Welcome to the numerals and dates section of Busy Teacher. Here you can find 338 related worksheets that cover these topics at a variety of learner levels. This worksheet has several activities that have been used to help beginners practice cardinal numbers. These games can all be played as a class or in groups; the rules are simple but playing certain games like Buzz can be tricky so you may need to adapt the game to suit your students better. There are also study guides, activities, and of course date exercises you can download from this section too.
These basic topics are introduced and covered in beginner courses but to start out with, students will be dealing with a small amount of material such as cardinal numbers and months of the year. Students may need some short review exercises from time to time to refresh their memories and of course more complex numbers such as very large numbers, percents, and anything with a decimal point should be covered with intermediate students. Students in business English courses may need more practice with this specific topic than the regular English learner so be aware of the needs of your students. Saying and comprehending numbers and dates can be challenging for students; they often find these topics complex and difficult even if they prove that they have a good understanding of the material by performing well on various exercises. Be flexible and assure your students that you can give them as much practice as they want or need.
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I made this worksheet to make pupils revise cardinal numbers easily. Its consists of completing the charts and there is some homework as well. This worksheet can go together well with the one I ma ...
This is a PowerPoint presentation for teaching cardinal numbers from one to ten at elementary level. Each slide is presented with high-quality graphics and audio for easy memorization. It's also ...
This is a pretty easy worksheet for elementary students on dates, months and days of the week. There are 3 easy activities in which students are asked to write the missing letters to complete the ...
The Olympic Games have started! This is a worksheet to start talking about them and see some new vocabulary. It's about the Olympic Flag, its rings and colours and the Olympic medals. There's a co ...
It's a board game based on the game "perfil". This board game contains two categories: person and country. The teacher prints the board and the cards. At the classroom, the teacher divides the stu ...
Power point presentation being numbers and prices revision game for pre-intermediate and intermediate students. I found 15 products on ebay and students have to guess how much they cost. The team/ ...
This worksheet allows children to practise the alphabet, numbers, colours and even vocabulary words. Give children clear instructions so they colour the squares you mention (ie, A5-red, D2-yellow. ...
This is a worksheet to work with kids ages 4 and 5. They have to match the corresponding sea animal with the right number. Then you can work with a dictation and put into practice numbers and colo ...
Mr. Bean's real identity is revealed. This worksheet contains Rowan Atkinson's biography as well as reading comprehension questions and the key. This worksheet was designed for Mexican ELL's in th ...
Hey, teachers. Hello again. This time I would like to share one activity about numbers. First, you have a chart with the numbers and then let the activities begin. You have crosswords, mathematics ...
In this memory game students will relate images and phrases about the quantity of family members, and especially, they will practice the use of [i][/i]I've got, the use of "s" in plural. Also, the ...
It is an useful and beautiful worksheet that provides the numbers from 0 to 9 and their corresponding names. Children can color the numbers and learn how to spell and name each of them. It can be ...
Create an inspiring environment in your classroom and encourage learning with this colourful numbers poster. The poster is also available in black and white version.
Colourful and funny numbers (1-10) with their writings under it. This can be used with children to present them numbers. Each number is a character, so it can be used as flashcards or in games (u ...
Thanks to aXis11 for blank snakes and ladders sheet. Fun boardgame inviting students to answer questins and do simple sums to practice numbers 1 - 20. Emphasis on the harder 11-20 group. Played th ...
It helps pupils to have a clear view of Australian facts. They can do research on specific parts before then in group work they put together their work and present it to the rest of the class. I d ...
It's a listening worksheet about how the orange juice is made. Students need to complete missing words and numbers. It's an active listening with visual help. It's a practical use of language that ...
Watch the video from Youtube and then read the worksheet. When watching it for the second time pause after each section and do the exercises on the worksheet. I hope you will have fun.
This workwsheet can be used before teaching your students the "Five Little Monkeys" song. Through this activity the students can either learn or review the numbers from 1 to 5. Your students can a ...
This is a set of flashcards for teaching cardinal numbers. There are 10 flashcards with numbers from 1 to ten and 1 classroom poster. Recommended for beginners.
This worksheet is about reviewing different topics for basic level, such as colors, shapes, alphabet, etc. The activities you can find in this worksheet are the following: An exercise about the al ...
Through this colourful game young students will learn the cardinal numbers. It is played with dice and counters, when students land on a square they are asked to make a sentence using the picture ...
Exercises to be used after watching the pilot of episode of Pan Am series. I suggest the use of subtitles in english and some activity to practice vocabulary first (which is not includded) It coul ...
This worksheet should be addressed to adults. Teachers must have in mind that this exercise is totally based on real-life questions. The last five questions deal with age. After answering the ques ...
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Numerals and Dates?
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