Here you can find 151 worksheets that deal with the topic of clauses. This section is also divided into subsections which can assist you in locating the right activity for your students. This worksheet is for pre-intermediate students who need more practice using time clauses. All the teachers notes and materials are included for this fifteen minute practice activity so it is easy to include in your lesson plan. There are other worksheets about clauses too and since they are all free and easy to print, you may as well look at several different ones before deciding what would be best for your students. If you have your own worksheets on clauses, you can upload them to the website for other teachers to use.
There are different types of clauses that students will learn throughout their English studies. It is important to focus on one or two types of clauses at a time so that students do not become overwhelmed by the difference structures and uses. Certain clauses can be introduced in lower level classes while others are best saved for more advanced students. What you include in your course will obviously be greatly influenced by the level and age range of your students.
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Exercise to check time clauses like as, when, while, before, after, until. Some examples with pictures to explain time clauses , they are used to tell what time the activity happens. when, as, whi ...
This is a worksheet for revising relative pronouns and relative clauses. There is a brief explanation at the top of the page followed by 2 simple activities to go with it.
A 2-page worksheet for teaching defining and non-defining relative clauses. There´s a brief explanation at the top of the page followed by 2 different activities in which students are asked ...
A student started this as a summary of relative clauses. I corrected her few mistakes and spruced it up a bit, but I find it to be a pretty good cheat sheet of relative clauses. Please note this i ...
A worksheet , suitable for intermediate students, for teaching or revising time clauses. There are two activities in which students are asked to choose and circle the correct time conjunction in ...
This is a worksheet suitable for intermediate students on relative pronouns. There are explanations at the top of the page followed by 2 activities in which students are asked to complete senten ...
3 different exercises to revise linking words. The students have to
1) complete the sentences with a suitable, different linking word;
2) correct some sentences if necessary, and
3) join senten ...
This is an exercise I made for my advanced adult class, to improve their conversation and consolidate identifying and using the correct tense when continuing or replying to a phrase. For example, ...
This worksheet is about practicing relative clauses and relative pronouns. In the first exercise students have to join two sentences by using a relative pronoun. In the second exercise students ha ...
Use this worksheet to explain how to use adjective clauses in the ESL classroom. This worksheet is geared towards adult learners, and includes a student and teacher version. Students must choose ...
On this worksheet you will find a brief explanation on relative clauses and four exercises
1- complete the sentences using the right relative clause
2-write the correct relative clause and put a ...
This worksheet includes two exercises with fifteen sentences each. Exercise number one: rephrasing fifteen sentences using relative clauses (who,which,that,whose,whom,when,where). Exercise number ...
Use this worksheet to teach your upper-elementary grade or intermediate students how to build compound-complex sentences. It is important that your learners already know about clauses, compound se ...
This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching defining and non-defining relative clauses. The first page is basically just a grammar guide with clear explanations and example tenses and the second page ...
The worksheet is divided into 2 activities. In the first activity,students complete sentences with either( who or that) and in the second question, they join the 2 given sentences and make a longe ...
This is a good song for intermediate and upper intermediate students. It is the story of a man that looks back on his relationship with his father and has a more mature view of his dad. Students h ...
This worksheet contains an exercise for the students to understand Adjective Clause (who, whom, which, that, whose). It can be used as an additional material or drilling questions for the students ...
This is a short worksheet suitable for intermediate students on relative clauses and relative pronouns. There are two simple exercises in which students are asked to fill in the blank spaces with ...
We use relative clauses to give additional information about something without starting another sentence. By combining sentences with a relative clause, your text becomes more fluent and you can a ...
The song is based on the idea of the hero. We can have more types of exercises with this, including what is the idea of the perfect boy... it includes a pre- talk about the features that are neede ...
You go through the list with the students all the while you give examples of how to describe words in the different categories. While the students are doing the exercise at the bottom of the work ...
This presentation provides necessary explanations regarding defining and non-defining relative clauses, relative pronouns and adverbs used, omission or relative pronouns etc. I hope your students ...
This is a rephrasing worksheet suitable for Bachiller students. It approaches structures like passives (one or two objects), reported speech, conditionals (four types), wishes, relative clauses (d ...
This is a "rephrasing" worksheet aimed at students of Bachiller. It includes the following constructions: passive (two obects, passive of reporting verbs), reported speech, conditionals (four type ...
I have composed a paragraph about a man named Don Guevarra. Some of the information in the paragraph has been taken out and put at the bottom of the page. The objective is to put the sentences bac ...
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