Here you can find 151 worksheets that deal with the topic of clauses. This section is also divided into subsections which can assist you in locating the right activity for your students. This worksheet is for pre-intermediate students who need more practice using time clauses. All the teachers notes and materials are included for this fifteen minute practice activity so it is easy to include in your lesson plan. There are other worksheets about clauses too and since they are all free and easy to print, you may as well look at several different ones before deciding what would be best for your students. If you have your own worksheets on clauses, you can upload them to the website for other teachers to use.
There are different types of clauses that students will learn throughout their English studies. It is important to focus on one or two types of clauses at a time so that students do not become overwhelmed by the difference structures and uses. Certain clauses can be introduced in lower level classes while others are best saved for more advanced students. What you include in your course will obviously be greatly influenced by the level and age range of your students.
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Mostly the students have to face a lot of problems while using relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that). They also work like connectors and conjunctions. This worksheet can be very usef ...
Pyramid is an American game show based on guessing words. It is perfect for esl classroom as it uses mostly relative clauses and it is pure fun. Show students a part of an actual show (I used one ...
After introducing the topic, these cards can be used to clear out doubts on the structure and formation of these clauses. It's an inductive procedure that can be fun to apply in the classroom as ...
The worksheet is the dialogue from a youtube video of a Jay Lennon character interviewing the 2012 Republican Primary election. Instead of talking about politics, they discuss noun clauses with a ...
This was made in response to the request of my teenage upper- intermediate class to 'watch Futurama' at the end of their 3 hour Saturday lesson. The first page is designed as a quick whiteboard/ a ...
Participial phrases can be very easy or very difficult. In this power point presentation I try to make it easy. In it, the "mysteries" of participial phrases are explained in a simple an ...
This is a a worksheet for teaching or revising relative clauses with prepositional verbs at pre-intermediate level.Students are asked to join fourteen different sentences by changing the second of ...
This is a pretty easy worksheet for teaching or revising relative pronouns and relative clauses at pre-intermediate level. There's an easy activity in which students are asked to fill in the ...
By using a "creation myth": how cats invented relative clauses, this fun-packed power point presentation aims to present or revise relative clauses. It covers defining and non-defining relative cl ...
A long and comprehensive list of compare contrast signal words categorized by grammatical function. It helps students to use although, however, similarly and both..and correctly. You can gi ...
This is a very simple and easy worksheet for teaching or revising relative pronouns: who, which and whose at elementary level. Students are asked to complete thirty five different sentences f ...
This worksheet focuses on the relative clauses. Both relative clauses: defining and non-defining. I hope you enjoy this worksheet in your lessons because the exercises are mostly based on re ...
Fun exercise to test historical facts and practice relative clauses. You can turn this into a game and give extra points to the student who knows the answer to every sentence in this game. Besid ...
The worksheet provides practice on defining relative clauses (join two sentences using relative clauses and the pronoun 'one') and a listening activity to check the answers and complete the lyrics ...
Here is a test in a form of a conversation. Many activities are included ( act about relative pronouns, act: prepositions, writing act: daniel radcliffe's biography ).I'll hope you will find it useful
This second PowerPoint presentation has two parts. Part 1 helps students understand forming adjective clauses / relative clauses in an easy way where animation was used. It helped most of th ...
A new worksheet to revise grammar points with advanced students. In this ws they will have to revise the use of articles and relative clauses. Thanks Phillip Martin for clipart. Key to the exercis ...
This is a very simple worksheet for revising relative pronouns at intermediate level. Students are asked to fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative pronoun. The answer key is in ...
This ppt presentation is an adapted writing activity taken from the book by Penny Ur. Student read the story about a fox and a crow, and then they have to expand it using relative clauses. They ca ...
This worksheet is intended for elementary students (young learners) and is divided into two sections. In the first page, sts will have to order the sentences including the relative pronoun 'who', ...
This set has been created for working with the song of Sesame Street entitled Home (below). The set consists of full lyrics and two student's worksheets: a page with fill the blanks activity - stu ...
This is a 3-page worksheet for teaching or revising relative clauses at intermediate level. There are 3 different activities in which students are asked to complete the sentences with a relat ...
This is a complete grammar guide for teaching relative clauses at intermediate level. There are simple explanations and example sentences . Topics include: 1- relative pronouns;&nbs ...
In part 1 the students fill in the verbs into a story using either simple past or past progressive. In part 2 the students insert subordination adverbs into a story. For both sections, multip ...
This is a PowerPoint presentation based on "Who wants to be a Millionaire" TV show for teaching or revising revising relative clauses. Recommended for pre-intermediate students.
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