Christmas is a wonderful time of year but as it is a major school holiday in many countries, you might find that your students are less focused leading up to the holiday period. These 357 printable worksheets can help you engage students in English learning activities while still allowing them to concentrate on the holiday and all the excitement surrounding it. This is one of the most popular and most highly rated worksheets in this section. It is actually an entire booklet of Christmas activities for beginners including coloring sheets and songs. You can use the entire booklet or just print out a few of your favorite pages to use in class depending on how much time you want to spend on this topic. If your students are a little older or at the intermediate or advanced level, you will want to choose one of the other available worksheets. There are many others to choose from and since they are all free, you can download several before making a decision. For even more ideas, read some of the articles listed on this page.
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This is a pretty easy wordsearch puzzle for teaching or revising Christmas related vocabulary. Students are asked to find the words and then match them with the pictures. Suitable for elementary ...
This ppt consists of 44 animated slides with vocabulary about Christmas celebrations including Christmas, New Year's Eve & Three Wise Mean & Santa Claus. There are also 3 extra activities ...
A list of (non-material) wishes to cut out and paste inside Christmas cards your students might be making this festive season. Or they could also be used as examples and you could have older or hi ...
Here's a set of cards for teaching Christmas related vocabulary. Depending on your students' level they can be used in several ways such as memory games, conversation cards, oral test, group work ...
This is a boardgame for teaching Christmas related vocabulary. Students advance on the board with dice and counters, when they land on a square they must make a sentence using the picture clue pr ...
2 exercises to revise/learn vocabulary on Christmas time. In the 1st one the students have to match 24 words and 24 pictures. In the 2nd one they have to find the Christmas vocabulary in the words ...
The Ancient Greek legend on why we have winter, involving Persephone, Hades and Demeter. students will read the story and answer comprehension questions about it. Finally, they will have to write ...
This is a very simple and colourful matching activity for teaching Christmas related vocabulary. Suitable for elementary students who are asked to match the words with the pictures.
This is a pretty easy matching activity, suitable for elementary students who are asked to read the words and then match them with the pictures. Vocabulary included: Carolers, Holly, Star, Candle ...
A very simple picture dictionary for teaching Christmas related vocabulary: bag of toys, bells, bulb, carolers, Christmas tree, presents, Christmas lights, wish list, toys, presents, reindeer,sle ...
This is a fun activity sheet for students to do before Christmas. 1. They decorate the Christmas tree with the Christmas related objects and color it. 2. They read and circle the true information ...
The following worksheet is aimed at elementary learners of English and deals with topic there is-there are. The exercise is very simple, your pupils will need to put down the sentences using this ...
Two funny and useful worksheets! Children practise co-ordination and kin-aesthetic skills through art and crafts activities. Help them to express themselves creatively by making Christmas decoract ...
This is a game that I very often use while teaching vocabulary. I put pictures with the words or phrases I want my students to practice on their backs. They come to each other and ask various que ...
This worksheet is based on the famous Christmas carol “Silent Night” that all students simply adore. All the adjectives are removed from the lyrics and students will have to put them i ...
Fun activities that can be used when the Christmas holidays are approaching. The worksheet is suitable for both elementary and high school students and with a bit of imagination with adult classes ...
A worksheet to be used when the Christmas holidays are coming. The activites are fun and will help you teach students English carols in a modern way. The best way to use this worksheet is with som ...
Even though this is not exactly a worksheet, but we suggest you use these on your Christmas English lesson when working on projects with your learners - print these colorful Hoops-and-Yoyo branded ...
Simple winter vocabulary domino for elementary children.You can cut the activity sheet and give them to your students. Or you can just copy it and tell you students to cut it and match the picture ...
Print out and trim off all the white edges so that you have a perfect square. Then fold the square in half along the gray line marked 'A' - and then in the half again (along the line marked 'B'). ...
This worksheet is devoted to the topic of Winter. It helps to practise the vocabulary (everything that is connected with winter activities). It includes reading, spelling and speaking. Grammar is ...
This is a worksheet to be used in class after Ss listen to the "Last Christmas" song in class all together without having the worksheet. Past Simple verbs are hidden in the lyrics. So, it's good t ...
In this worksheet you'll find a text which describes "The Nativity story" with different tasks. There's also lyrics to the song "SILENT NIGHT" with translation into Russian. Answers to all the tas ...
Here's a Christmas wall poster for the youngsters among us. Every year I give my students a little Chrismas present and this year it'll be this poster. Just blow it up to a4 format, laminate it an ...
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