Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teachers 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.
Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.
Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.
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This worksheet contains some useful speaking cards, it can be used to have a student-centered classroom. This worksheet is appropriate for all levels, and it's suitable for upper levels to test th ...
This particular worksheet is designed to encourage learners develop their speaking skills in the way they will have to face the speaking test in the First Certificate exam. It contains the second ...
This worksheet contains some questions about places in a town. Cut the cards, give each student a card, and ask the students to stand up, walk around the class, and talk with the other classmates. ...
This worksheet contains 8 questions about places in a town and countries. Cut the cards, give a card to each student, set a time limit, and ask your students to stand up, walk around the class, an ...
This powerpoint with great taboo words to play with a group. One student stands in front of the class, and cannot see the picture, others help him to guess the word. Wonderful tool to learn more v ...
This worksheet contains 6 topic cards. You can show a card to the class, give the students the instructions, put them into pairs or small groups, and ask them to talk. You may give them some think ...
The worksheet is an introduktion to the subject: "Two sides of a matter". I want them to be able to change perspective and see a situation from at least two sides. After working with this wor ...
Appreciation scale to evaluate an oral presentation for students of prevention risks (occupational health and safety). It is very useful for teachers who work with technical English. I used it to ...
The aim of this worksheet is to improve students speaking skills. This worksheet is appropriate for all levels. Teacher can put students in pairs or individually asked them to think about each top ...
A super conversation class. All you need is a dice and a voice! Students roll the dice two times, whatever the two numbers are the student has to chat about for a preset time ranging from 1-3 mins ...
This worksheet may help you to have a class discussion about comparatives. There will be question (A) and question (B) for different students. The students are going to have some conversations and ...
This is a worksheet for elementary level students (specially to kid audience). The task is explained inside the document attached for more references on how to do the exercise. There are 6 rows wi ...
I made this booklet on All About Me for my Pre- schoolers. First I discussed with the children about each page, making it into an interactive session. The responses were varied. The pictures on a ...
This is an activity you can use when you want your students to discuss something and they pretend that they don't know what to say. Give them these strange conversation starters. Il should bring s ...
If you lead the Speaking club, it is a nice topic to discuss. Students mostly share their experience and knowledge. Some facts could be logically understandable or you can use this link to discove ...
A worksheet for elementary students allowing you to introduce the topic of presentations. You may wish to complement it by watching a video of a presentation and ask the students if it was a good ...
This is a reading comprehension exercise for pre-intermediate and intermediate students regarding food crisis in the world. Students must read the text and then answer a few questions along with a ...
There are two recipes where students practice getting to know the amount of ingredients for cooking. So they repeat how much/how many and some verbs about cooking. You should pre-teach words if yo ...
This is a speaking activity which helps students to revise formation of questions using past simple. They need to get information from each other to acknowledge the discovery of the first chocolat ...
This is a variation on classic mingle "Find someone who..". I used it at the first lesson after the summer break. I like this lively activity much more than just teacher-student type of &nbs ...
This is a power point presentation with eleven useful question beginning with have you ever. The presentation has a lot of pictures related with each question. The aim of this is ...
Short biography of 4 famous people. Two Americans and two Brazilians (Barak Obama, Robin Williams, Wagner Moura and Valeska Popozuda). Great way to provide reading and speaking opportunity an ...
This Powerpoint is a fun way to build a sense of community amongst the students in your classroom. You can have students explain their answers, or you can have them pair up with someone in their ...
These worksheets can be used as a speaking activity. Students work in pairs and take turns in asking the questions. It's good if you as a teacher to circulate and monitor their work. At the end, h ...
These are activity cards. You can use them to practice speaking skilsl with your students at the same time revising vocabulary connected with shopping. My students love this game! They get into pa ...
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Mingling Activities?
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