Christmas is a wonderful time of year but as it is a major school holiday in many countries, you might find that your students are less focused leading up to the holiday period. These 357 printable worksheets can help you engage students in English learning activities while still allowing them to concentrate on the holiday and all the excitement surrounding it. This is one of the most popular and most highly rated worksheets in this section. It is actually an entire booklet of Christmas activities for beginners including coloring sheets and songs. You can use the entire booklet or just print out a few of your favorite pages to use in class depending on how much time you want to spend on this topic. If your students are a little older or at the intermediate or advanced level, you will want to choose one of the other available worksheets. There are many others to choose from and since they are all free, you can download several before making a decision. For even more ideas, read some of the articles listed on this page.
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This worksheet was created for primary/elementary children and can be used as an extra resource when learning about Christmas. Student must trace over the words and draw a line from each word to t ...
This worksheet on the one hand has a grammar point, especially to revise the past simple form of regular and irregular verbs. On the other hand, it also includes a listening exercise by using the ...
This is a full lesson about Christmas. I prepared it having in mind my adult students. It starts with a speaking warm-up, followed by a text and vocabulary practice part. There is also a set of qu ...
Ally McBeal works in a law firm in Boston. This time they have to deal with a case where a TV commentator tells children the truth about Santa Claus. Collect Christmas-related vocabulary beforehan ...
First, students complete the lyrics with the missing words. Then they match words that rhyme from the song. Finally, they match the beginnings of four sentences to their endings. The link to the y ...
This Friends' episode is called 'The One with Phoebe's Dad' and is set around Christmas time, so it makes as a good starting point to deal with the seasonal topic of Christmas. It contains a vocab ...
Are you looking for a nice activity for young students at Christmas? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There is an ill ...
Are you looking for a nice activity for young students at Christmas? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There is an ill ...
Are you looking for a nice activity for young students at Christmas? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There is an ill ...
Are you looking for a nice Christmas activity for young students? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There is an illust ...
Are you looking for a nice activity for young students at Christmas? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There is an ill ...
Are you looking for a nice activity for young students at Christmas? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There is an ill ...
Are you looking for a nice activity for young students at Christmas? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There is an ill ...
Are you looking for a nice activity for young students at Christmas? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There is a pict ...
Are you looking for a nice activity for young students at Christmas? This Christmas greetings card can be printed onto card and handed out to students to give to family or friends. There are lines ...
A Christmas lesson for upper-primary students at roughly elementary or pre-intermediate level on the topic of festive food and drink. Includes a vocabulary input exercise and some reading, ending ...
This is a lovely and easy matching activity for teaching or revising Christmas related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to match the words given with the pictures. the ...
This is a crossword puzzle, there are definitions to read and words to write in the puzzle. Students also have to use some of the words to complete sentences. The topic is Christmas and how it is ...
Students are asked to match some Christmas words with the pictures, find some other Christmas words in the word search, and colour a picture with a Christmas scene. The worksheet can be used for t ...
This wordsearch aims to revise vocabulary related to Christmas. Students usually like doing wordsearch and in this way they can both learn new vocabulary and revise previously learnt vocabulary. V ...
This worksheet is based on the video This is Britain- Christmas.It includes an observation quiz, a recipe and a matching activity. Pupils learn the method to make mince pies and learn vocabulary f ...
2 Word documents- student's worksheet and teacher's worksheet with answers and step-by-step instructions to carry out the lesson. The lesson was originally taught in a Greek classroom. Teenagers e ...
Students will cut out and manipulate letters to make as many words as they can. After the students have a word, they write the word in the appropriate column at the bottom of the worksheet. Th ...
It's a song worksheet based on Michael Bublé's song "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas". The main task is to fill in the gaps, first by identifying the pictures then by check ...
This Advent ρalendar contains 24 Christmas tasks, one for each day before Christmas. E.g. word search, matching, songs, noughts and crosses, and many other activities. The booklet consists of 17 p ...
45 41,378ElemPre-IntInt
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