338 FREE Numerals and Dates Worksheets
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FREE Numerals and Dates Worksheets

Welcome to the numerals and dates section of Busy Teacher. Here you can find 338 related worksheets that cover these topics at a variety of learner levels. This worksheet has several activities that have been used to help beginners practice cardinal numbers. These games can all be played as a class or in groups; the rules are simple but playing certain games like Buzz can be tricky so you may need to adapt the game to suit your students better. There are also study guides, activities, and of course date exercises you can download from this section too.
These basic topics are introduced and covered in beginner courses but to start out with, students will be dealing with a small amount of material such as cardinal numbers and months of the year. Students may need some short review exercises from time to time to refresh their memories and of course more complex numbers such as very large numbers, percents, and anything with a decimal point should be covered with intermediate students. Students in business English courses may need more practice with this specific topic than the regular English learner so be aware of the needs of your students. Saying and comprehending numbers and dates can be challenging for students; they often find these topics complex and difficult even if they prove that they have a good understanding of the material by performing well on various exercises. Be flexible and assure your students that you can give them as much practice as they want or need.

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  • Pre-Intermediate (95)
  • Intermediate (38)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (12)
  • Exam Level (4)
  • Suitable for All Levels (3)
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Quiz, Numbers 1-20

Quiz, Numbers 1-20

Mariana Ledesma
This attractive worksheet will make your students practise the spelling of numbers 1-20, sometimes tricky at elementary levels. By listening and writing, matching and completing the gaps with the ...
8 Views 23,269 Elem
Days of the Week

Days of the Week

My senior students like all sorts of puzzles very much. These worksheets are suitable to practise vocabulary easily in different ways and having fun. With crosswords, scrambled words and "snake-wo ...
13 Views 52,352 ElemPre-Int
12 Months Of The Year

12 Months Of The Year

My senior students like all sorts of puzzles very much. These worksheets are suitable to practise vocabulary easily in different ways and having fun. With crosswords, scrambled words and "snake-wo ...
8 Views 32,671 ElemPre-Int


This is a worksheet suitable to revise the months and the ordinal numbers. First the students read the whole sentences and then they fill in the corresponding dates in their short forms. At the en ...
10 Views 34,481 ElemPre-Int
Dates and Days of the Week

Dates and Days of the Week

With this worksheet your students can practise the ordinal numbers and the days of the week. They learn how to say the dates in a correct way and the different ways to write them. If they know the ...
9 Views 52,225 ElemPre-Int
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Vertical Addition with Carrying

Vertical Addition with Carrying

Carrying is an important maths skill that builds on a child's understanding of place value. This maths worksheet was created for primary/elementary school students and it includes 20 vertical addi ...
4 Views 11,580 Elem
Exercise Gogo Unit 9: How Many Are There?

Exercise Gogo Unit 9: How Many Are There?

Quynh Nhu
If you use Gogo series to teach your students, especially unit 9 "How many are there?", you will need it. The students have to write the answers, including numbers and plural nouns, to the questio ...
3 Views 14,332 BegElem
3 Days in Toronto: Suggested Itineraries

3 Days in Toronto: Suggested Itineraries

Ana Carvalho
This class involves reading, writing and speaking skills. Students are supposed to read the website page that shows options of travel packages, choose the ones they consider interesting and build ...
7 Views 22,373 Pre-IntIntAdv
Months and Numbers - Matching Exercise

Months and Numbers - Matching Exercise

You can use this worksheet in two ways. For a speaking-exercise you laminate the page and cut out the pieces. Students have to combine the pieces and say the whole sentence. They can do it in pair ...
10 Views 48,340 ElemPre-Int
Numbers and Alphabet

Numbers and Alphabet

This is a simple worksheet were students will be able to recall and practice numerals from 1-10 and also order words alphabetically through matching activities, tracing activities, identifying wor ...
10 Views 21,290 Beg
Practising There Is/There Are with Easter Eggs

Practising There Is/There Are with Easter Eggs

This is an Easter worksheet for young learners. They can practise some colours, cardinal numbers and there is/ there are structure. The worksheet involves colouring and drawing Easter eggs, comple ...
15 Views 36,589 BegElem


It's helpful for students to differentiate between 13 and 30. Students usually mispronounce or can't distinguish the pronunciation between 13 and 30, 14 and 40, 15 and 50. This is a great exercise ...
7 Views 7,681 BegElemPre-Int
Bingo, My Classroom

Bingo, My Classroom

Bingo: a fun game to review school supplies, colors, and numbers. The teacher has to read out the words by randomly selecting them from a bag and the students have to cross them out. This game can ...
10 Views 15,885 Elem


A simple worksheet about numbers from one to twenty. Exercises to review numbers; count and write each numbers; write missing letters of numbers, and learn numbers. This is good for those who have ...
6 Views 14,596 Elem
Presentation: Dates, Months, Zodiac Signs, Ordinal Numbers

Presentation: Dates, Months, Zodiac Signs, Ordinal Numbers

This is a presentation of dates, months, holidays, star signs and ordinal numbers. There is a special section about the th sound, to help students pronounce the ordinals easily. There is also ...
11 Views 34,645 BegElem
How Many?

How Many?

This is a PowerPoint for revising numbers. Each slide contains this question "How many X are there?" and the language learners are asked to count and respond "There are ...." . It is designed for ...
8 Views 7,917 Elem
First Day of School

First Day of School

This worksheet can be used for reviewing and practicing school supplies (crayon, book, table, and desk) and counting, and also reviewing cardinal numbers 1-10. It includes questions and examples t ...
4 Views 13,769 BegElem
American Headway Intermediate Listening Practice

American Headway Intermediate Listening Practice

Extensive listening practice for American Headway Intermediate level. The file provides the link where audio tracks are available for download. So far, I have only worked through the first 3 Units ...
6 Views 14,170 Pre-IntInt


Here you will find exercises about modal verbs and vocabulary from compound nouns and other that can be very useful for teachers and students. This can be used as a worksheet or as a test for your ...
5 Views 24,926 Pre-IntIntExam
Days and Dates

Days and Dates

This worksheet helps student to practice saying the days of the week, years. Besides it can help students to review the seasons and weekdays related vocabulary. It is useful to practice ordinal nu ...
10 Views 64,231 Elem
Test for Junior

Test for Junior

elena tsilimpari
A small test on vocabulary and grammar for juniors . Vocabulary about numbers 1-20, family, school items, colours. Grammar about plurals,verb to be, possesive adjs. This/That, a/an. Eas ...
5 Views 24,903 Beg
How Old Are They?

How Old Are They?

Look at the pictures and think of how old these characters could be. Then write the age in the gaps (spell the numbers). Students can use their imagination to choose whatever age fits the characte ...
7 Views 9,071 Elem
Numbers and Number Words Flash Card Match

Numbers and Number Words Flash Card Match

2 pages. Print the first one on coloured paper and the next page on a different colour. Cut out the flashcards. Flashcards are now ready to use. Put students in groups and get them to match the nu ...
5 Views 19,733 Beg
Revision Time!

Revision Time!

This worksheet includes a variety of exercises for young learners of English. I have done it with my students in class and it was a success. I hope you like it too. Here they can revise the alphab ...
2 Views 18,610 Beg
Easy Math Worksheet

Easy Math Worksheet

This worksheet includes easy multiplication and addition with pictures. The colorful images of objects help child to learn and identify things as well as count them. Bright pictures help students ...
1 Views 10,754 ElemPre-Int

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