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FREE Medicine and Health Worksheets

Wouldn’t it be awful to get sick in a foreign country and not be able to communicate with the doctor or hospital staff? Learning English will not help your learners in every country but it will give them another skill that could come in very handy in this type of scenario. Teachers have submitted 200 worksheets on this topic and more are added on a regular basis. This one-page medicine worksheet includes some common vocabulary learners can use at the doctor’s office as well as several useful practice exercises. The comprehensive teacher’s notes are included and make using this activity in your ESL classroom simple. If the target structures in the textbook you are using are different from the ones included on this sheet, simply use this as inspiration for your own worksheet and then upload it for other busy teachers.
Medicine and health is a great ESL topic that will come up several times. Beginners will usually learn body parts very early on while intermediate students may talk about medicine and doctors when practicing giving advice. Advanced learners could benefit from talking about the health care system in their country. This is also a very practical topic as students will be much better off if they can explain their symptoms when they get sick while traveling. Completing a role play exercise will give them the practice they need to do this effectively.

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Reading Comprehension - The Liver

Reading Comprehension - The Liver

This article includes some interesting facts about the liver. The liver is the largest solid organ in your body. It is situated inside your abdomen under the ribcage. Your liver has many important ...
4 Views 14,411 Elem
Going to the Doctor

Going to the Doctor

» Medicine and Health
A simple worksheet about symptoms, remedies and going to the doctor. Students will have to label the various remedies at the top of the worksheet. In the table below, they can match the symptoms w ...
10 Views 26,575 Elem
Teens and Addictions Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Teens and Addictions Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Medicine and Health,
This is a reading comprehension worksheet on the topic teens and smoking addiction. Recommended for pre-intermediate students who are asked to read the text, find synonyms, find the opposites of t ...
16 Views 55,737 Pre-IntInt
Cloze Exercise - Teeth and Eating

Cloze Exercise - Teeth and Eating

Medicine and Health,
This cloze activity can be used as an extra resource when teaching students about teeth and eating. There are 10 sentences to complete. Students read the sentences and fill in the missing words fr ...
8 Views 19,869 Elem
Pulmonary and Respiratory Systems Trivia Quiz (3rd ESO)

Pulmonary and Respiratory Systems Trivia Quiz (3rd ESO)

» Medicine and Health
Science. Question and answers cards about the pulmonary and respiratory systems. Usable in any trivia-type game activity, especially when class is divided into 3 or 4 teams. Stress-free way to rev ...
2 Views 10,098 Int
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Excretory and Pulmonary Systems Trivia Quiz (3rd ESO)

Excretory and Pulmonary Systems Trivia Quiz (3rd ESO)

» Medicine and Health
Science. Question and answers cards about the excretory and pulmonary systems. Usable in any trivia-type game activity, especially when class is divided into 3 or 4 teams. Stress-free way to revie ...
2 Views 6,613 Int
Circulatory System Trivia Quiz (3rd ESO)

Circulatory System Trivia Quiz (3rd ESO)

» Medicine and Health
Science. Question and answers cards about the circulatory system. Usable in any trivia-type game activity, especially when class is divided into 3 or 4 teams. Stress-free way to review the topic b ...
3 Views 10,885 Int
Movie Worksheet: Health Problems ( Big Bang Theory)

Movie Worksheet: Health Problems ( Big Bang Theory)

Medicine and Health,
I love using series to teach. The Big Bang Theory is one of my favorite series. I prepared this worksheet to help my students who were learning about health problems. It is a funny episode. If you ...
12 Views 24,264 Pre-IntIntAdv


This PowerPoint Presentation is about such a mental disease as kleptomania. Here you can find the main information about it (what is kleptomania, what causes kleptomania, what to do with kleptoman ...
2 Views 6,561 Int
Role Play- Strange Illness

Role Play- Strange Illness

Medicine and Health,
Students will play the role of a parent and child. The child has to describe an illness and its symptoms to avoid going to school, and the parent has to try to catch the child lying. There is a ...
17 Views 48,988 ElemPre-IntInt
Autoimmune Disease: Lupus (Medical English)

