Welcome to the section on countable and uncountable nouns. While native speakers have no trouble using countable and uncountable nouns correctly, second language learners may struggle to remember which nouns are which. Choose one of the 229 worksheets in this section to give your students some extra practice. This worksheet is popular with busy teachers and gives students more practice using many, much, few, and little. It includes some excellent explanations of the material and many practice activities. Some notes are not written in English but you can easily edit those parts to be in your students native language. If you do not want to use the entire worksheet, just choose the sections that will be most useful to your students and make a worksheet of your own. This worksheet might not be the best fit for your students so look at the other worksheets on this page to find the one that is. Remember that all the worksheets are free so choose as many as you want.
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I used this song as a treat for my students at the end of the class but also to practise uncountable and countable nouns. It can also be used as a revision of the too much/too many structure. It h ...
This is a worksheet for teaching or revising quantifiers at pre-intermediate level. There´s a brief explanation at the top of the page followed by a simple activity in which students ar ...
This worksheet is aimed to practise Too Much, Too Many & Not Enough, both with countable and and uncountable nouns, to describe the quantity wanted or needed. First and explanation is given of ...
This is a a worksheet for revising countable and uncountable nouns. Recommended for elementary students who are asked to say if the nouns given are countable or uncountable, fill in the gaps with ...
This is a simple ppt about quantifiers too, too much, too many, not enough. Some of the slides show the use of the quantifier and provides examples, other slides give students the chance to speak ...
Visually interesting graphic which asks to identify the abstract nouns and puts them in context. Very useful to hang in class or as a tool for revision. Even the movie below can be used as a link. ...
This is a crossword for teaching collective nouns.Recommended for intermediate students who are asked to complete the crossword by using the across and down clues given.The answer key is included.
This activity is for beginners who have already started studying English. This worksheet has exercises to review grammar topics, such as Lots of, a Lot of, Countable and Uncountable Nouns. It's m ...
This exercises is designed to practice the use of quantifiers. Students get the copy and they need to find the reason for this state using quantifiers. For example the situation is: I don't like t ...
A very popular game to practise the use of quantifiers. Students work in pairs. They play "noughts and crosses", but before they put a nought or cross on the grid they have to create a sentence wi ...
This is a worksheet for teaching quantifiers at elementary level. Students are asked to complete the sentences with some and any,write questions using how much or how many and give complete answe ...
This worksheet helps to revise much/many/few/little. The song is taken from the movie "Dick Tracy". Many of my students watched the movie and know the song but few understood what is it about. S ...
It is a worksheet to use either before the smoking wordsearch so that learners create a good idea of what vocabulary items they are looking for or after completing the corresponding wordsearch to ...
A 2-page worksheet with various exercises to practise the use of SOME/ANY/MUCH/MANY/A LOT OF/(A) FEW/(A) LITTLE. This worksheet helps understand the difference in the usage of the quantifiers thro ...
This game helps students to revise simple vocabulary ( e.g. parts of the body, vegetables,etc). It can also be used as an icebreaker on a first day class. Students and teacher complete each item. ...
This worksheet is to basically test the students knowledge about nouns. It is geared towards a grade3/4 level. This test assesses both the teacher and the student. section 1 entails-identification ...
Give your students a very interesting and meaningful reason of bringing their own dictionary in class. Try facilitating this non-conventional dictionary drill. It’s so fun and engaging! Th ...
This is a power point presentation to introduce the topic of countable and uncountable nouns and the use of some and any for beginners, so it does not goes much further on grammar explanation, jus ...
A worksheet with food vocabulary practice. Also food expressions are emphasized "Do you want some more?" With a native language vocabulary translation section (where they read the word and write t ...
It is a gap-filling test on quantifiers. It requires the knowledge of the use of such words as: much, many, a lot, some, any, no, (a) few and (a) little. It consists of four exercises. Students ha ...
This is powerpoint that I made to reinforce the use of "There is/are" with a, any, or some by using famous paintings. Students should look at the paintings and either write what there is first an ...
An easy way to teach your students to use quantifiers through real-life example sentences!!! They'll finally remember the difference between "a little", "a few", "little" and "few"!!! Can be set a ...
It's a full-page colourful grid explaining the basic uses of a / an / some / any which includes examples of all the cases considered. I created it in order to help my absolute beginner students an ...
These flashcards can help to present food and drink vocabulary. They can also be used to practice grammar structures such as there is/are, countable or uncountable nouns, some, any a/an. ...
This presentation is devoted to quantifiers: too many, too much, not enough. Each slide gives you one situation illustrated by a funny picture. Looking at the picture and the tip words the student ...
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Countable/Uncountable Nouns?
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