635 FREE Animals Worksheets

FREE Animals Worksheets

Animals are a popular ESL topic especially with young learners and students in primary school. Here at BusyTeacher there are 635 worksheets in this section that focus on animals as well as a variety of grammar points. These are all ready to use, free, and printable which makes the site a great resource for teaching materials. Take a look at this worksheet which combines animal vocabulary and reading practice into a guessing game for students which they can complete individually, in pairs, or even in groups. If you would like to do something else, look at some other worksheets to find something your students will love.
Animals are a fun topic that students enjoy talking about so they can be used throughout your course to interest students in a variety of activities. Younger students especially like talking about different types of animals so be sure to give them the opportunity to use this enthusiasm in their ESL classes. Besides studying animal vocabulary, you can also use animal flashcards when studying comparative and superlative structures, descriptive words and for other topics too. With intermediate, advanced, and adult learners animals will be a less important topic but you may consider talking about some of them in discussions, for example polar bears and global warming.

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Reading: Letters A, I

Reading: Letters A, I

This worksheet will help those who are teaching students to read plus students will learn some new words. The words are put in the same order as pictures below. So it's possible first to read the ...
7 Views 10,472 Beg
Frog Cycle

Frog Cycle

A science activity to practice cycles. There is no need to specify instructions because the paper itself shows students what they have to do. It is a nice activity for kids who like pictures and c ...
2 Views 6,454 BegElem
Test: Questions, Present Simple / Daily Routine and Animals

Test: Questions, Present Simple / Daily Routine and Animals

This is a test I made for my 8-years-old student. It consists of four excercises: tick the correct name for the animal, guess the animal's name, choose the correct word for the question (who-what- ...
11 Views 17,908 Elem
Animals: Do You Know My Name?

Animals: Do You Know My Name?

• » Animals
This is a nice matching exercise to teach about animals for kids. The kids have to match each picture with the names of animals in the box provided.
9 Views 14,577 Beg


It's a short reading passage about a koala for young learners of English. There are two versions of the text. A shorter and less complicated one and a little bit more detailed and complex one. Bot ...
11 Views 15,187 BegElem
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Compare A Mouse & An Elephant

Compare A Mouse & An Elephant

Target: Young learners Grammatical structure: comparative forms of adjectives (there are only 6 adjectives used SMALL, BIG, LIGHT, HEAVY, SHORT, LONG). There are images of animals being compa ...
16 Views 30,761 BegElem
Animal Riddles

Animal Riddles

• » Animals
A worksheet for young learners of English. All you need to do is print it out, cut it out and match pictures with descriptions. Only simple grammatical structures are used (verb TO BE, and HAVE). ...
12 Views 32,177 Beg
Animals Worksheet

Animals Worksheet

• » Animals
This worksheet is probably better for children and will back up vocabulary already learned in class. They have to match the words with the pictures. The teacher could go over the pronunciation o ...
7 Views 11,169 ElemPre-IntInt
Alphabet and Colours

Alphabet and Colours

•, Animals,
This worksheet is mainly for the younger ones, but could be used with older students. They will already have learned the colours and alphabet so with this worksheet in the first part they have to ...
14 Views 78,407 ElemPre-Int
Country Mouse and City Mouse

Country Mouse and City Mouse

This worksheet was thought for children in primary education in their third grade. This is about Town Mouse and Country mouse. This a dialogue between them. Children can read it, play a ...
9 Views 21,769 Elem
Farm Animals: Flashcards

Farm Animals: Flashcards

You can use Farm animals flashcards to learn beginners new vocabulary. You can play "What is missing" or ask questions like: What is it? What colour is a hen? Where is a hen? You can play charade ...
16 Views 28,387 BegElem
A Visit To The Farm Worksheet

A Visit To The Farm Worksheet

•, Animals
This is a worksheet for elementary students on farm animals related vocabulary and present simple tense. There are 4 different and simple activities in which students are asked to match the words ...
10 Views 11,511 Elem
Animals Letter Soup

Animals Letter Soup

• » Animals
It is a letter soup where children have to find the names of twelve animals. They can only see the picture of the animal. Then, they have to write the name of the animals and describe them with on ...
17 Views 27,339 Beg
Listening and Speaking: Animals, Insects and Food - Rickey Gervais Sketch

Listening and Speaking: Animals, Insects and Food - Rickey Gervais Sketch

•Animals, , ,
This provides students with a lot of discussion. My students talked for ages about these two subjects: strange foods from around the work and animals/insects they don't like. This class will take ...
12 Views 18,210 IntAdv
Sea Creatures Worksheet

Sea Creatures Worksheet

• » Animals
This is a 2-page worksheet for pre-intermediate students on sea creatures related vocabulary. The first page is a picture dictionary which can also be used as a study sheet and the second page has ...
5 Views 9,468 Pre-IntInt

Storytelling: "Monkey Puzzle" Animals

This worksheet contains a story and a set of pictures that can be used in order to teach or revise the names of certain animals and also the parts of their bodies. There are also two lesson plans ...
14 Views 14,316 ElemPre-Int
Animals and Colours

Animals and Colours

It's a simple worksheet to practise vocabulary on wild animals and colours. Students are supposed to look at an image of an animal and write its name. Then, in the other exercise, they have to rea ...
14 Views 16,680 Beg
Birds Worksheet

Birds Worksheet

• » Animals
With this worksheet students will learn eighteen new words related to birds. First they are asked to study the words given and then to match the words with the pictures. The worksheet is recommend ...
3 Views 7,641 ElemPre-Int
Insects Worksheet

Insects Worksheet

• » Animals
Here's a 2-page worksheet for teaching insects related vocabulary. There is a picture dictionary which can also be used as a study sheet followed by a matching activity. The worksheet is available ...
7 Views 13,384 ElemPre-Int
The Giant Panda

The Giant Panda

THE GIANT PANDA - READING COMPREHENSION task for students of secondary school. You can use it to check reading skills and speaking. Moreover, it can be part of your lesson about Animals and Ecolog ...
15 Views 20,275 All
Recognize Sea Animals

Recognize Sea Animals

In this worksheets kids will be able to work with vocabulary. The objective is that they can recognize sea animals. As I had worked with farm animals before, I thought it was a good idea to also p ...
6 Views 19,839 Beg
Sea Animals and Numbers 1 to 5

Sea Animals and Numbers 1 to 5

This is a worksheet to work with kids ages 4 and 5. They have to match the corresponding sea animal with the right number. Then you can work with a dictation and put into practice numbers and colo ...
5 Views 17,911 Beg
Animal Q&A: Speaking Activity (Pairs)

Animal Q&A: Speaking Activity (Pairs)

• » Animals
A simple worksheet to get children speaking and using vocabulary they've learned. Questions are formed using have got and can. The following animal vocabulary is used: fish, cows, mice, horses, b ...
10 Views 18,856 Elem
Animals and Present Simple Worksheet

Animals and Present Simple Worksheet

•, Animals
This is a worksheet for revising both animals related vocabulary and the present simple tense. There are 2 pages with activities in which students are asked to make questions and then choose the c ...
8 Views 25,675 Elem
What Are The Wild Animals Doing?

What Are The Wild Animals Doing?

The pupils watch and describe safari pictures using the present continuous. I added some phonetics to practise saying the names of some wild animals (zebras, leopards, giraffes, lions etc...). Thi ...
13 Views 11,863 ElemPre-Int

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