224 FREE Future Simple Worksheets

FREE Future Simple Worksheets

The future simple is usually the third tense that students learn so it is a topic covered in classes for beginners. There are 224 Future Simple worksheets to choose from on this page and even more worksheets on tenses on the main tense page. The future simple is often the easiest tense for students to use once it has been introduced because sentences such as I will study tomorrow are constructed by simply adding the word will. Here is an example of a worksheet from this section. It is a fifteen minute pair activity for low level learners. After printing out the directions and cutting out the phrase cards, you will be ready for class. The activity is pretty straightforward and focuses not just on using the future simple but also on time clauses. If you already have worksheets for the future simple, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.

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Movie Worksheet: TED: and Now, the Real News

Movie Worksheet: TED: and Now, the Real News

This worksheet was designed for the TED talk by Kirk Citron "And Now, The Real News." I created it for a group of Business English students, when we covered the topic of predictions. It includes t ...
14 Views 30,915 Adv
Science and the Future

Science and the Future

I prepared this for an upper-int to advanced adult class. I adapted it from an article from the Guardian. It really got the students talking and debating. They were really interested. The best way ...
6 Views 11,820 Adv
Future Tenses

Future Tenses

Future exercises. Students have to complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets or write sentences using some given words. I hope these exercises will be useful for your ss. Students can wri ...
7 Views 20,750 ElemPre-Int
Song Worksheet: One Way or Another

Song Worksheet: One Way or Another

The worksheet is dedicated to the song called "One way or another" (Blondie / One Direction), extremely popular nowadays and adored by many young learners. Apart from the gap filling exercise (lis ...
21 Views 83,922 IntAdv
Future Clauses

Future Clauses

• » » Future Simple
The PPT presents Future Clauses using Before - As soon as - After - When. The first slide presents a situation and then a set of statements describing what the character needs to do step by step. ...
5 Views 12,674 Pre-Int
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Future : For Plans and Decisions

Future : For Plans and Decisions

•Future Simple,
The PPT shows short conversations that introduce the future tense with WILL and BE GOING TO. BE GOING TO is used for plans already made and WILL is used for decisions made at the moment. The fir ...
8 Views 31,703 ElemPre-Int
Reading Comprehension: My Future Plans and Expectations

Reading Comprehension: My Future Plans and Expectations

•, Future Simple,
This is a reading comprehension text.I used it as a test after teaching future plans,conditional type 1 and time conjunctions. My laerners are asked to read the text and to do some activities rela ...
24 Views 256,652 Pre-IntInt
Ad Mad Game

Ad Mad Game

Ad Mad Worksheet - Identify the Tense used in these popular Taglines and write your answers in the space provided. To learn English Grammar visit Magic Pathshala English Resources. For follow up ...
7 Views 10,280 All
Future Forms

Future Forms

•, Future Simple
In this worksheet you can practise with your students all the future forms that are used in English language (except future perfect and future perfect continuous). It is a good way to practise and ...
12 Views 18,144 ElemPre-Int
Making Arrangements, Inviting, Accepting, Refusing

Making Arrangements, Inviting, Accepting, Refusing

It´s an oral activity for students to practice vocabulary on movies and make arrangements to meet.They can use expressions to invite, accept and refuse invitations. They have to improvise co ...
42 Views 89,184 Pre-IntIntAdv
Will vs GoingTo Worksheet

Will vs GoingTo Worksheet

•Future Simple,
This is a worksheet for teaching the differences between will and going to. Recommended for pre-intermediate students who are asked to fill in the blanks with going to or will and match sentences ...
15 Views 23,991 ElemPre-Int
New Year's Resolutions Using

New Year's Resolutions Using "Will"

•Future Simple, ,
This three-page worksheet explains the tradition of making New Year's resolutions. It also introduces the grammatical structure for making promising using "will". There are plenty of examples and ...
15 Views 43,849 ElemPre-Int
Song Worksheet: Skyfall by Adele

Song Worksheet: Skyfall by Adele

This worksheet is meant to practice listening through focus on rhyming words. It is interesting to analyze the meanings of Skyfall in the movie. With upper levels , you could previously watch a sc ...
10 Views 20,978 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Conversation Questions: Future Goals and Plans

Conversation Questions: Future Goals and Plans

•Future Simple, ,
It is a kind of game that encourages ss to speak in given time. The teacher is supposed to explain the names of cards ( spades- hearts- clubs-diamonds) first, give the question as a  hand o ...
22 Views 71,069 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Canada Text Review

Canada Text Review

This worksheet contains a small text about Canada and it is directed for Brazilian students of the English language. There is also some questions for conversations and eight spots to put the new w ...
3 Views 20,087 Elem
Simple Future Worksheet

Simple Future Worksheet

• » » Future Simple
SS will have to read the different situations and check the corresponding box. This may be helpful for pre-intermediate, intermediate students. Hope you'll find it useful. :) My SS really enjoye ...
5 Views 8,476 Pre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: Fortune Teller by Maroon 5

Song Worksheet: Fortune Teller by Maroon 5

This worksheet contains the lyrics of a Maroon 5 song (Fortune Teller). I prepared it for the topic of fortune telling/predictions as a relaxing but still engaging activity. First page: lyrics wit ...
11 Views 21,571 ElemPre-Int
Song Worksheet: One Life by James Morrison

Song Worksheet: One Life by James Morrison

Hi guys, this worksheet was great in helping my students practise the Past Simple. It also helped them reflect on the importance of making the best of their youth, pondering on choices they make n ...
6 Views 11,000 BegElemPre-IntInt
Present Simple to Future Simple Table / Examples

Present Simple to Future Simple Table / Examples

This worksheet provides examples as well as tables for present simple/ continuous, past simple/ continuous, present perfect simple, future simple, and be going to. It provides examples to find th ...
11 Views 13,912 ElemPre-Int
To Be, Present Simple and Progressive, Future, Simple Past

To Be, Present Simple and Progressive, Future, Simple Past

This file is a complete review for student (Elementary Level): Verb to be, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple and Future, with exercises. This review was done for elementary student ...
8 Views 21,288 Elem
Talking about the Future

Talking about the Future

•Future Simple, ,
Exercises about going to - will - present continuous Students just have to answer the questions and then they correct their sheet with the teacher. Students can work in groups.
15 Views 19,221 Elem
Billy Jean Gap Fill Song Activity

Billy Jean Gap Fill Song Activity

Listen to the song Billy Jean and fill the gaps. An alltime classic! Enjoy. One activity that can be done before giving out the worksheets is on a piece of paper get the students to write down any ...
4 Views 25,132 All
Grammar Test: Future Simple, Future Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous

Grammar Test: Future Simple, Future Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous

Dear colleagues, I offer you two variants of this test. It consists of four exercises. Three of them have similar task - students have to put a verb into the right form. 1.Future continuous, 2. Fu ...
28 Views 85,632 ElemPre-Int
Travelling Test

Travelling Test

• » » Future Simple
Listening comprehension and language test. First, students listen to the text then answer the series of comprehension questions spelling and pronunciation tasks. Second, students complete the ...
5 Views 14,310 Pre-Int
Revision of Tenses for Pre-Intermediate Students

Revision of Tenses for Pre-Intermediate Students

This is a worksheet I use to revise present tenses, past tenses, present perfect simple and future simple, that means the tenses with which pre-intermediate students should already be familiar. I ...
17 Views 31,288 Pre-Int

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