268 FREE Article Worksheets

FREE Article Worksheets

English language learners often forget when and where to include articles in their sentences but these words are important to master in order to achieve a high level of English. There are 268 worksheets that you can give your students for extra practice using articles and these are sorted into several different categories to make your search simpler. Here is a worksheet that practices not only articles but also countable and uncountable nouns. You will need to introduce and practice the material before completing the three activities outlined in this file. Students will enjoy the variety of games and the worksheet will enable you to evaluate their overall understanding of the material at the end of class or as a review activity at the beginning of the next lesson. There are more worksheets to choose from if this is not quite what you are looking for so take your time reviewing them.
Articles are often overlooked or misplaced by English language learners so it is important to give them sufficient practice with word order. Another way you can help students learn articles is to introduce nouns with a or an; instead of drilling book, consider using a book instead. This will help students when it comes to forming sentences because they will say “I want a book.” rather than the common, incorrect answer “I want book.” Other articles will obviously need to be introduced in a different way but getting students accustomed to using articles in sentences will make it easier for them later on in the course.

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ESL Articles
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The Beach Trip - Basic Test

The Beach Trip - Basic Test

Children will be very happy to complete these easy exercises while teachers can know how well their young pupils learn the basic grammar concepts. Work with easy numbers, choose undetermined artic ...
10 Views 17,609 Beg
Article Test

Article Test

Here you will find an excellent worksheet or a test for your students. It is intended to test English articles, that is a , an, the or the zero article. With open-cloze, circling and gap filling e ...
15 Views 34,683 ElemPre-IntInt
Use of Articles with Place Names

Use of Articles with Place Names

It's a powerpoint presentation "Use of articles with place names".It's colourful and captivating! The presentation contains basic rules and exercises for practice.It can be used in English lessons ...
15 Views 14,987 Pre-IntInt
Grammar Race

Grammar Race

Here’s another fun and engaging strategy in teaching grammar. A very integrative approach level 2 grammar teachers can use in their review lesson. Contents in this activity were all taken ...
7 Views 16,753 Pre-Int
Grammar and Vocabulary Test for ESL Learners

Grammar and Vocabulary Test for ESL Learners

It is a multiple-choice test of grammar and vocabulary for 12-14 year old ESL learners. It tests Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Articles: a,an, the, some, zero article; Direct/Indirect speec ...
9 Views 19,658 ElemPre-Int
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The Usage of Articles

The Usage of Articles

Summary of some general and more detailed usage and abusage of articles a/an/the and no article. These are only grammatical rules (without any exercises). The set is taken from 'Practical English ...
17 Views 19,168 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Frequency Adverbs: A Coloring Activity

Frequency Adverbs: A Coloring Activity

Color it! Who says that coloring only appeals to kids? Not at all. Believe it or not, big guys in my class enjoyed doing it while trying to master their grammar lesson on adverbs of frequency. ...
12 Views 15,865 Elem
A / An [For Greek Speakers]

A / An [For Greek Speakers]

This worksheet is about the indefinite article. There are three exercises with different level of difficulty. In the first exercise, images of the nouns mentioned are provided to make the task mor ...
4 Views 8,934 Beg
Definite and Indefinite Articles

Definite and Indefinite Articles

This presentation contains some basic information about articles - definite and indefinite articles and zero article. When we use definite article - the with place names and when we use no article ...
19 Views 58,435 Elem
Facts about Mother Russia

Facts about Mother Russia

you can revise knowledge about articles and break famous stereotypes about Russia. It consits of three questions and 7 facts about Russian culture, nature, geography, language...Here you find answ ...
14 Views 13,431 Adv
Song Gap-Fill Worksheet: Buses and Trains by Bachelor Girl

Song Gap-Fill Worksheet: Buses and Trains by Bachelor Girl

Used for practising Articles (a/the/no article). Good song! Download the MP3 or if you have internet access, show a youtube video of it. Also would be useful to pre-teach some vocab (about transpo ...
6 Views 13,160 ElemPre-Int
Articles Elementary Worksheet

Articles Elementary Worksheet

This is a worksheet for revising articles at elementary level. There are 4 easy activities in which students are asked to fill in the blank spaces with an, a or the. The answer key is included.
18 Views 44,578 Elem
A, Any, Some [There is/are]

A, Any, Some [There is/are]

This is powerpoint that I made to reinforce the use of "There is/are" with a, any, or some by using famous paintings. Students should look at the paintings and either write what there is first an ...
14 Views 10,006 Elem
A / An / Some / Any

A / An / Some / Any

It's a full-page colourful grid explaining the basic uses of a / an / some / any which includes examples of all the cases considered. I created it in order to help my absolute beginner students an ...
25 Views 19,500 BegElem
Animals Live IN or ON...

Animals Live IN or ON...

This PPT presentation can help you to teach your students to use the prepositions of place -on and -in in a very short vocabulary activity: forest, house, zoo, farm. You can practise the 3rd perso ...
6 Views 7,441 Beg
The Definite Article [THE] Presentation

The Definite Article [THE] Presentation

It is a presentation about the definite article "the" which includes a section about the usages of the definite article under the heading "when to use?" and another section about its appropriate p ...
12 Views 15,345 All
Grammar Revision Board Game

Grammar Revision Board Game

This is a fun way for you to do revision on basic tenses, articles, pronouns and parts of speech with your student. With the boardgame, it would be easier for you and your students to find out whi ...
36 Views 161,559 ElemPre-Int
Articles with Geographical Names [3 Mini-Tests]

Articles with Geographical Names [3 Mini-Tests]

There are 3 tests of different levels for practising the usage of articles with geographical names. It contains tasks like "fill in" and "underline" tasks. It is a basic introduction to articles ( ...
10 Views 20,549 ElemPre-Int
Articles Worksheet

Articles Worksheet

This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching articles at elementary level. The first page is basically just a grammar guide and the second page has 2 activities in which students are asked to fill in ...
13 Views 28,361 ElemPre-Int
Elementary Practice

Elementary Practice

This complete worksheet is for practising BE and HAVE, basic sentence structures, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, a/an with the help of a basic vocabulary. The worksheet contains ga ...
11 Views 9,526 BegElem
Song Worksheet: Love is Blindness by Jack White (U2 Cover)

Song Worksheet: Love is Blindness by Jack White (U2 Cover)

I've decided to take this song because my students love rock music. This worksheet is a combination of listening and speaking comprehension. It can be used as a debate starting point. The students ...
6 Views 10,141 IntAdvExam
Plurals and A/An [Flashcards]

Plurals and A/An [Flashcards]

Here's a set of 86 supplymentary flash cards I made for New Grammar Time 2 coursebook, but it actually can fit any elementary grammar coursebook. It contains pictures with hints for naming singul ...
10 Views 13,616 BegElem
Articles & Prepositions of Time and Place

Articles & Prepositions of Time and Place

The worksheet is about articles and prepositions of time and place. It is a basic introduction to articles (definite, indefinite, zero) and to the basic prepositions of time and place. The exerci ...
11 Views 30,437 ElemPre-Int
Musical Bingo

Musical Bingo

You can play BINGO with a music. You should prepare cards with some words. For example, you prepare a card with 50 words. You play the music and the students should pay attention and mark the wo ...
8 Views 9,585 All
Basic Review

Basic Review

This worksheet contains a review of basic structures that include demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these and those), exercises with wh-questions, articles (both indenifite and definite) and voc ...
8 Views 14,994 Elem

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