229 FREE Countable/Uncountable Nouns Worksheets: Teach Countable and Uncountable Nouns with Style!
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FREE Countable/Uncountable Nouns Worksheets

Welcome to the section on countable and uncountable nouns. While native speakers have no trouble using countable and uncountable nouns correctly, second language learners may struggle to remember which nouns are which. Choose one of the 229 worksheets in this section to give your students some extra practice. This worksheet is popular with busy teachers and gives students more practice using many, much, few, and little. It includes some excellent explanations of the material and many practice activities. Some notes are not written in English but you can easily edit those parts to be in your students’ native language. If you do not want to use the entire worksheet, just choose the sections that will be most useful to your students and make a worksheet of your own. This worksheet might not be the best fit for your students so look at the other worksheets on this page to find the one that is. Remember that all the worksheets are free so choose as many as you want.

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Some or Any?

Some or Any?

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This worksheet was made to help students grasp the basic difference between some and any. It contains some graphic explanation of the grammar and rules to be found by the students. A brief gap-fil ...
3 Views 10,925 Pre-IntInt
Some - Any

Some - Any

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This is a some - any powerpoint presentation designed to teach young learners (movers) . The aim is for students to learn that we use some before plural nouns in affirmative sentences and any befo ...
6 Views 24,455 BegElem


Dilley Rocio Angel Eusse
•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
In this worksheet your students have to recognize, analyze and circle the best option for each sentence, taking into a count the right use of the quantifieres, they can work in pairs and then shar ...
6 Views 26,084 BegElem


Dilley Rocio Angel Eusse
•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This workshhet can be very useful for you and your students. They can choose the best options trying to understannd the sentences and applying their previous knowledge. Then you as ...
7 Views 21,932 Elem
Some and Any

Some and Any

• » » Countable/Uncountable Nouns
I prepared this presentation for my young students starting to learn determiners 'some' and 'any'. I divided the words into 'I see' and 'I don't see' groups adding the third one with 'I want' defi ...
8 Views 12,561 Elem
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Prepositions On, In, At - Review

Prepositions On, In, At - Review

Daniela Gall
•Countable/Uncountable Nouns, , ,
General review of preposittions on in and at. Also there is/are and to be in simple present. These pages can be used not only for beginners but also for elementary classes, created to provide rea ...
11 Views 24,365 BegElem
Cooking a Spanish Recipe

Cooking a Spanish Recipe

Carolina Piñeros
•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This worksheet is to practice the format of recipes. Students will watch a video on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8p5UtV4GqY), complete the list of ingredients, translate some cooking ...
8 Views 45,248 ElemPre-IntInt
How Many, Tere Is / There Are

How Many, Tere Is / There Are

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This power-point presentation is appropriate for teaching and practicing question formation with "How many", "There is and there are", and also it is helpful for reviewing school supplies related ...
9 Views 15,125 BegElem
Countable Nouns (Easy Explanation + Exercises PPT)

Countable Nouns (Easy Explanation + Exercises PPT)

• » » Countable/Uncountable Nouns
This is a powerpoint presentation which provides easy and clear explanation of countable and uncountable nouns. In the end, there are interactive exercises. I am sure this activity will clear out ...
16 Views 23,519 Elem
Collective Nouns Memory Cards

Collective Nouns Memory Cards

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
Memory game to help students remember collective nouns such as 'stack of plates', 'pack of gum', 'flock of birds' and so on. The cards are pictures only, therefore you should teach the collective ...
7 Views 19,271 Pre-IntInt
Balloon Volleyball

Balloon Volleyball

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns, ,
Balloon volleyball game for elementary students. Consists of a basic description of the game plus some variations and suggestions. The basic game is just to play volleyball with a balloon, and say ...
6 Views 10,569 BegElemPre-Int
Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Benjamin Chapman
•Countable/Uncountable Nouns, ,
A fun ESL grammar exercise worksheet with pictures (food and drinks) for kids to study and practise countable and uncountable nouns. Write C for countable nouns and U for uncountable nouns. Useful ...
23 Views 86,812 BegElem
Quantifiers ( a Lot of, Many, Much)

