The Family is Sleeping

The Family is Sleeping

rated by 8 teachers
The Family is Sleeping
Everyone enjoys watching movies. But did you ever think we could make our own movie today? Let's go for it!
This is a good exercise in practicing Present Continuous and daily activities. It is a good warmer as well. At the beginning each student is given a family member name, so everybody knows who they are. Then the teacher is reading the story. While reading each character mentioned needs to say the words given, do the motion, and do what the story actually says.

For example, "The mother is giving each of them a lunch box". So "the mother" needs to say, "I am so beautiful!" and pretend looking at the mirror and right away do the motions as though she is giving lunch boxes to "the children".

Students need to say their words and do the motions every time they hear their names in the story. It's a lot of fun.