Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teachers 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.
Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.
Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.
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Students design a reality show, and try to convince their peers to watch it. A whole class mingling activity for levels pre-intermediate and up. At least 6 students, preferably 10 to 50, ages roug ...
This mingling activity might be used as a warm-up for primary students at the elementary level. It lets them revise the spelling, practise "have you got" construction and short answers to it. The ...
Simply cut out and give the cards to the students for a short speaking activity. Suitable for starters, beginner & pre-intermediate. These cards include speaking using: adverbs of frequency, b ...
Students create a mini company, and design and sell apps. The "design" aspect is simple, and consists of inventing a name for the app, and describing what it does. A simple, whole class mingl ...
This is great for handing out to kids at the beginning of class and can be used when students go back to school. They can write down a few things about themselves and get to know a little about th ...
Missing Word Association Definitions. In this exercise students have to guess the missing words in the chain of associations. The teacher gives clues/definitions and also explains the connect ...
This is a fairly simple telco lesson, mainly aimed at older teenagers and young adults. Students form groups of 3 to 5, and create a mini company, then devise and sell mobile phone plans (=cell ph ...
This team activity can be space demanding especially if you teach a large class. But it is very easy to arrange the classroom for it. You just need to divide students into two groups and place two ...
It will help you to improve students' speaking skills. You will know how to prepare for a job interview, what job you want to do, how to find a job, what your dream job is, what different types o ...
All too often, teachers start off the lesson by saying, ‘Turn to page 65…’ It’s important to get the students warmed up and in the mood for English with a short activity, ...
This file includes four topic cards. You can put the students into groups of four, ask them to take a card randomly, and encourage them to talk. Hope it works well!
This worksheet contains questions to practise, and hopefully understand better, all the present, past and future tenses. It is fully editable, so you are free to add more questions if you want. Al ...
This is a fun game for reviewing jobs and what different people do in our community. It includes different jobs such as the coach, tailor, carpenter, plumber, etc. The instruction of the game is i ...
It is a definition- speaking game. We define the words at the top without using the ones under them. It is great for speaking and we all enjoy it. We print it and cut the cards. We use this game a ...
This worksheet includes different questions about Language. You can put your students into pairs or small groups and encourage them to talk. Hope it works!
This activity can be used as a warmer or filler and is based on a famous critical thinking exercise. It works well for young adults, but I guess might also be tried out with children and teenagers ...
It includes different questions about "Hobbies". Put your students into pairs or small groups and encourage them to talk. It is designed for elementary level. Hope it works well!
This worksheet contains some questions about the name. You can put your students into pairs or small groups and ask them to talk. It is designed for pre-intermediate levels. Hope it works well!
Cute cards with pizza slices on them that will help you to divide your class into three (or two if you eliminate one of the pizza types) groups quickly and in a fun way. Afterwards you can al ...
This is a great conversation starter or warm up activity for a classroom. The page shows a series of cats in different moods and conditions. The student should describe which cat he/she feels li ...
One of the main challenges that face ESL and EFL students is public speaking in a foreign language. This worksheet gives ESL and EFL students important tips for public speaking. It also provides c ...
It's an interesting speaking activity for students. It will give students an opportunity to personalise the topic and practise present simple third person singular. Students enjoy speaking about t ...
This worksheet contains different questions about the home. Divide the language learners into small groups and encourage them to talk. Hope it works well.
This power-point presentation is useful to talk about invention and inventors (such as Alexander Graham Bell, Edison, Wright brothers and etc.) . It is also useful for improving students speaking ...
11 18,440ElemPre-Int
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Mingling Activities?
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