Quantifiers ( a Lot of, Many, Much)

• » » Countable/Uncountable Nouns
This worksheet is appropriate and useful for practicing quantifiers such as: (a lot of, many and much). It contains a short explanation of how we use them in a sentence. This is also useful for pr ...
15 Views 32,545 Elem
Too Many/ Much and Not Enough

Too Many/ Much and Not Enough

• » » Countable/Uncountable Nouns
This is a PowerPoint for teaching the grammar of too much/ many and not enough to ESL or EFL learners. It is designed for elementary levels, particularly adults, and it includes a gap-filling acti ...
8 Views 19,019 Elem
A Diet: Days of the Week Poem

A Diet: Days of the Week Poem

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns, , ,
This is a worksheet with an ironic poem about what a person eats on each day of the week. It can be used to study days of the week, food (mainly vegetables and fruit), usage of "some" with plural ...
8 Views 23,605 BegElemPre-IntInt
Quantifiers Betting Game

Quantifiers Betting Game

• » » Countable/Uncountable Nouns
The given worksheet provides the opportunity to practice quantifiers such as (a) little, (a) few, both, each, every, much, many, neither, a bit of, through an interesting game. The rules are the f ...
15 Views 32,207 IntAdv
Quantifiers- Some, Any, No and Their Compounds Grammar Theory

Quantifiers- Some, Any, No and Their Compounds Grammar Theory

• » » Countable/Uncountable Nouns
Quantifiers, some, any, no (and their compounds) grammar theory. Arranged in a table which makes it easier to memorize when they are used. With Greek translation but, it can easily be altered into ...
5 Views 15,592 Pre-IntInt
Some or Any PPT

Some or Any PPT

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This is a PowerPoint for revising the grammar of some and any. It includes a fill-in-the-gaps activity. It is appropriate for elementary levels, both kids and adults. You can use it at study or ac ...
10 Views 34,663 Elem
Food Quantities

Food Quantities

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This worksheet is appropriate for teaching and reviewing food quantities. This worksheet includes two pages, first it contains some pictures with detailed sentences, and in second page there are s ...
13 Views 41,789 BegElem
A World of Food

A World of Food

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This power-point presentation presents the names and pictures of different kinds of food (e.g.drinks, desserts, etc.). It contains some food quantities (loaf, jar, bottle). This power-point presen ...
16 Views 17,596 Elem
Some or Any PowerPoint

Some or Any PowerPoint

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This is a PowerPoint for revising some and any at elementary level. It contains two different activities. First, students are asked to complete the sentences with some or any. Then, they are asked ...
9 Views 10,743 Elem
Much, Many, and a Lot of PPT

Much, Many, and a Lot of PPT

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This is a PowerPoint for teaching or revising many, much, and a lot of at elementary levels, both adults and kids. There is a brief explanation using some photos. Also, it is followed by a fill-in ...
18 Views 28,490 Elem
Countable and Uncountable Food

Countable and Uncountable Food

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns, ,
This worksheet is appropriate for reviewing countable and uncountable nouns. There is an activity which ask students to make uncountable nouns countable. Moreover it includes an activity where stu ...
23 Views 92,404 Elem
Song Worksheet: Too Much Love Will Kill You by Queen

Song Worksheet: Too Much Love Will Kill You by Queen

This worksheet was used within the topic "Quantifiers", but can be used to practice prepositions as well. Exercises: complete the sentences with the missing words from the box. Insert th ...
6 Views 32,760 Int
Dublin´s Fair City (Quanitifiers)

Dublin´s Fair City (Quanitifiers)

•Countable/Uncountable Nouns,
This worksheet gives students  work on the use of quanitifiers. They read a description of Dublin and discuss it. After that they discuss the use of quanitifiers and classify them into counta ...
5 Views 11,289 Pre-IntInt

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