Here you can find worksheets that talk about music. There are many different aspects to this topic so you will see a lot of variety on the worksheets available in this section. Some worksheets talk about musical instruments, musicians, and the music industry while others focus more on lyrics. Take a look at some of the 122 worksheets in this section to find one that fits your class. This music worksheet is a very creative way to get your students to practice using the present continuous. Due to the fact that the songs are a little older, your students might have to do some research to find the answers or you could use the worksheet as a model for your own that includes more recent titles. There are other worksheets to choose from if your students are working on something else and you are welcome to post your own worksheets too!
Almost everyone enjoys listening to music so whether you decide to use songs in your lesson for a listening activity or introduce vocabulary related to musical instruments, your students will certainly be interested in this topic. Listening activities that use songs, while fun, are often very challenging for students because the speed is usually much faster than the one you use when speaking in class. Keep this in mind when making your song selections. The type of music you discuss in class will vary depending on your students. In Japan, for example, talking about J-pop artists and songs would be perfect for your high school students but not such a good fit for your older adult students. Try adding variety to your lessons but talking about music.
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This worksheet is useful for students who want to improve their speaking skills. You can find some information on the group and the song. It also includes some exercises. When a student finishes ...
This worksheet has an article about music and its effects on humans followed by analysis questions. Excellent to practice main idea and paragraph structure. It could be used to find context clues ...
This song can be used for all levels. In case of Intermediate and/or Advanced students, the provided words can be removed. My adult students love this song! I usually ask them to listen to the son ...
This word search was used after listening to the "This is 2012" song by The Glory Boys. It includes some key words related to the Olympic Games and helps students practice vocabulary related to sp ...
I have been doing a series of classes on the 2012 London Olympics with my Korean middle school students. My students always seem to appreciate music in class, so I made a gap fill for "Proud" - a ...
First, students watch the video "This is 2012" by the Glory Boys and listen to the song. They have to use the lyrics to solve the activities. In order to understand this song it is necessary to l ...
Hi all, this a really nice activity I use to motivate my students to write an original and interesting story using musical ideas. All you need is pick four different musical pieces. You might want ...
This worksheet is presented as a PPT for JOBS and verbs related to them, including sentences in Present Simple only for third person ( he, she) It works perfectly as a vocabulary warm up for the ...
A quiz or worksheet that helps students learn about the instruments of the orchestra. It can be used with the story Peter and the Wolf. Students match the instruments and listen to them to circle ...
Some of my pre-intermediate level students wanted me to make a worksheet with this song because they love it so much. I had a listen, and I instantly fell for it too! The singer goes a bit fast, b ...
It is a worksheet to be used with the song Ten little indians, I used this worksheet with the video. Good to be taught to kids that can dance and sing together. I also taught some specific vocabu ...
This reading comprehension worksheet may be suitable for ESL or EFL learners with pre-intermediate to intermediate levels. It focuses mainly on simple past, used to for past habits, and relative p ...
This activity is part of the Arabian Nights theme class. Here students listen to the song "A whole new world" (Aladdin's OST, Disney 1992) and complete the gaps with the missing words. In order to ...
Song worksheet with student section and teachers answers. Lyrics of Billy Idols hit Dancing with Myself - recently used on TV ads so popular with teenagers again. Missing prepositions in gap fill ...
Spending my time - by ROXETTE... It's a very nice song to share with your students, especially with teenagers who will definetely feel identified with it!
This worksheet is a humble tribute to three great musicians, besides being a unit on music and history that can be adapted for all levels: Part I (Buddy Holly) is thought for Pre-Intermediate stu ...
A nice song for teenagers and adults with many activities to do while listening. Students have to choose the correct words, complete the lines with necessary pronouns, match the two columns, reord ...
Creative writing prompt:
If you were a song, what type of song would you be and why? If you can't define it by genre, tempo or mood, describe it in any way you can.
Creative writing prompt:
If you had to listen to the same song ten times every day or never listen to music at all, which would you choose? If you chose the song, which would it be?
One good song to teach Imperatives. Bob Marley did it. Enjoy this song and use this worksheet to practise with your students. One love is the most popular song from Bob Marley, look for the lyrics ...
We HAVE… WHO HAS… VOCABULARY GAME How to play the game: ● Distribute the cards randomly to your students. Some students may get more than one card. ● Select a student to ...
Here's a nice and fun poster featuring a famous text by Gary Provost, quoted in Roy Peter Clark’s (terrific) Writing Tools, about the melody of the English language. Please share it with you ...
This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching the different types of music: hip hop, classical, rap, opera, country, rock, pop, etc. It includes a picture dictionary followed by a wordsearch puzzle. Re ...
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