730 FREE Writing Worksheets
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FREE Writing Worksheets

As ESL teachers, we’ve all had those students who do great on their grammar exams, speak up confidently in class, and are always first to raise their hands for activities - and yet, when it comes time for a writing assignment, they can barely squeeze out a few short sentences. This can be frustrating for the student and teacher alike - but it’s the symptom of a problem that’s well-known in every teaching community: Speaking and writing are two very different skills.

As with any new skill, practice is key - but students who have trouble writing aren’t usually keen to take on even more writing practice. After all, they might think, if their grammar and vocabulary are correct, and they don’t need to write in English for their jobs, what’s the point of drilling this skill? The answer is, of course, that the ability to write in English is key in the world and the workplace - from writing cover letters and CVs to drafting emails and client presentations. The responsibility is at least partly on you, the teacher, to provide assignments that draw your students into the writing process.

BusyTeacher.org is your number-one stop for exactly those kinds of assignments. Our 730 writing worksheets will provide your students with intriguing writing prompts, and with a variety of writing exercises that’ll help them watch their own improvement as it happens. Our worksheets even break down the writing process into its core components, so you can figure out exactly where in the process each student is struggling, and intervene with exercises to help him or her through that trouble spot.

The writing worksheets here on BusyTeacher.org will help familiarize your students with all the sub-skills involved in writing - from choosing a topic and constructing that first paragraph, all the way to writing movie reviews and short poems. Some of our worksheets even cover basics like handwriting and sentence structure - so no matter how much your students need to brush up on their fundamentals, we’ve got worksheets to meet them where they are.

You’ll find worksheets on any topic you can imagine, from daily routines and holidays to pop culture, news, and even poetry and song lyrics.  Some worksheets just help you lead simple fill-in-the-blank exercises, while others present thought-provoking topics for full essays, or include plans for your students to create their own newsletters. And for students who need help with English school assignments, you’ll also find worksheets on writing essays and test responses.

You can browse all of our 730 writing worksheets in thumbnail view, so you don’t have to wait for any of them to load to get an idea of what they’re like. As you scroll down the page, just click on any worksheet that catches your eye - they’re all completely free to download, print, and share in any way you like. And they’re all created and classroom-tested by real ESL teachers all over the world - which means you can be confident they’ll work in your classroom, too. If you’ve got a worksheet of your own that you’d like to share with your fellow ESL teachers in the BusyTeacher.org community, just click the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page.

All of these writing worksheets are here to help you - so pick out a few that look interesting, and give them a try in your classroom today. We’re sure you’ll love them as much as the other ESL teachers in our community already do.

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  • Suitable for All Levels (107)
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Street Safety

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Seasons and Extreme Weather

Seasons and Extreme Weather

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Paul on Adventure Holiday

Paul on Adventure Holiday

This worksheet has been designed in order for learners to practise the use of the simple future form through an illustrated adventure story. There are unavoidable facts shown in the pictures so t ...
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Do You Like Reading?

Do You Like Reading?

Do you like reading? A writing activity to talk about your reading habits (do you like reading? what's your favourite book, why do you like this book? What influence did the book have on you, do y ...
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What Happened on Your Last Holiday

What Happened on Your Last Holiday

It is a worksheet for learners to practice the use of past simple and past continuous through misfortunes they had during their last last holiday. There are pictures and cues so that the writing c ...
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Personal Information

Personal Information

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Using as many adjectives as you can describe a person important to you. It can be your family member, someone famous or yourself. Don’t just list the qualities, explain. Use minimum 50 words ...
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Song Worksheet: I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys

Song Worksheet: I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys

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Writing - Punctuation and Sentence Completion

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Pre-writing PowerPoint Presentation

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Song Worksheet: Always by Bon Jovi (Past Perfect vs Past Simple)

Song Worksheet: Always by Bon Jovi (Past Perfect vs Past Simple)

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How to Use an Apostrophe - PowerPoint Comics by the Oatmeal

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Song Worksheet: JC'S Father and Son ( Describing Personality)

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