Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If you’d like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.
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Exercises on the present simple, past simple, present continuous and past continuous. How to identify these tenses, make these tenses, make different sentence structures (negative and interrogativ ...
It is a useful speaking, writing and reading activity for your students using powerpoint and whiteboard. They will need to work in pairs practising Present Continuous affirmative, negative and que ...
This is a worksheet to practice present continuous tense. Students search the picture for things that are happening at the moment and write affirmative sentences. Then they have to ask questions a ...
Present Continuous word search to reinforce learning of spelling rules and of vocabulary for the present continuous. List of words used in this word search: SHOPPING, GETTING, STAYING, CUTTING, P ...
It's an easy reading comprehension for 3rd form pupils. It includes present simple and present continuous. Pupils must complete the comprehension exercise with one, two or three words. The aim of ...
It is a useful speaking activity for your students using Ppt. Your students will need to work in pairs describing children's clothes. They will need to ask each other questions using Present Conti ...
Students can review the affirmative, negative and question form through a table and do a few exercicises. In ex. 1 & 2 Stds write affirmative and questions.
This is a writing exercise, revising the Present Simple and Continuous, the Past Simple and Continuous and the Future Simple. There are affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences to be form ...
A board game to practise Present Continuous in which students have to make affirmative, negative or interrogative sentences according to the pictures and the verbs given. Recommended for elementar ...
A Worksheet including 96 ACTION VERBS illustrated with the corresponding picture to teach Present Continuous. Use them according to the age and level of your students as picture dictionary, class ...
Everyone enjoys watching movies. But did you ever think we could make our own movie today? Let's go for it! This is a good exercise in practicing Present Continuous and daily activities. It is a g ...
A complete worksheet to make clear the difference between Future Simple, be going to and Present Continuous used for future actions, including a complete grammar guide / study sheet on the use of ...
This worksheet focuses on verbs used for chores and errands. The first page lists some suggestions for use. There are six unlabeled pages of pictures, one for each of these categories: cleaning, d ...
This is a PowerPoint presentation (game) to practice the Present Simple tense and Vocabulary related with Hobbies. Students listen and read the question look at the picture and choose the correct ...
Form and use of the present continuous followed by four exercises in which students fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets; complete sentences and change the sentences ...
Worksheet on Present Continuous tense for elementary students, containing a brief explanation and eight different tasks: - write sentences - Write the - ing form of the verbs: - Answer questions ...
The worksheet contains a number of short reading passages (present simple and present continuous are used). Pupils are to answer the questions using the appropriate tense. Good for those who only ...
The students practice telling the time in different cities. They also practice Present Continuous - ask them to guess the names of the cities and write them in the blocks, then they guess the ...
There are pictures where students have to write sentences using action verbs +ing. It's a good and fun way to practice verb recognition for beginner level students. Can be used as a warmer, revisi ...
This is just a word search for ing verbs, can be useful when teaching/revising Present Continuous. Hope you like it. List of words used in this word search: COOKING, DRAWING, LYING, HIKING, SITTI ...
This worksheet includes a test on Present Simple vs Present Continuous. It's very simple and will work well for absolute beginners or elementary students. The last exercise is on the verb 'to like ...
The song worksheet contains two pages: the first with the lyrics and another page with different exercises for the same song. The students will have to fill in the blanks, match, and compare the l ...
Everybody knows the importance of teaching English with songs, that's it, to make our classes more exciting. So, this song worksheet provides a joyful way to teach the Present Continuous Tense and ...
A worksheet designed to provide present continuous practice with 4 different and easy tasks. Including negative, affirmative and Interrogative forms . 1. write the -ing form of each verb in the c ...
This is actually a PPT presentation that I've converted into a PDF file. Its contents aim to foster ss awareness of Present Progressive for present actions. By showing students contextualized exam ...
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Present Continuous?
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