190 FREE School/University/Education Worksheets
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FREE School/University/Education Worksheets

School, university and education are great topics for ESL students because they spend a lot of time in classrooms and should be able to discuss these topics. There are now 190 worksheets in this section with the majority being back to school activities or exercises about the classroom. This is a fun activity for pre-intermediate learners. It is a little text heavy but you can adapt it to better suit your needs. As suggested in the worksheet description, this is a great introduction to talking about the rules at your own school. For more worksheets and activity ideas, take a look at the other worksheets in this section. There are also several back to school articles that can help you prepare for the new school year.
Since school plays an important role in their everyday lives, students should be introduced to related vocabulary early on and be given the chance to talk about this topic from time to time. The majority of activities currently posted are for lower level learners but your advanced students and adults will certainly have some opinions about the education system in their country. Some topics of discussion might include the cost of university, public versus private school, and the quality of education children receive. Students may also find it useful to talk about whether or not students today receive too much homework or too many vacations. These topics will certainly lead to a lively debate.

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ESL Articles
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Movie Worksheet: Detachment

Movie Worksheet: Detachment

This is a PowerPoint presentation that contains questions about the film and several quotes that can be used as a starting point to debate important issues raised by "Detachment" (2011). Suggestio ...
3 Views 10,092 IntAdv
Movie Worksheet: British Schools Explained (Anglophenia Ep. 25)

Movie Worksheet: British Schools Explained (Anglophenia Ep. 25)

Another Anglophenia episode, this time explaining the British education system, as compared to the American one. Watch the video (or better listen) and complete the gaps. Suitable for intermediate ...
9 Views 26,519 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
University Fees: How Much Should an Education Cost?

University Fees: How Much Should an Education Cost?

Easy English Articles
•, School/University/Education, ,
A short reading explaining the cost of going to University in the UK (£9000 per year for English students but free for Scottish students) followed by discussion questions. I've used this sev ...
10 Views 16,975 IntAdvExam
13 Things to Do before You're 23

13 Things to Do before You're 23

Remember turning 18? Feels like yesterday, doesn’t it? But you’re still young and haven’t graduated college, so technically you’re not a proper grown up yet. This ...
8 Views 17,071 Pre-IntInt
There Are a Lot of Things in My Bag

There Are a Lot of Things in My Bag

•, School/University/Education
This is a simple vocabulary of common objects that children usually have in their school bags. It contains A3 document with a picture of a bag words and separated pictures to match. Kids should ma ...
8 Views 28,148 ElemPre-Int
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Speaking Activity

Speaking Activity

Rania Foka
• » School/University/Education
It is known that learners encounter difficulties in speaking.To encourage them speaking, we must provide them with tasks in order for them to be able to speak and especially with each other. The s ...
8 Views 12,240 Int
Movie Worksheet: School Buses in the USA

Movie Worksheet: School Buses in the USA

•School/University/Education, ,
This video worksheet is meant for school students (pre-intermediate/ intermediate). The previewing activities include a discussion on how the students get to school. The teacher may ask the stude ...
6 Views 10,981 Pre-IntInt
The Best Universities of the World

The Best Universities of the World

• » School/University/Education
I use this ppt work when teaching my students the topic Education. This presentation tells  pre-intermediate students about the best universities of the world. It helps them to learn more int ...
5 Views 8,751 Pre-Int
School Supplies

School Supplies

•, School/University/Education
This power-point presentation presents the names and pictures of school supplies (books, paperclips, desk, crayons, ...). This is appropriate for young learners and complete beginners. First ask s ...
7 Views 14,311 BegElem
School Subjects

School Subjects

•, School/University/Education
This PowerPoint includes the vocabulary items related to school subjects. Each slide contains the name and the picture of a school subject. It is appropriate for both complete beginner and element ...
4 Views 14,322 BegElem
Classroom Object Match

Classroom Object Match

• » School/University/Education
The paper is numbered 1-6 with 6 basic classroom objects (book, rubber, pen, pencil, table, chair). Next to the words are pictures of the corresponding items but in the wrong order. Students need ...
5 Views 14,392 Beg
Classroom Objects - Flashcards

