The future simple is usually the third tense that students learn so it is a topic covered in classes for beginners. There are 224 Future Simple worksheets to choose from on this page and even more worksheets on tenses on the main tense page. The future simple is often the easiest tense for students to use once it has been introduced because sentences such as I will study tomorrow are constructed by simply adding the word will. Here is an example of a worksheet from this section. It is a fifteen minute pair activity for low level learners. After printing out the directions and cutting out the phrase cards, you will be ready for class. The activity is pretty straightforward and focuses not just on using the future simple but also on time clauses. If you already have worksheets for the future simple, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.
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This is a writing exercise, revising the Present Simple and Continuous, the Past Simple and Continuous and the Future Simple. There are affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences to be form ...
Grammar exercises about simple past and complete beginner vocabulary. You can find also some preposition exercise and simple present questions. It can be used as a review for a test or even to tes ...
A complete worksheet to make clear the difference between Future Simple, be going to and Present Continuous used for future actions, including a complete grammar guide / study sheet on the use of ...
You can use this worksheet during your grammar lessons when learning Future Simple or just to revise this tense. This worksheet will help your students learn Future Simple tense. Children should a ...
An activity to practice the distinction between the use of these two modal verbs. Ten sentences, not so much as to get bored. May be used as homework. Keys are included.
This is the second part of my worksheets "Let's read and write about...'. Student have to read the text on the given topic, then they do some after-reading tasks. First they have to match the word ...
This is a cut-up Tarot card game. This can be used for practising the future tenses. Give out one deck of cards per a group or pair of students. Students then take turns to predict each other's fu ...
Several exercises to practice future simple / continuous / perfect / perfect continuous. Created based on the materials from the book Total English Intermediate and Upper-intermediate (student's b ...
The worksheet is based on the film Deep Impact. It aims at showing students the use of will, might, going to structures for predictions about the future. It also includes a task on practicing the ...
3 pages and a total of 6 excercises which cover the order of a sentence, the usage of personal pronouns, verb tenses (past/present and future) and students have to form past tense questions. I hop ...
This worksheet provides good practice of present and past tenses along with adjectives while talking about a celebrity or one's champion. It is intended for pre-intermediate to intermediate learne ...
This simple matching exercise is based on an old but superb coursebook, New Cambridge English Course 2. It can be used either as a warmer or a follow-up when presenting Conditional 1 to your stude ...
This is an activity based on a scene of Harry Potter 5. I prepared to my students to test Simple Future. There are textual comprehension questions, too. The vocabulary it contains is quite easy, ...
This is a worksheet which practises the conjugation of Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Simple Future and Simple Conditional tenses ...
It's a review of the most common writing mistakes. Pupils are asked to read a letter and correct the underlined mistakes; grammar, punctuation, word order, spelling, tense, word form ... They are ...
Fold your piece of paper along the line. Write the name of your classmates (one in each line). Unfold your piece of paper and read the sentences. Do you think he or she has done something like tha ...
This a concise lesson plan on the use of "Will" for future predictions based on a Futurama episode - including a short speaking and writing activity. In terms of grammar progression it is ba ...
The worksheet presents the song of Stacie Orrico - I promise I will, with completing, joining, ordering and question activities. It's not a very popular song but it was nice to introduce the topic ...
This is a review of contents about language and grammar for levelling pre-intermediate and intermediate students. There are gap filling exercises, word selection exercises, writing exercises in wh ...
Present Simple - All types of sentences - Revision. This worksheet is very useful when revising Present Simple.
P.S. You do not have to give your students all of the exercises given in this works ...
One page of elementary level exercises to practise the future tense. Students exercise the use of will, will not, or won't depending on the type of sentences. They also pay attention to the right ...
It is a very useful worksheet for those who would like to practise future tenses up to upper-intermediate or advanced level. I It contains exercises to learn the form and use of these tenses. I ho ...
This contribution contains information about how contractions are formed, and exercises to practice the rules. Aimed at elementary students. There are three exercises on formation, recognition an ...
This worksheet is aimed at practicing all future tenses, some sentences are very simple, others are quite difficult. There are 18 sentences to practice in this worksheet. Key is included. Have a ...
Future Simple and "to be going to"
Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple
Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the future simple
What will y ...
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Future Simple?
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