fill in gaps, antonyms, wor ...
This introduction to English conditionals will help those students who are new to conditionals and/or those who are having a tough time grasping the basic structures and concepts. The notes cont ...
Beautifully prepared ppt to maintain the interest of the students till end of the class. This ppt is basically designed for ESL level 1 students. teacher may add some more similar slides or can ta ...
Some more practice on Reported Speech. This is for pre-intermediate to Intermediate level for non English Speakers, especially for EFL students. The max time allotted to complete this exercise is ...
This worksheet can be used to improve fluency. It can also serve to revise tenses at the end or beginning of the school year. Students have to read the same text using 14 different tenses. This dr ...
Use this song to talk with your students about "masterpieces" in our life and to practice the 2nd type of conditional sentences. For the lesson you need 2 types of the song: the instrumental one a ...
This worksheet aims at practicing conditional type I. The students have to form meaningful sentences.It contains sentences to complete and some visual clues for the students to interpret them. It ...
This is a worksheet which uses a song from a popular singer among teenagers (Bruno Mars) to introduce the first conditional sentences. The lyrics is presented in different parts and with different ...
Here's a worksheet for revising the first, second and third conditionals. There is a simple activity in which students are asked to rewrite the sentences beginning them with the given words. The w ...
This is a worksheet for revising the first conditional. There is a brief explanation and example sentences at the top of the page followed by a simple activity in which students are asked to fill ...
As you know songs can be pretty useful to revise certain grammar structures in class. This song can be used with intermediate students to revise 2nd condtional and quantifiers. Students will have ...
This worksheet provides a short summary of the four conditional types and a lot of practice. The typical entries for conditionals are translated into Spanish, but the rest of the activities are al ...
It is a series of cards with some pictures on them to imagine different situations and discuss what your students will do, would do or would have done in those situations. You ask your students to ...
A worksheet with two different exercises: 20 sentences (gap fill) with mixed 0, 1, 2 conditionals; 5 clues to make unreal (2) condtional sentences.
Example: EX. 1: 1. If you ________ (be ...
A powerpoint presentaion that I have used with students who are studying issues like famine, hunger. Good to learn new vocabulary and also a speaking activity at the end, where the students imagin ...
This handout is an overview of Conditional Clauses, including simple examples. It does not inculde any exercises, only a brief explanation of the differences concerning Zero, First, Second and Thi ...
Use this worksheet to teach/review second conditional with the song If I had a million dollars by Barenaked Ladies. There are three exercises for your students to practise the second conditional. ...
Two tasks for conversation concerning the 2nd conditional. In the first part, students have to answer what they would do in the given imaginary situations. Example: If you were invited to a fancy ...
It's a reading task, with vocabulary and use of English exercises as well as a writing activity everything on the topic "London". The reading task has two parts, firstly, students have to match ea ...
Students have the chance to practise Conditional Sentences Type II and to work with opposites as well as to complete the lyrics with a deduction in the negative and to write down an indirect quest ...
Worksheet about the song of The Script. Students will listen to the song and fill in the blanks and then you can discuss the song with the students and talk about the relative clauses and the firs ...
This PowerPoint presents different speaking games about conditional sentences (types 1, 2 and 3). They deal with topics such as superstitions, predictions, advices and even emergencies. Working in ...
Beyoncé's song "If I were a boy" is used to revise the Grammar Topic (2nd Conditional) and serves as motivation to introduce the 3rd Conditional. The worksheet has several Listening/Compreh ...
It is a Song Potpourri Worksheet with a task for students to complete. It provides practice for the use of structures I wish and If only for the past, present and future.
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