Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If you’d like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.
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This power-point presentation is helpful for teaching outdoor activities, present progressive and question formation. It contains activities such as: roller skating, jumping rope, riding a bike, c ...
Student a is describing his/her postcard until student b is able to recognise the country. Or student A is talking about stereotypes of a given country and the rest has to guess which country it i ...
This is a grammar test for upper intermediate and advanced students. Teacher divides students into groups and nominates each group to answer the questions. It's a multiple choice test which covers ...
This is a fictitious newspaper article about a hit-and-run offence. Students need to complete the text by put the verbs into the correct tense in the active or passive voice. Use to check students ...
This is lyrics for Today My Life Begins song by Bruno Mars, I am using it for my pre-intermediate level students to revise present simple, continuous tenses. I am using it at the beginning of the ...
This is a PowerPoint for teaching present continuous for future arrangements. It is designed for elementary levels and it includes an activity to check the learners' understanding. You may find it ...
This worksheet is intended for students in early stages of primary education. It will help them to internalise typical vocabulary of clothes, colours or asking and answering about people's clothes ...
A powerpoint that explains the grammar rules for all the different English tenses. It contains examples, spelling rules, and shows the students how to form the verbs in normal, interrogative, and ...
This is a set of memo cards. They can be used in present continuous or present simple practice. Topic is mainly: in the park. My students make sentences with them, or play memo game. I use p ...
This is a fill in the blank worksheet of the song "I see the light" from the Disney hit Tangled. While I was working with this song I found out that it's practically all about present continuous ...
This PowerPoint contains some farm animals, such as cat, frog, horse, etc. and what they are doing. It is appropriate for both absolute beginners and elementary levels. You may find it useful at t ...
This is a worksheet based on Goofy - The Art of Skiing. The grammar is present continuous. It is designed for absolute beginners of learning English. It contains a yes-or-no activity. You can down ...
This PowerPoint includes some actions at the playground such as swinging, sliding, running, etc. The grammar is present continuous and it is appropriate for elementary levels. It also contains two ...
This power-point presentation presents clothing related vocabulary. It also contains some pictures which you can ask students to describe, e.g. "What is s/he wearing?". This power-point prese ...
This is a PowerPoint for teaching Present Continuous. It is designed for elementary levels and it contains some classroom actions such as listening, talking, writing, coloring, and etc. You may fi ...
This power-point presentation is appropriate for elementary students. This file can be used to review present continuous (positive and negative forms). It contains three parts, first is gap fillin ...
We are presenting a full explanation of the present continuous tense usage in positive sentences, negative sentences, questions and short answers. The exercises are aimed at the use of "I", "we", ...
Use this activity to review or introduce present continuous to your students. The worksheet is divided into 3 exercises. Each exercise will work for a different area of knowledge. E.g. In ex ...
It includes activities to revise the content of the movie Divergent. I prepared some activities to do before watching, while watching and after watching the film. It worked really well with elemen ...
This is a PowerPoint presentation which is appropriate for elementary students. It includes some pictures and some useful sentences children can use in parks or playgrounds. It can be good for stu ...
Here is a worksheet that is related to present continuous, and different parts of a house. Your students are supposed to look at the picture and complete the sentences in Present Continuous with p ...
This worksheet is appropriate for learning the present continuous tense. It includes some pictures that are related to playing in the playground. The students are supposed to look at the pictures ...
This is a set of questions for use with the game Hex. It's like playing tic-tac-toe: you number all the squares, and when a team chooses that square, it must answer the question corresponding to t ...
This is a set of questions for use with the game Hex. It's like playing tic-tac-toe: you number all the squares, and when a team chooses that square, it must answer the question corresponding to t ...
6 13,104ElemPre-Int
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Present Continuous?
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