357 FREE Christmas Worksheets, Coloring Sheets, Printables and Word Searches.

FREE Christmas Worksheets

Christmas is a wonderful time of year but as it is a major school holiday in many countries, you might find that your students are less focused leading up to the holiday period. These 357 printable worksheets can help you engage students in English learning activities while still allowing them to concentrate on the holiday and all the excitement surrounding it. This is one of the most popular and most highly rated worksheets in this section. It is actually an entire booklet of Christmas activities for beginners including coloring sheets and songs. You can use the entire booklet or just print out a few of your favorite pages to use in class depending on how much time you want to spend on this topic. If your students are a little older or at the intermediate or advanced level, you will want to choose one of the other available worksheets. There are many others to choose from and since they are all free, you can download several before making a decision. For even more ideas, read some of the articles listed on this page.

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Song Worksheet: Do They Know It's Christmas Time by Band Aid

Song Worksheet: Do They Know It's Christmas Time by Band Aid

The worksheet can be found useful in terms of Christmas as well as global issues. It is devoted to one of the most famous Christmas songs "Do they know it's Christmas time" recorded in 1984 by Ban ...
12 Views 28,000 IntAdv
Reading Comprehension - Christmas in the United Kingdom

Reading Comprehension - Christmas in the United Kingdom

Find out about Christmas in the United Kingdom with this reading comprehension. In the UK (or Great Britain), families often celebrate Christmas together, so they can watch each other open their p ...
28 Views 74,901 Elem
Reading Comprehension - Christmas in France

Reading Comprehension - Christmas in France

Find out about Christmas in France with this reading comprehension. In France, a Nativity crib is often used to help decorate the house. French cribs have clay figures in them, not wooden ones. Du ...
9 Views 17,600 Elem
Reading Comprehension - Christmas in Germany

Reading Comprehension - Christmas in Germany

A big part of the Christmas celebrations in Germany is Advent. Several different types of Advent calendars are used in German homes. Find out some interesting facts about Christmas in Germany with ...
12 Views 25,004 Elem
Fact Sheet - Christmas Candles

Fact Sheet - Christmas Candles

Find out about Christmas candles. Use this fact sheet as an extra resource when teaching students about Christmas. There are many different reasons why candles are associated with Christmas, altho ...
5 Views 13,315 Elem
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Christmas Tasks for FCE Students

Christmas Tasks for FCE Students

Christmas, , ,
These worksheets give FCE students extra practice while completing Christmas related tasks. The material includes: Speaking - parts 1, 2, 3 and 4; Reading - part 2; Use of English - part 2 and Wri ...
20 Views 37,951 Exam


Activity to work with Christmas vocabulary such as Santa Claus, stocking, reindeer, snowman, sleigh, chimney and Christmas tree. In the end, students listen to the song "Jingle Bells", complete t ...
17 Views 32,656 ElemPre-Int
Song Worksheet: All I want for Christmas (Vocabulary Focus)

Song Worksheet: All I want for Christmas (Vocabulary Focus)

A simple and fun way to teach or review Christmas vocabulary through a well-liked modern Christmas carol. The focus is exclusively on vocabulary, unlike others I´ve seen. Use the first page ...
8 Views 19,763 Elem
Christmas Word Sramble

Christmas Word Sramble

Worksheet about Christmas with 2 exercises:in the firts exercise students unscramble the words and write them on the line. In the second one they color the pictures in the sheet as requested. & ...
13 Views 17,319 BegElem
Song Worksheet: Happy Xmas by John Lennon

Song Worksheet: Happy Xmas by John Lennon

This is a song worksheet based on John Lennon's song Happy Christmas. Students are supposed to listen and choose the best option from the given words. Suitable for beginners or elementary students ...
8 Views 29,561 ElemPre-Int
Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar

