The future simple is usually the third tense that students learn so it is a topic covered in classes for beginners. There are 224 Future Simple worksheets to choose from on this page and even more worksheets on tenses on the main tense page. The future simple is often the easiest tense for students to use once it has been introduced because sentences such as I will study tomorrow are constructed by simply adding the word will. Here is an example of a worksheet from this section. It is a fifteen minute pair activity for low level learners. After printing out the directions and cutting out the phrase cards, you will be ready for class. The activity is pretty straightforward and focuses not just on using the future simple but also on time clauses. If you already have worksheets for the future simple, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.
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Here's the third poster in our new 'Grammar' series. Give these simple, yet so effective classroom activities a try, they will help you when the time comes to present or review the Simple Future! ...
This handout is meant to be used as a reminder for the students. The teacher needs to give full explanation and hand it only as a way to remember/reinforce the use of "do, does, did, will and woul ...
This is a PowerPoint presentation explaining various ways how to express future in English. Each slide gives the name of the grammatical structure, how it is formed, in which situations it is used ...
So this powerpoint presentation will help you to practise such constructions as "future simple" and "be goint to". The task is to fill in the gaps using these grammar structures. Hope they will sh ...
This worksheet contains future forms (will, going to, present continuous). It's a grammar-guide. It can be used in the first lesson about the topic. There are a few exercises and it's a black and ...
This is a set of invented tarot cards. I use them to review simple tenses with lower levels, but I'm sure it's also perfect with more advanced students. Divide the class in pairs or groups of four ...
This worksheet is useful to practice How long ...(duration of activities and tenses ...)
It's an exercise with questions about duration of daily activities. You can develop a conversation about i ...
This is a worksheet for revising the future forms: will, going and present continuous. There are explanations and example sentences followed by an activity in which students are asked to complete ...
With this song you can revise Simple Future Tense - will. You have to fill in the blanks will+verb. It is a very simple way how to revise Simple Future Tense. Level of students can be both beginne ...
The worksheet contains 6 talking activities concerning the will and going to future forms and the sci-fi topic. Talking about plans, expressing opinions with "I think...", considering what can(not ...
This is an easy and nice paper to teach your students 'will' for future intention. The level of students can be either low or intermediate. Before listening to the song discuss all unknown words a ...
A role play is a great way for more advanced students to practice spontaneous speech. I teach the students the phrase "cross my palm with silver and I'll tell you your future", and, as a class, di ...
This is a simple worksheet to practise WILL for predictions. First ask students to describe how they see the future answering the questions provided. Then ask them to write 3 additional questions ...
The worksheet presents the song by Alexander Rybak and Lotta Engberg - Baby It's Cold Outside with blanks and teacher's notes on the second page. There are verbs in Future forms in the blanks (Fut ...
Hi everyone! This is a fun worksheet to use at the end of your lesson or to practice the future. First teach the pupils the rules. The pupils receive a worksheet. There they can find plans of dif ...
Just a short simple future dictation to aid the student to see the different between going to and will. I read out the dictation then have each student write one sentence on the board. Everyone wa ...
This worksheet is an exam or quiz about different tenses such as to be (present and past), simple present and past, present progressive, going to and will; It has different kinds of exercises wher ...
This worksheet may fit beginners and help them practice the simple future in a fun way as it starts with a poem and contains various comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation easy activ ...
An inspiring worksheet for pre- intermediate to intermediate learners using an advertisement for a reading comprehension test which may serve as a summative evaluation. This paper encoloses compre ...
Let’s Talk 1 Practises verb tenses: Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple This worksheet can be used for conversation practise and preparation for oral exams. My adult students fi ...
The difference between (be going to) and (will). This sheet helps your students to tell the difference between both. When we use each one of them and how we use it too. It contains the description ...
This is a worksheet for intermediate students. It's a listening comprehension activity. Students watch the trailer and answer some comprehension exercises, based on movies vocabulary and predictio ...
A few activities to do while and after watching the film. This worksheet is already present on in my page. I hope you don't mind having seen it somewhere else. I used it to focus ...
My students asked me to pay tribute to Whitney Houston, so I decided to make this exercise. Besides the tribute you can also link it to future tenses. Giving extra emphasis on the I will part... a ...
This activity is to practice the Simple future (Will) and consists in to make the students ask their partners about their future activities in 10 years. After they collected the information, they ...
11 14,423Pre-Int
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Future Simple?
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