The passive voice can be taught in a wide variety of ways. Examples can be given. Exercises can be used. Games can be organized. Worksheets can be assigned... and sometimes, the best way to teach the passive voice is just to use it in sentences like the ones above. If you want to make sure that your class really understands what the passive voice means - and where it does and doesn’t make sense to use it - you’ll probably want to employ a combination of all these teaching tactics.
Teaching the passive isn’t as simple as rehearsing with sample sentences - after all, the modern approach to ESL teaching emphasizes a balance of grammar, reading, speaking, and listening. To make sure your students really understand the passive voice, it’s important to get them involved in all these activities, until their knowledge of the passive is grounded in a variety of experiences, and they feel confident about producing it on their own. The question is, where can you find exercises for all four learning categories?
That’s what is here for! Our 246 passive voice worksheets will ensure that you never run out of ways to teach the passive, no matter how many class periods you have to spend on it. No matter if you’re preparing your lesson plans weeks in advance, or putting together some last-minute exercises before you rush off to class (hey, it happens to all of us), our passive voice worksheets will prepare you to tackle the passive voice from all angles.
Some of our 246 passive voice worksheets help you create role playing games and other high-energy activities. Others invite your students to read and answer questions about stories. Still others offer real-world examples of the passive voice in English writing and speaking. And of course, you’ve also got plenty of introductory fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice passive voice worksheets to choose from.
Working through a unit on countries, or holidays, or movies? has got you covered! Our worksheets draw on a variety of themes for inspiration, and you’re sure to find some that fit into any topic of conversation. And whether your students are still working through ESL level one, or are approaching fluency at level five, we’ve got worksheets adapted for their level - along with many that can easily be adaptable to any ESL level.
All these worksheets have been created by real ESL teachers all over the world - and they’ve ended up on because they were hits in the classroom. When you choose a passive voice worksheet from, you never have to wonder if it’s workable or not, because it’s already been proven to work. Have a worksheet of your own to share with our community? Just click the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page.
As you browse our library of 246 passive voice worksheets, you’ll notice that you can preview all of them as thumbnail images, so you can quickly single out the ones that look especially interesting. Once you’ve found some you like, just download them and print them out - they’re totally free to use and share as you like. So scroll on down and take a look - we’ve got a passive voice worksheet for every occasion!
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This passive worksheet contains 35 questions of active-to-passive exercises in various tenses. Each sentence contains simple construction of a subject, a verb and an object without adverbs of time ...
This is a 3-page worksheet for revising the passive voice at intermediate level. There are 3 different exercises in which students are asked to rewrite the sentences in the passive doing it i ...
This activity is designed for a warm-up while studying passive voice. At first students can be asked to speculate about a picture of a kidnapped girl. After that, they are supposed to form sentenc ...
This worksheet I personally used as a test though you might also like to use it for class practice. It consists of two exercises. In the first one students have to paraphrase sentences without cha ...
This pair-work activity functions also as a game. Apart from completing gaps with an appropriate passive form students compete in guessing an item first. After each completed sentence that they re ...
There are 25 items to practise the use of "have something done" or "causative have" with answers. High school students and B1 aspirants can practice this interesting exercise as part of the ...
This worksheet is meant to help students practise Passive Voice. The idea is for them to be able to improve their skills when it comes to this particular topic. Generally people complain that they ...
This is the 2nd worksheet of a series to revise grammar points for advanced students. In this one they will revise the use of prepositions and passive voice. The students have to fill in the blan ...
This is a worksheet for revising the causative use of to have at intermediate level. Students are asked to reword the sentences given using have or get with a past participle. The answe ...
This is a simple activity for revising the passive voice at pre-intermediate level. Students are asked to rewrite the sentences given using the passive voice. The worksheet is available ...
There is an exercise to practise past perfect passive that I recommend, as I haven't found any other worksheet for this topic on the site. I hope you'll like it. See you later.
With this worksheet students will exercise passive voice with present and past tense. Students have to change sentences from Active to Passive voice, choose from an active verb to a passive one an ...
This is a test on Passive voice and Present Simple vs Present continous. Basicaly it is a test aimed to evaluate grammar, but there's also an exercise on grammar and reading at first. You ca ...
This ppt is based on Natural English textbook, pre-intermediate. It includes:- pronunciation (-ed-); -Passive Present and Past Revision; - a small intro to the Reading section: different types of ...
The table includes examples of tense shift for the passive in English. This table is intended as a reminder fur successful mastering of the passive forms. The table includes an active sentence and ...
MS Power Point presentation. The topic is Passive Voice - Present Simple and Past Simple. In this presentation it is shown how to form Passive Voice using these tenses, basic structure, example s ...
This is a very simple worksheet for teaching the passive voice.Students are asked to rewrite the sentences given using the passive voice and underline the correct option.The answer key is included.
Four activities about conditional clauses, passive voice, reported speech and verbal tenses. The first activity is about reported speech. Students will transform the sentences from direct speech t ...
In case you are about to take TKT practical, here's one example of a real Lesson Plan. It contains template, language analysys, stages, slides (you can download the actual power point at 4shared), ...
Three activities about conditional clauses, passive voice and reported speech. You can use them to revise these grammar points. The first activity is about conditional clauses. Students will compl ...
Students find difficulties when learning this structures. Here you have some explanation and exercises. I hope they will understand the use of the causative form with have+object+past participle o ...
This is a worksheet for teaching have and get in a passive structure at intermediate level. There's a brief explanation followed by two different activities to go with it. The answer key is included.
Three activities about conditional clauses, passive voice and reported speech. You can use them to revise these grammar points. The first activity is about conditional clauses. Students will compl ...
Three activities about conditional clauses, passive voice and reported speech. You can use them to revise these grammar points. The first activity is about conditional clauses. Students will write ...
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Passive Voice?
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