Autoimmune Disease: Lupus (Medical English)

, Medicine and Health
The worksheet contains a text about lupus, what causes it, the cure, the statistics. There are exercises like true/false to check the understanding, vocabulary task based on text vocabulary (compo ...
1 Views 9,678 Pre-IntInt
Blood (Medical English)

Blood (Medical English)

Medicine and Health,
The worksheet includes a big text about blood, what it contains, its fuction, place of production and blood types. The text is divided into four logical parts and each part has exercises (like: fi ...
1 Views 11,742 Pre-IntInt
Alzheimer Disease (Medical English)

Alzheimer Disease (Medical English)

» Medicine and Health
A worksheet based on the text and audio about Alzheimer disease, pretty nice medical & biological English. Worksheet includes: text with vocabulry search, matching the beginning and the endin ...
2 Views 10,446 Pre-IntInt
First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

, Medicine and Health, ,
This is a PDF document that contains a First Aid kit in which students have to identify the elements that the kit contains and their corresponding names. It is perfect for introducing new vocabula ...
15 Views 100,586 BegElem
History of Dentistry - Jigsaw Reading

History of Dentistry - Jigsaw Reading

Medicine and Health,
This is an idea of jigsaw reading activity for group work (minimum 4 groups) intended for upper-intermediate students. The aim is to develop reading skills and to practise exchanging information. ...
6 Views 12,554 Adv
Clone Wars

Clone Wars

, Medicine and Health
There have been many years since Ian Wilmut successfully cloned Dolly. But what has happened since then? Many questions have been aroused. Should people be cloned? What are the consequences? Shoul ...
3 Views 5,282 AdvExam
Healthy or Unhealthy?

Healthy or Unhealthy?

, Medicine and Health
A two-page worksheet with several different healthy and unhealthy foods and activities. Developed as a supplement for teaching the food pyramid and food vocabulary to elementary-aged EFL students. ...
12 Views 52,602 BegElemPre-Int
At the Doctor's

At the Doctor's

Medicine and Health,
The activity 'at the doctor's' is a guided role-play for students of intermediate level. The aim is to practise describing how you feel; asking for and giving advice; proving your point of view. T ...
16 Views 38,256 Int
Can't Quit

Can't Quit

Medicine and Health,
Reading comprehension, read the passage then answer the questions that follow. The passage is about a man trying to quit smoking. Succeeds for a few days, but in the end goes back to his old habit ...
8 Views 20,251 Int
Healthy Life Expectancy Is Shorter in the UK Than Abroad

Healthy Life Expectancy Is Shorter in the UK Than Abroad

A text dealing with health and five different tasks for advanced students. 1) True/ False sentences; 2) Answer questions about the text in your own words; 3) Rephrasing; 4) Find synomys; 5) A topi ...
9 Views 15,609 AdvExam
Let's Talk about Health

Let's Talk about Health

, Medicine and Health
This worksheet is for higher level adult or teenage students to discuss health problems. Students play in groups of four or five. When they land on a square they read it and need to talk about it ...
16 Views 69,517 IntAdv
Movie Worksheet: Stress

Movie Worksheet: Stress

Medicine and Health,
This worksheet can be used to discuss the causes of stress and possible ways to cope with it. The second part of it is based on a short film called "School Portait" by Nick Scott. It gives an exce ...
7 Views 12,616 Pre-IntInt


» Medicine and Health
This is a powerpoint that i used with primer bachillerato about addictions. There are links to videos and also lots of high level vocabulary and slang. 
3 Views 7,619 Adv
Healthy Pyramids

Healthy Pyramids

This activity was thought for students to analize and compare the two models of food pyramids. They have to recognize the food as well as the group they belong to. They can talk about the food the ...
3 Views 20,139 BegElemPre-Int
English For Nursing 1 - Unit 7 - PowerPoint / Part 4

English For Nursing 1 - Unit 7 - PowerPoint / Part 4

» Medicine and Health
Continuation of English For Nursing 1 - PowerPoint.
5 Views 6,825 All

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