There are 24 slides in this Advent Calendar PPT, one for each day before Christmas. Click on the numbers on slide 1. It takes you to a slide with some pictures or with some tasks on it.& ...
32 Views 25,060 ElemPre-Int
Movie Worksheet: Thanksgiving and Christmas ( Friends)

Movie Worksheet: Thanksgiving and Christmas ( Friends)

Movie worksheet for the TV series Friends Season 4, episode 8 'The One with Chandler' which is about another one of their Thanksgiving gatherings. Not only is the American holiday of Thanksgiving ...
9 Views 29,977 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Test Party

Test Party

Rania Foka
Young Learners can be afraid of the actual word test, so I have decided to call a test - test party! This particular test is aimed for elementary students who have already been taught the past &nb ...
5 Views 8,599 Elem
Song Worksheet: Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Song Gap-Fill)

Song Worksheet: Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Song Gap-Fill)

Listening activity based on a well-known Christmas carol. The students listen to the song while they fill in the gaps with the words provided in the box. After the song has been completed and ...
13 Views 65,858 Pre-IntInt
Reading Comprehension - Christmas in Australia

Reading Comprehension - Christmas in Australia

What do some Australians hang on their front doors? Where does Santa Claus leave the presents? What does Santa Claus travel in? Students read through the information about Christmas in Australia a ...
20 Views 54,029 Elem
Reading Comprehension - Christmas in India

Reading Comprehension - Christmas in India

Which trees are decorated in India at Christmastime? What do Christians in Mumbai often display in their front window? Students are asked to read through the facts about Christmas in India and ans ...
8 Views 18,226 Elem
Reading Comprehension - Christmas in Holland

Reading Comprehension - Christmas in Holland

In the Netherlands, when does Sinterklaas bring the children their presents? What vegetable do children leave in their shoes for Sinterklaas's horse? Students read through this passage all about C ...
9 Views 12,633 Elem
Song Worksheet: All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey

Song Worksheet: All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey

This worksheet is basically designed for Christmas. The song is quite classic and has been performed by many singers. Students should listen to the song and circle the right word from two options ...
3 Views 34,849 Pre-Int
Present Tenses Review

Present Tenses Review

Present tenses practice with vocabulary topic - festivals and holidays. There are some exercises on present tenses and there are some words on festivals and holidays in order to know if students k ...
17 Views 32,465 Pre-IntIntAdv
Movie Worksheet: Christmas Conversation about the John Lewis Christmas Advert 2013

Movie Worksheet: Christmas Conversation about the John Lewis Christmas Advert 2013

First, show your class the John Lewis Christmas Advert from 2013 It's a lovely video that serves as its own conversation prompt in itself. This worksheet contains two versions. Divide your class ...
6 Views 15,245 IntAdvExam
Christmas in the UK

Christmas in the UK

This presentation contains mainly pictures associated with celebrating Christmas in the UK. It introduces students to the concept of advent, Christmas carols and Christmas food. I would then sugge ...
6 Views 12,750 All
Letter to Santa

Letter to Santa

This is a letter to Santa which you can use for elementary students. It is colourful, so they will be happy to fill in and describe their wishes for presents. I used it with my students as a proje ...
7 Views 16,103 BegElem


Holidays around the year (GB, USA). This presentation is for pre-intermediate and intermediate students. Including information about New Year´s Eve, St. Valentine´s Day, St. Patrick&ac ...
15 Views 23,533 Pre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: Friends (The One with the Holiday Armadillo- Christmas)

Movie Worksheet: Friends (The One with the Holiday Armadillo- Christmas)

This worksheet contains additional material for a video session if you plan to watch a Christmas episode of Friends, "The One with the Holiday Armadillo". There is a list of vocabulary (could be a ...
5 Views 24,734 IntAdv
Frankie's Funny Ear for Phonics

Frankie's Funny Ear for Phonics

I wrote it around Christmas time  for my students to read a simple story with ear sounds. It talks about a reindeer having an earache. The reason for the earache is explained, but I didn't ex ...
2 Views 5,867 Elem

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