Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teacher’s 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.
Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.
Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.
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This worksheet can help you to improve speaking skills using present perfect and past simple. You teach students to get more details and information in the conversation about past experience. You ...
A conversation worksheet on the topic of fame. This worksheet could be used as a warmer activity or even practice as an IELTS speaking topic. Learners review vocabulary items, read opinions from o ...
What is happiness? We all are in pursue of it. Does money bring happiness? In this presentation, which was initially designed for interactive boards, we tried to find answers with our students. We ...
This worksheet is for low level adult or teenage students to practise talking about past daily habits. Students mingle to find out who the sentences belong to using past simple questions with 'Did ...
An all time classic. Clever or beautiful? Both would be the answer. But deep down most people would choose beauty as it is self proven and intelligence has to be proved, as Oscar Wilde said. Can' ...
A simple lesson plan for a speaking lesson based on the Ban Bossy campaign, which is about empowering young girls to hone their leadership skills. Videos can be found on YouTube at http://www.yout ...
It has different ideas that would let your students enjoy playing it. If your class is big, it's going to be even better. Let them mingle for about thirty minutes. Then ask some of the students wh ...
This is a conversation grid activity designed to encourage the correct use of simple past and past continuous verb forms in a relaxed conversational setting. Students walk around the room asking ...
Motivation is a power point presentation designed for interactive boards (and not only!). It is suitable for upper intermediate levels and stimulates discussion about the driving force behind our ...
This worksheet is for low level adult students to practise talking about their free time activities and when they do them. Additionally, mingling to find the students to whom the sentences belong ...
Travel and tourism is a collection of questions and pictures intended to stimulate discussion. It is made for advanced students but could be adapted to any level, and basically this is what it was ...
This worksheet is a set of questions for adult beginners. The material has carefully and painstakingly been selected to stimulate interest and willingness to talk. It has successfully been used wi ...
It is a collection of questions that will encourage senior class students to practice speaking. Tell me about for seniors is a fun activity for senior class students. The questions and the accompa ...
It is very important to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns in English because of the many grammar rules implied. Before you start teaching quantifiers, you could try this workshee ...
The worksheet contains situations like “You’ve bought a dog.” Each student gets a situation and doesn’t show it to the others. The task is to make a riddle using the phrase ...
One of my favourite speaking activities, for teenagers and adults. Over the top, incredible situations (i.e: I saw you in your pyjamas on the roof, or walking a monkey in the park) ; students have ...
This is a typical "Find someone who" activity (seventeen tasks to find someone who has a dog, been to Cusco, won a prize, , focusing on present and past, "to have" as auxialliary verb and for desc ...
Boosting the speaking and writing skills of pre-intermediate learners by means of comic created online and a strip story. The learners are invited to brainstorm in pairs ideas about the first cart ...
The activity is called "Let's get to know each other better" and focuses on making questions in different tenses up to present perfect and writing down one's partner's answer in the correct tense ...
This is a worksheet that students need to keep with them while reading a non-fiction book in order to prepare their oral presentation. When reading one of the books from the series http://www.barn ...
This worksheet is used in my video class. My students enjoy it so much. The first activity is to warm them up with vocabulary about relationship. The second activity is speaking activity. I ask th ...
A famous game “Would You Rather?” can be great fun as a warmer or filler at almost any lesson. Cut the cards into a pile, divide your Ss into small groups and ask them to take one piec ...
I use this worksheet to help my students practise telling stories in the past. They have to imagine that something quite unusual has happened to them (they've met a ghost/an alien; won a lottery e ...
This is the game of taboo but in a ppt form. I usually use the projector in class when playing this game. A student doesn't look at the screen and the others have to describe what's on it without ...
A warmer activity. Learners go around the class asking each other about their different preferences. Works well with adult ESOL learners at E1 and E2 level as well as with children of up to Y4 or ...
4 13,759BegElemPre-Int
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Mingling Activities?
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