Sometimes the same old exercises and games get a little too boring for your class - and that’s normal. The learning process requires some switching up from time to time. Too much repetition and structure make it much harder for students to absorb and work with a new language - but a relaxed and playful environment lets them know it’s safe to play around with what they’re learning, and use their grammar and vocabulary in new and creative ways.
Some teachers aim to address this problem with games like “hot seat” and “telephone” - and there’s nothing wrong with those games, in and of themselves. But repeating the same games every few days will bore students quickly, and make them feel like even the “fun” aspects of your classroom are still too rigid to really engage them. This is why new ESL teachers often find themselves looking for games and activities that break through those worn-out routines and breathe some fresh air into the class atmosphere.
If that’s where you’re stuck, why not help your students switch up their identities a little?’s 286 free role playing game worksheets will help bring your students out of the everyday, and put them in all kinds of situations that’ll challenge them to use their language skills in unusual ways. Our community of ESL teaching experts has done all the hard work for you - each worksheet provides clear and complete directions on how to set up and manage a role playing activity, so you’ll be ready to go as soon as you print it off.
These 286 worksheets offer role playing activities of every shape and size. Some put the students in various roles to act our common real-life situations - while others invite them to imagine voyages to foreign cities, challenge them to take on different jobs, or even cast them as characters in movies and fictional stories. From everyday dialogues to far-flung adventures, you’ll find a role playing activity for any occasion among the 286 worksheets we have to offer.
What’s more,’s worksheets cover an abundance of ESL levels and topics. Whether you’re practicing basic sentence structure with students around levels two and three, or pushing for fluency with advanced students at level five, we’ve got a worksheet for you. In fact, many of the 286 worksheets you’ll find here can easily be adapted for a variety of levels. And the topics they focus on range from pronunciation to grammar to vocabulary - and beyond.
How can you be sure that these worksheets will work in your classroom? Because every single one of them was created by an ESL teacher like you, and used successfully in a classroom somewhere in the world. All the worksheets on are contributed by our community of hard-working ESL teachers all over the globe - and they’ve made their resources available to you for free. That’s right - you don’t have to pay, or even register, to download, print, use, or duplicate any of the worksheets on this site.
Have a worksheet you’d like to share with our community? Just click the “Submit a worksheet” button below. Or browse the list in thumbnail view until you’ve found a role playing worksheet you can’t wait to use. It’s all easy with!
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This worksheet is a nice way to make the class on theatre amusing and motivate students to learn English. First of all, divide students into two group and ask them to fill in the grid on the first ...
This is a funny activity for intermediate students. Put the students in pairs (Student A, Student B) Give Student A a card (like those below). The card includes some expressions Student A must use ...
This is just a role play with an example and some situations for students to role play making suggestions and expressing preferences. I have tried this activity in class a couple of times. At firs ...
I designed this worksheet for a group of secretaries who needed practice speaking about obligation and schedules. I wanted them to practice communicating information about schedules, making a plan ...
This worksheet provides various sentences/phrases that may be used in a phone dialogue. I played the telephone game with my class as a warmer, and then we went over some phone vocabulary together ...
This is the 4th in a series of role plays designed to review "useful" english found in the textbook used for 2º Programa at a Bilingual High School in Spain. The role plays are designed to no ...
This is a role play for paired students of mixed proficiency. One student plays a customer who finds a cockroach in their food while the other student plays the waiter. Depending on their speaking ...
This is a worksheet in a series that I am doing to review for an oral exam for 2º Programa. It is based on the grammar used in the book with role plays that I have made to complement them. Mi ...
This worksheet is to help 2nd Program students prepare for an end of term oral exam. This particular role-play focuses on asking where, when, what happened, and the events that took place. There a ...
I made this to review with 2nd Program of the ESO. It's a role play activity to help them remember how to suggest activities to their partners. It contains three different situations. Would you l ...
This is a great conversation activity for Upper Intermediate students. There are two situations to choose from depending on the boy/girl ratio in class. The Family situation allows two students of ...
PW Oral practice: Working on to be supposed to + was/were going to Students will be in different roles - parents and children. The parent will say something the child was supposed to do and the ch ...
A role play is a great way for more advanced students to practice spontaneous speech. I teach the students the phrase "cross my palm with silver and I'll tell you your future", and, as a class, di ...
This worksheet contains a brief explanation of the infinitive of purpose and different activities, including two real-life speaking tasks. I created it for my student who works as a software devel ...
An interesting reading passage dealing with the possible risks posed by video games on children's health and life in general. The worksheets also include reading questions ranging from comprehensi ...
This is a worksheet where the students take the role of people who are in charge of a travel agency and are confronted with four different scenarios. They face problems that may happen during a to ...
Cinderella The famous fairy tale adapted to a script for pre-junior and elementary students to perform on stage. Many thanks to my best friend Angela for her co-operation to this work!!! level : ...
The famous fairy tale adapted to a sketch for pre-junior and elementary students. Students first can read the script and then to perform it on stage. Level : pre-junior, elementary' Skills : read ...
"Puss in Boots" The famous fairy tale adapted in a sketch for pre-A1 and A1 students to perform on stage. Level : pre-A1, A1 Skills : reading, speaking Objectives : Students can interact with th ...
Situational discussion on the role of cars in our society. Besides the discussion, it can also be used to work with conditionals and modal-should, present and past. Can be used with intermediat ...
This is a very low level script based exercise. Every student gets a copy. The teacher folds the paper in half along the y axis. Then hands one to student 1 and one to student 2. Student 1 read ...
I found this worksheet once on a language learning portal. It is a great role-play for practising the past continuous in a communicative, fun way. Make sure you first teach the past continuou ...
This replaces the previous file. I have updated it a little, based on student feedback. One student has a room to let, the other wants to rent a room. Using the sheets students write th ...
This is a role-play/improvisation where the students take it in turns to play the part of a door to door salesperson. They have to try to convince unenthusiastic buyers to purchase one of the new ...
The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how native English speakers can encourage a speaker to give more details about an event and also to indicate that we are interested in what the speak ...
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Role Playing Games?
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