408 FREE Mingling Activities and Find Someone Who
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FREE Mingling Activities


Mingling Activities – Ready, Set, Go!

Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teacher’s 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.

Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.

Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.

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  • Suitable for All Levels (26)
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Speaking Cards 2

Speaking Cards 2

• » Mingling Activities
This worksheet can be used for improving your students speaking skills. It contains different kinds of questions about different topics. It's appropriate for elementary and pre- intermediate ...
14 Views 43,800 ElemPre-Int
Speaking Cards

Speaking Cards

• » Mingling Activities
This worksheet can be used for improving your students speaking skills. It contains different kinds of questions about different topics. It's appropriate for elementary and pre- intermediate ...
12 Views 41,761 ElemPre-Int
10 Things

10 Things

•, Mingling Activities
This is an activity that can be used for any level, as you can adjust it to be more or less complex according to your students' abilities. The phrases should be cut up into cards (preferably lamin ...
18 Views 39,167 All
The Improvisation Game - 45 Second Speeches with 98 Fun Mini-speech Topics

The Improvisation Game - 45 Second Speeches with 98 Fun Mini-speech Topics

Freek Metsch
•, , Mingling Activities
A great speaking exercise to get both your shy and bold students enthusiastic about speaking English. The goal of the game is to make a 45 second improvised speech on a random topic (98 topic ...
38 Views 103,159 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards Dice Game

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards Dice Game

•, Mingling Activities
An easy but fun activity to get students speaking in your IELTS Speaking class and you just need two dice. Get the students to roll the dice to choose their topic, then give them a minute to prepa ...
21 Views 71,288 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
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Backpack 3, Speaking Test

Backpack 3, Speaking Test

•, , Mingling Activities,
I've designed these cards for units 4, 5, and 6 of Backpack 3 speaking practice. You can put the students into pairs or small groups and have them ask and answer. Hope it helps.
5 Views 28,002 Elem
Greeting and Customs

Greeting and Customs

I have designed this worksheet for Top Notch 2A classes. It includes several questions for the first unit of this book, Greeting and Customs. It is designed for pre-intermediate and upper levels. ...
8 Views 46,386 Pre-IntIntAdv
Speaking Cards - Starter Level

Speaking Cards - Starter Level

•, , , , Mingling Activities
I have designed these cards for my starter classes. It includes different subjects including colors, jobs, foods, animals, and action verbs. Hope it works.
12 Views 52,169 Beg
Top Notch 2A, Speaking Cards

Top Notch 2A, Speaking Cards

•Mingling Activities,
I have designed this worksheet for speaking classes. It has got six speaking cards based on Top Notch 2A units. It is designed for pre-Intermediate and upper levels. Hope you find it useful. :-)
17 Views 46,202 Pre-IntIntAdv
Ice Breaker

Ice Breaker

• » Mingling Activities
This is an ice breaker for elementary level. Have the ss complete the card and then put them all in an empty box. Students choose a card randomly and read it aloud for the class. Next, they have t ...
11 Views 24,782 Elem
Animals, Taboo

Animals, Taboo

•, , Mingling Activities
Students need to guess the top word without using any of the 'taboo' words underneath it. I find this activity very useful in vocabulary and self-confidence building. Divide your class into two te ...
12 Views 58,082 ElemPre-Int
Talking Cards

Talking Cards

Rita Maria Nowicka
• » Mingling Activities
Using one or two decks of cards and the questions sheet ss pick a card and answer the corresponding questions. Ss are awarded points for their answers. Good for fluency warmers, fillers etc. Adapt ...
5 Views 23,233 All
Activity: Communication

Activity: Communication

BusyTeacher Contributor
•, Mingling Activities
A popular and engaging game involving communication and trust. The task is very flexible, works for groups of various types and sizes, and can be adapted to youth, adults, corporate, etc. Cr ...
5 Views 25,356 All
Shakespeare Card Game

Shakespeare Card Game

This game is designed to make your students talk and exchange information. The materials used are expressions coined by Shakespeare which have become widely used ("love is blind", "as dead as a a ...
14 Views 23,054 IntAdv
In the World of Books

In the World of Books

•Mingling Activities,
Speaking activity. To begin with, it would be good to discuss/present the genres of literature. Afterwords, students look at the questions provided and talk to a friend (friends) about reading. Af ...
4 Views 15,744 ElemPre-Int
Human Bingo

Human Bingo

•, Mingling Activities
This worksheet is very interactive when you want your students to stand up and speak up.  They have to find different clasmates that have done different things in life. Once they find all the ...
11 Views 41,195 Pre-Int
Movie Worksheet: Global Warming Listening and Discussion Lesson

Movie Worksheet: Global Warming Listening and Discussion Lesson

BusyTeacher Contributor
Environment lesson for a group class. Used it while teaching a discussion based class as good stimulus for discussion (the video) and gave people more ideas about how to talk about global warming. ...
8 Views 29,915 IntAdv
Find Something

Find Something

• » Mingling Activities
The worksheet has to be cut in different parts. Each part is a category. In groups of two or three, the students have to find lots of words for each category. E.g., find something that is blue: th ...
10 Views 26,123 Beg
Candy Icebreaker

Candy Icebreaker

• » Mingling Activities
Pass around candy and tell each student to choose 2-5 pieces of candy. After they have chosen their candy, you will instruct them to take cards, based on the type of the candy they have chosen, an ...
13 Views 27,546 Pre-IntIntAdv
Easter Speaking

Easter Speaking

•, Mingling Activities
This is a power point that I have designed with 10 questions related to Easter for advanced students who want to practice their speaking. Students will be able to answer the questions freely and t ...
7 Views 35,757 IntAdv
Zen Speaking

Zen Speaking

• » Mingling Activities
It's a PowerPoint presentation. Skill/s: speaking and listening. Tell students to pick a number. Randomly, they will have to choose one topic out of 4 and speak about it. Ideally, there shou ...
15 Views 23,833 BegElemPre-Int
Movie Worksheet: Mind Your English (Vocabulary and a Debate Topic)

Movie Worksheet: Mind Your English (Vocabulary and a Debate Topic)

Anastasia Melnikova
•, Mingling Activities,
The comedy show "Mind your English" is the perfect tool when teaching English. The segment can be found on Youtube (the link is included into worksheet). It's a simple worksheet with vocabulary fr ...
8 Views 27,808 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Play - Using Words and Expressions with the Word 'Play'

Play - Using Words and Expressions with the Word 'Play'

•, , Mingling Activities
For elementary students and above. This is a lexis worksheet for various expressions that include the word 'play'. There is a lead-in section to elicit prior knowledge, a gap-fill section and a se ...
5 Views 25,736 ElemPre-IntInt
Speaking (Shopping and Holiday)

Speaking (Shopping and Holiday)

This file includes speaking cards for shopping and holiday. It is designed for pre-intermediate and upper levels. Hope you find it useful.
15 Views 57,059 Pre-IntIntAdv
Movie Worksheet: Sitcom

Movie Worksheet: Sitcom

•Mingling Activities,
This is a great lesson that uses a short sitcom clip (3 minutes) and helps students practice English in a fun natural way. Lesson file includes: -Video Link -Script -Vocabulary -Fill in the B ...
36 Views 32,241 IntAdv

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