Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If you’d like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.
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You can use these posters as a visual aids for kids for a short period of time until they get present tenses accurately.... it's like a feedback. Personally my kids did it better with this aid. Ho ...
This is a colorful boardgame which is aimed to review some important grammar topics: verb tenses, reported speech, degrees of comparison, plural nouns, some / any, adverbs, modal verbs, etc. Suit ...
This is a ws to review some grammar points at the beginning of school year, which can also help you spot the "problem areas" your students might have in terms of grammar. The exercises include tas ...
This 2-page worksheet is suitable for elementary students. The first page is basically just a study sheet with detailed explanations and example sentences, and the second page has a simple a ...
In this exercise you have to write sentences using present continuous tense. We can see many people doing different activities in the open air. In this exercise there is a house so students can ta ...
I would llike to share this diagnostic test I've prepared for my 3rd-year English students at my High School. There is a Grammar section with exercises of present simple and continuous, past simpl ...
Here is a simple but effective worksheet to teach the differences between these two present tenses. It has explanations and examples at the top and 3 different exercises to go with it. Recommende ...
A cheat sheet perfect for students to review tenses of the verb 'to be'. Beside each tense it shows a timeline, which is excellent for students who are visual learners. The sheet includes present ...
Video activity to practice the Present Continuous/Progressive. First you have the movie plot to read, after that while watching the movie students complete the dialogues and write sentences accord ...
A good song to practice Present Continuous. The worksheet contains different activities to do with the lyrics of the song " Lemon Tree" by Fools Garden. Students have to complete them with the cor ...
This is an excellent way to review will, going to and present continuous to express future time. There are two activities, with audio, in which students are asked choose which tenses or verb form ...
With this board game students will practice the most common tenses while playing! They are asked to make affirmative, negative or interrogative sentences with the correct form of the verb (presen ...
Worksheet to provide Present Continuous practice. There are two exercises in which students fill in the blanks with the right form of the Present Continuous and build up sentences with the correc ...
The worksheet practices the contrast between Present Simple and Present Continuous. While completing the task students make sentences to describe the situations given in the cards, exchange inform ...
This worksheet can be used to practice the continuous tenses. I used it for past continuous specifically. I handed each student a card and then called on two students at once to perform their acti ...
This worksheet is an exercise of Present Continuous Tense for primary students. It includes three exercises. Using the pictures, this will ease the students to form the Present Continuous Tense. T ...
This worksheet was made for elementary students to practice the Present Continuous Tense. Here students should finish sentenses using the positive form of Present Continuous. The worksheet is colo ...
Worksheet to practice the present continuous tense. There are two different tasks in which students choose a verb and complete the sentences and build dialogues using the present continuous. Reco ...
A set of cards to encourage conversation. Students will learn or reinforce the use of the past continuous tense. They have to look at the card and make sentences using the affirmative, interrogat ...
This material contains a grammar guide and three types of exercises - one on present simple, another on present continuous, and one on both tenses.
Hope you find it useful!
The worksheet contains the rules of formation and four exercises - to write the "-ing" form of the verbs, and three other exercises - use the verbs in affirmative, interrogative and negative cont ...
You will find some activities based on the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You will be able to work on grammar (Present simple & present continuous, can/can’t), vocabulary (the ...
Five different exercises to practice the present continuous tense. Students Look at the pictures and write sentences using the present continuous, fill in the blanks with the correct form of the p ...
Fill in the blanks activity with the present continuous using the Tom's diner's lyrics! There are the Teacher's and student's sheets that you can use in the classroom with the meaning of specific ...
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Present Continuous?
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