Classroom Objects - Flashcards

Mibilny Nauczyciel Angielskiego
• » School/University/Education
There are twelve flashcards on such classroom objects as: a backpack, a pen, a pencil, a rubber, a sharpener, a notebook, crayons, books, a desk, a blackboard, a chair, a pencil case. They can be ...
10 Views 52,441 BegElem
School Supplies Hangman

School Supplies Hangman

•, School/University/Education, ,
Hangman Game with school supplies vocabulary. Have students select a letter of the alphabet. Click on the keyboard button with the appropriate letter on it. If the letter is contained in the word/ ...
17 Views 18,028 ElemPre-Int


•, School/University/Education, ,
There are three exercises in this worksheet. In exercise 1 students have to match the words with the pictures. In exercise 2 they have to find some words in the word search. In exercise 3 they hav ...
29 Views 51,677 ElemPre-Int
Video Games

Video Games

A reading news article about video games titled "Video games help kids learn, experts say" and related reading comprehension and speaking activities. In this worksheet, students first read the tex ...
7 Views 22,485 Adv
Movie Worksheet: Oxford Vocabulary

Movie Worksheet: Oxford Vocabulary

•, School/University/Education,
This worksheet is connected with the one I made earlier. It's called "Oxford University (Word on the Street)" and is devoted to working with the vocabulary from the video. The worksheet was made w ...
1 Views 9,588 Pre-IntInt
Speaking - School

Speaking - School

•, , School/University/Education
This exercise is to practice speaking skills. You ask students to get into pairs and to answer the questions. But they must talk for a minute:) Therefore one of them is checking the time when anot ...
8 Views 17,696 IntExam
Movie Worksheet: Monster University

Movie Worksheet: Monster University

Watching movies in English with English subtitles is always popular with students, especially in summer when they are less focused. This worksheet is based on the movie 'Monster University' and it ...
4 Views 21,968 Pre-IntInt
School Subject Flashcards

School Subject Flashcards

•, School/University/Education
The school subject flashcards help as teaching visual aid for the teachers. That makes learning the words fun for the children. The colorful flashcards contain the pictures with the words. They ar ...
8 Views 26,334 Beg
The Education System in the United Kingdom (Easier)

The Education System in the United Kingdom (Easier)

•, , School/University/Education
This presentation introduces slightly younger/ less advanced students to the education system of the United Kingdom. It gives them  an idea of the timetable, subjects and main issues of relev ...
5 Views 14,565 Pre-IntInt
The Education System in the United Kingdom (Advanced)

The Education System in the United Kingdom (Advanced)

•, , School/University/Education,
This presentation introduces students to the education system in the United Kingdom, giving them examples of how the system works and a few of the key issues currently relevant to the system. Idea ...
4 Views 16,653 AdvExam
Movie Worksheet: Pros and Cons of Being an Exchange Student

Movie Worksheet: Pros and Cons of Being an Exchange Student

This worksheet has two parts. The first one is a speaking activity which prepares students for watching a video. The second part is a listening activity to help students understand the pros and c ...
8 Views 15,961 Pre-IntInt
Goals and Expectations

Goals and Expectations

To be used for an introductory lesson. Best suited for adult learners or mature learners. I used this for intermediate to advanced level students. It includes normal topics that I continue to us ...
9 Views 16,547 Pre-IntIntAdv
Identifying Objects, Things, People in Schools

Identifying Objects, Things, People in Schools

•, School/University/Education
This worksheet is about identifying basic things, objects and familiar people one can see or observe inside the school. This can be an ice-breaker for further discussion about nouns. The students ...
2 Views 9,344 BegElem
School Objects

School Objects

•, School/University/Education
This worksheet is a very simple material for kids (primary school). They can practice their handwriting and match the words. It's about school objects, a very simple vocabulary (desk, ruler, erase ...
6 Views 35,320 Beg

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