399 Present Continuous Worksheets and Lesson Plans: FREE and Teacher-Tested!
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FREE Present Continuous Worksheets

Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If you’d like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.

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Song Worksheet: Lemon Tree

Song Worksheet: Lemon Tree

Present Continuous,
I used this worksheet with 6th grade students to practise present continuous and activate some vocabulary items. Students have to listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the correct form of t ...
13 Views 45,106 Elem
Present Continuous Miming Game

Present Continuous Miming Game

Present Continuous,
Hi all the enthusiastic teachers. I am here again with a miming game. There are 23 simple sentences written. You can cut them and give the students who  volunteer to mime :) The question is " ...
20 Views 83,439 ElemPre-Int
Song Worksheet: Lemon Tree by Fool's Garden ( Edited )

Song Worksheet: Lemon Tree by Fool's Garden ( Edited )

hi :) I like this song and I think it is very useful to practice Present Simple and Present Continuous. The students are asked to fill in the blanks in lyrics while listening to the song. You can ...
9 Views 27,501 ElemPre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: Ang Lee's Life of Pi ( Group Follow up Activities)

Movie Worksheet: Ang Lee's Life of Pi ( Group Follow up Activities)

This is a selection of fun activities that you can do after watching Life of Pi. I've used this with 5th and 6th graders with great success. They can put themselves in Pi's shoes, they can cut a ...
8 Views 17,598 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Song Worksheet: Guavaberry

Song Worksheet: Guavaberry

Present Continuous,
It's a song for elementary students. You can review present continuos tense. It's a tropical song useful to work with adults. Pronunciation is very clear and the rythm is nice. It has four differe ...
5 Views 4,715 Elem
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Stative Verbs - I'm Loving It

Stative Verbs - I'm Loving It

Present Continuous,
A student asked me to explain if "I'm loving it" was grammatically correct! I found this great blog post (http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/im-loving-it-grammar.aspx) and used it as a basis for ...
13 Views 26,946 IntAdv
What Are the Celebrities Doing Now?

What Are the Celebrities Doing Now?

» » Present Continuous
It's a powerpoint presentation that can be used to introduce present continuous to teenagers. This presentations shows activities that celebrities are doing at the moment of speaking. It can be us ...
14 Views 8,531 Elem
Song Worksheet: Going Under by Evanescence

Song Worksheet: Going Under by Evanescence

Present Continuous,
-ing forms of some verbs analyzing the song "Going Under" by Evanescence. The song might be a little heavy for some audiences but is good enough for teenagers and people who like rock. I used it t ...
7 Views 9,048 Elem
Present Continuous with Slovak Translation

Present Continuous with Slovak Translation

» » Present Continuous
This "worksheet" is a power point presentation dealing with the forms and use of the present continuous tense - it's affirmative, negative, question, wh-question and short answer form. The example ...
2 Views 6,346 BegElem
Song Worksheet: Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega

Song Worksheet: Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega

Present Continuous,
I found this song on the internet and I noticed many teachers use it for teaching the present continuous. However, I adapted it a little bit by adding some pre, while, and post listening activitie ...
15 Views 22,172 ElemPre-IntInt
Present Continuous for Starters

Present Continuous for Starters

» » Present Continuous
A powerpoint presentation to practice present continuous with children. children choose a verb and then have to choose the correct answer to a question. I have chosen to give a choice between rig ...
16 Views 9,298 BegElem
Verbs for Movers

Verbs for Movers

, Present Continuous, ,
A powerpoint presentation teaching verb tenses in a colourful way for movers or starters. I usually use a section at a time, sometimes to teach a new tense and sometimes before introducing questi ...
15 Views 15,246 BegElem
Present Simple and Present Continuous

Present Simple and Present Continuous

Present Continuous,
You can make it as a test of present simple tense and present continuous tense. I use it for my first quiz of present simple and present continuous.
10 Views 14,680 BegElem
Daily Activities/Routines

Daily Activities/Routines

This worksheet can be used to reinforce and practice simple present and present progressive as well as daily activities and routines. It contains pictures of routines with the vocabulary and stude ...
27 Views 58,192 Elem
Grammar and Vocabulary Test for ESL Learners

Grammar and Vocabulary Test for ESL Learners

It is a multiple-choice test of grammar and vocabulary for 12-14 year old ESL learners. It tests Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Articles: a,an, the, some, zero article; Direct/Indirect speec ...
9 Views 19,707 ElemPre-Int
REVISION: Present, Past Simple & Continuous, Adjectives, Questions, Word Order.

REVISION: Present, Past Simple & Continuous, Adjectives, Questions, Word Order.

, Present Continuous, ,
It's a simple revision of present and past - simple and continuous, some adjectives, questions and word order. Of great use before starting with the course book. It can also be used as a sort of p ...
24 Views 28,768 Pre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: One Life by James Morrison

Song Worksheet: One Life by James Morrison

Hi guys, this worksheet was great in helping my students practise the Past Simple. It also helped them reflect on the importance of making the best of their youth, pondering on choices they make n ...
6 Views 11,042 BegElemPre-IntInt
To Be, Present Simple and Progressive, Future, Simple Past

To Be, Present Simple and Progressive, Future, Simple Past

, , Present Continuous,
This file is a complete review for student (Elementary Level): Verb to be, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple and Future, with exercises. This review was done for elementary student ...
8 Views 21,411 Elem
Talking about the Future

Talking about the Future

, , Present Continuous
Exercises about going to - will - present continuous Students just have to answer the questions and then they correct their sheet with the teacher. Students can work in groups.
15 Views 19,335 Elem
Present Continuous Revision Worksheet

Present Continuous Revision Worksheet

» » Present Continuous
This is a pretty simple for teaching or revising the present continuous tense at elementary level. Recommended for elementary students who are asked to write sentences according to the picture given.
13 Views 12,077 Elem
Grammar Test: Future Simple, Future Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous

Grammar Test: Future Simple, Future Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous

Dear colleagues, I offer you two variants of this test. It consists of four exercises. Three of them have similar task - students have to put a verb into the right form. 1.Future continuous, 2. Fu ...
28 Views 85,830 ElemPre-Int
Present Continuous Test

Present Continuous Test

» » Present Continuous
Here is a complete test with a variety of graded exercises on Present Continuous. It also includes exercises on Present Simple vs Continuous and on state verbs, plus a reading comprehension. There ...
10 Views 20,891 Pre-Int
What a Dilemma!

What a Dilemma!

Well the first part of the guide is necessary to create a word puzzle and paste here with the words of the story. So students can familiarize first with the vocabulary of the story and then solve ...
14 Views 9,335 Pre-Int
Medieval Life [Reading]

Medieval Life [Reading]

Present Continuous,
This is a text about medieval life. We can see the description of several scenes. Two students are at the museum and are watching some paintings. The young girl is describing each painting with d ...
11 Views 12,355 Pre-Int
What Are They Doing? Present Continuous Worksheet

What Are They Doing? Present Continuous Worksheet

» » Present Continuous
it is a worksheet illustrating the use of the present continuous. Answering the question (Wwhat are they doing?) students would use the present continuous to write sentences describing what they ...
9 Views 8,287 Elem

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