The quizzes and hunts section of the site is full of fun practice activities for your students so hopefully this is what you were looking for. With 145 worksheets to choose from you are bound to find something your students will enjoy. Lets take a look at one of the worksheets from this category. This is a fun quiz activity for intermediate learners. It is designed to test their knowledge of English but is so creatively laid out that it looks like a game complete with a secret message. There are many other activities to choose from so you should be able to find something for your students and if not, please upload your worksheet for other busy teachers to use. Quizzes are not usually enjoyable for students as they are viewed as mini tests. Some of quizzes are just that while others, such as the example above, is actually just a fun exercise. Hunts, on the other hand, are always lots of fun but make sure not to overuse them so that they remain a special treat. You can use hunts as review activities like quizzes or simply to get your students in a good mood. There are usually certain low points in the school year where you just need to put a little extra into your lesson plans. These types of activities are sure to engage students by breaking away from the typical lesson structure and getting them more focused on learning English.
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This worksheet is recommended for Elementary level. It features ten jobs known to level 2 students. It can be a used as review lesson or simply as an ice breaker for advanced learners. Stu ...
The famous Einstein's Riddle organised in a worksheet, with the reasoning to follow for the teacher. Great for those days when teens don't want to work. It can be used in all sorts of levels, sinc ...
This fun Christmas quiz can be handed out to your class around the Christmas holidays. How many questions can your students answer correctly? You can set a time limit for your students to make the ...
This worksheet has been designed to encourage reading and understanding texts. There are questions related to learners' understanding of the texts as well as an introduction of new vocabulary wher ...
This worksheet is designed to encourage learners to read and understand a text. There are quick questions to check understanding of both text and vocabulary as well as a discussion sheet where lea ...
This worksheet starts with a Bingo game as the first step then filling the gaps with the missing words from the music, to finish you will find a Pop Wizz about the song studied above. It will take ...
This vocabulary revision game can be done as an individual task or as a whole class competition when the teacher reads individual lines and students call out the suitable answer. There are often m ...
This presentation is based on a holiday maze activity posted at and designed by British Council. It is suitable for teenagers and adults and works well in one-to-one les ...
This worksheet can be used to find out how much your students know about the country India. There are 11 mixed questions that students must answer. This is also a good exercise to practice researc ...
This worksheet was created for primary/elementary students. It can be used to find out how much your students know about the country: China. There are 11 mixed questions that students must answer ...
This is a vocabulary and quiz worksheet for episode 1 from BBC's documentary "Wonders of the solar system" - Empire of the Sun. I made this for pre-intermediate German speaking learners. For every ...
For intermediate - advanced students. I had a unit that was called "Communication Revolution" and made this quiz for them to play and to learn. I did not put the answers there (because I know the ...
This is the answer sheet for the Valentine's day quiz I have uploaded. It has space for team names and an answer sections for all five rounds: - 9 valentines day questions (general knowledge, gram ...
A PPT to check students' knowlwedge about music in general. It's a multiple choice questionnaire which can be used prior to or after a lesson on music. It can be done in pairs, with stud ...
48 questions to practice vocabulary and concepts related to running a business. Wide range of questions and activities including: giving opinion, providing data, reading and summarising; web links ...
This is a quiz about sports taken from the official Guinness World Records website. The quiz is updated for 2014. The topic is sports. The worksheet is divided into student A and student ...
My adult students love quizzes. I usually divide the class into two teams .The worksheet has 14 brain teasers, so each team has seven. Each team has a sheet with answers to the brain teasers for t ...
This worksheet can be used to find out how much your students know about Brazil. There are 11 mixed questions that students must answer including true or false, circle the correct answer, and answ ...
This is a game you can play with students of all levels, whether they are following the World Cup or not. I think it's a good way to help them learn the names of countries in English, as well as m ...
This is a short quiz about the current soccer world cup in Brazil. It is a simple matching exercise that suits all levels, but suits levels up to intermediate best. The key is given, plus two bits ...
Motivation activity to start a lesson about writing emails. The quiz has 5 multiple-choice questions. The last slide contains the results of the quiz depending on the student's answers. The activi ...
This is a 25pt. quiz based on the Season 1 Episode 1 of Modern Family. This is a great show for showing American Culture as well as family culture. It makes students laugh as well as makes them th ...
This is Jeopardy-style presentation based on the New Matrix course book for Intermediate ESL learners. Themes: Body language, Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous / American vs. British E ...
This activity is based on the application for mobile phones. In this presentation you´ll find 15 pictures (15x4 if I should be precise). Every 4 pictures have something in common and the goa ...
This activity is based on the application for mobile phones. In this presentation you´ll find 15 pictures (15x4 if I should be precise). Every 4 pictures have something in common and the goa ...
9 23,897IntAdvExam
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Quizzes and Hunts?
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