151 FREE Clauses Worksheets

FREE Clauses Worksheets

Here you can find 151 worksheets that deal with the topic of clauses. This section is also divided into subsections which can assist you in locating the right activity for your students. This worksheet is for pre-intermediate students who need more practice using time clauses. All the teacher’s notes and materials are included for this fifteen minute practice activity so it is easy to include in your lesson plan. There are other worksheets about clauses too and since they are all free and easy to print, you may as well look at several different ones before deciding what would be best for your students. If you have your own worksheets on clauses, you can upload them to the website for other teachers to use.
There are different types of clauses that students will learn throughout their English studies. It is important to focus on one or two types of clauses at a time so that students do not become overwhelmed by the difference structures and uses. Certain clauses can be introduced in lower level classes while others are best saved for more advanced students. What you include in your course will obviously be greatly influenced by the level and age range of your students.

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  • Elementary (29)
  • Pre-Intermediate (68)
  • Intermediate (95)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (49)
  • Exam Level (10)
  • Suitable for All Levels (5)
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Relative Pronouns Worksheet II

Relative Pronouns Worksheet II

This is a worksheet for revising relative pronouns at pre-intermediate level. There's a brief explanation at the top of the page followed by 2 different activities to go with it. The answer k ...
8 Views 13,487 Pre-Int
A Gamut of Techniques to Teach Phrase and Clause Modifiers

A Gamut of Techniques to Teach Phrase and Clause Modifiers

Grammar is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for English as Second Language (ESL) learners. Yet it is the key for the transition from functional language use to absolute fluency. Thus it has alw ...
4 Views 10,139 Int
Forms and Functions

Forms and Functions

This is a workbook intended for teachers of English in our high school. This is self-learning tool allowing learners to study at their own pace. The workbook deals with the parts of speech as well ...
4 Views 10,490 Int
Noun Clauses

Noun Clauses

It can help teaching about noun clauses ,and it is a presentation of my group in college. It shows all about noun clauses.
13 Views 24,333 ElemPre-Int
Defining / Non-Defining Relative Clauses Worksheet

Defining / Non-Defining Relative Clauses Worksheet

This is a worksheet for pre-intermediate students on defining and non-defining relative clauses. There are 2 different activities in which students are asked to fill in the gaps with who, whi ...
15 Views 37,138 Pre-IntInt
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Relative Clauses

Relative Clauses

A slide presentation about relative clauses (defining and non-defining clauses) and vocabulary based on the Oxford student's book (level: intermediate).
6 Views 11,169 IntAdv
Relative Pronoun Speaking Practice

Relative Pronoun Speaking Practice

I use this game as additional practice for my FCE-level students to review the use of the 7 relative pronouns, after we have done several classroom exercises. I put the students in groups of 4-5, ...
8 Views 50,100 AdvExam

"We Always Have a Choice...."

Speaking activity worksheet for practising different ways of expressing imaginary situations. It also can be used as a role-play activity or as a writing task. It is a good way for communication ...
10 Views 15,346 IntAdv
Movie Worksheet: Captain America: The First Avenger

Movie Worksheet: Captain America: The First Avenger

The worksheet includes three activities. It aims at developping reading and listening skills. Using the movie as a support, students should anticipate and fill in the gaps. The missing words are g ...
8 Views 25,837 Pre-Int
Relative Clauses: Let's Combine Sentences!

Relative Clauses: Let's Combine Sentences!

This ppt will help you to teach Relative Clauses and also includes pictures to make students describe them. I hope you like :) Where, which, when, who, whose relatives inside. You can start with ...
10 Views 24,368 Pre-IntInt
Exclamatory/ Emphatic Structures

Exclamatory/ Emphatic Structures

This worksheet contains both grammar theory with examples and exercises to practise. It is suitable for intermediate to upper-intermediate levels. There are different types of exercises (true/fals ...
10 Views 22,354 IntAdv
Relative Clauses: Visualisation and Deduction

Relative Clauses: Visualisation and Deduction

The document is designed to describe relative clauses with bite-size chunks of information and additional visual representation. I would suggest starting the lecture by writing a simple, single ve ...
7 Views 6,984 IntAdv
Defining Relative Clauses

Defining Relative Clauses

A simple explanation with examples and worksheet on defining relative clauses The examples shows how to use different relative pronouns to join two clauses together.I first showed a video clip tha ...
8 Views 22,682 Pre-IntInt
Selective Grammar Activities

Selective Grammar Activities

This worksheet is a filling the gaps activity for students of 2nd Bachillerato. It is a compilation of grammar exercises taken from different selectivity exams. It is a good way to revise verb ten ...
10 Views 15,385 Exam
Relative Clauses Test 2

Relative Clauses Test 2

A test about relative clauses. There are two questions. In question A, students have to complete the sentences using relative pronouns or adverbs and write brackets ( ) if they can be omitted. In ...
4 Views 22,795 Int
Relative Clauses Test 3

Relative Clauses Test 3

A test about relative clauses. There are two questions. In question A, students will have to complete eight sentences using relative pronouns or adverbs and write brackets ( ) if they can be omitt ...
5 Views 22,490 Int
Relative Clauses Test 1

Relative Clauses Test 1

A test about relative clauses. There are two questions. In question one students have to join ten sentences to form a relative clause. In question two, they will have to fill in with the correct r ...
3 Views 20,703 Int
Speaking About Everyday Annoyances

Speaking About Everyday Annoyances

This worksheet can be used to teach vocabulary as well as speaking about everyday annoyances. The teacher can begin with a list of contemporary annoyances and elicit how they annoy the students. I ...
11 Views 20,393 Pre-IntInt
Relative Pronouns Elementary Worksheet

Relative Pronouns Elementary Worksheet

This a worksheet on relative pronouns for elementary students who are asked to complete the sentences given with who, which, that or whose and connect the sentences given with relative pronouns.
7 Views 18,594 ElemPre-Int
Relative Clauses [for Speaking Lessons]

Relative Clauses [for Speaking Lessons]

The title says it all, this sheet gives a description of relative clauses both defining and non defining, how to form them, use them and shorten them. There is also an idea for a game I play with ...
12 Views 44,335 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Rome is a Place Where ... - Tips for Teaching Adjective Clauses

Rome is a Place Where ... - Tips for Teaching Adjective Clauses

“I am from Rome. Rome is very nice. People eat spaghetti in Rome. I like it a lot.” Any teacher who has ever encountered writing like this knows that students like to write in short si ...
36 Views 178,877 All
Relative Clauses Worksheet

Relative Clauses Worksheet

A worksheet with many sentences to complete with the relatives or join two sentences into one by means of a relative clause. You can cut the sentences into strips and share them among the students ...
12 Views 52,987 Pre-Int
Transformation: Grammar Exercises

Transformation: Grammar Exercises

Useful sheets for revising transformation in English structures at an intermediate level. It includes changes passive/active, reported/direct speech, joining sentences through relative pronouns, ...
13 Views 18,679 Pre-IntInt
Miscellaneous Exam

Miscellaneous Exam

With this test, students can revise Relative clauses, Conditionals clauses, Passive voice and Reported Speech. There are five questions: 1. Write the correct relative pronoun or adverb, 2. Join ...
9 Views 9,681 Int


With this worksheet students will learn how to define words in English. It is an easy layout where students can learn to describe words related to people, objects, places and animals. Students can ...
9 Views 8,038 Int

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