Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teachers 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.
Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.
Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.
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Team A: you have to guess the words on Team B's list. You can ask the given questions on your own list or other questions. Team B: you have to guess the words on Team A's list. You can ask th ...
In this Powerpoint presentation you will have some images that represent a country. Students must create sentences (or describe what they see) in order of guessing the country. After a few images ...
This is a worksheet-game I created using a picture from the quite popular Criminal Case game, on Facebook. It is likely that most students are familiar with so it should be fun. There are pictures ...
20 Questions is an interesting speaking game. Stick an index card to each student's back or forehead. He/ she can ask maximum of 20 questions to find out who he or she might be. Hope you and your ...
These are 45 printable and editable Hedbanz(R) cards. This game provides a lot of fun while allowing kids to practise question forms.For this game you will also need headbands, some chips and prob ...
Listening comprehension exercise (taken from: and plus phrases to be complete ...
This worksheet contains some questions about health. You can divide your students into small groups and ask them to talk about the questions. It is designed for both elementary and pre-intermediat ...
I created this worksheet to allow my students a bit of speaking practice with adverbs of frequency. I teach adults and young people, so you might add verbs that are suitable at your students' ...
This PPT includes some of the most interesting conversation questions about work/professions/occupations etc. Can be used for group discussions as well as a revision of the topic. Suitable for (pr ...
I created this presentation to practice speaking with my adult students. It covers such sentence constructions as I wish I would, I wish I were, I wish I had gone, I hope, It's time and I should h ...
This is a worksheet for talking about opinions. It includes some items such as food, language, future, etc. You can put your students into pairs/ groups and encourage them to express their ideas. ...
The set of proverbs enables fluency and self-expression of high school students.It can be used as a warming-up or brain-storming at the lesson.What is more, each of it is an excellent impromptu ta ...
These are prompts for a debate on the topic "Should the media be regulated by the government?". I have included a debate outline that assigns roles to all of your students, in case you have more t ...
This worksheet is appropriate for improving students' speaking skills. It contains some questions and statements that you can start a student-centered discussion in the class and you can also join ...
Very simple mingling worksheet. Give one to each ss and they must go around the class talking to other students finding out answers to the questions in the worksheet. Ideal for a first class ...
As it is often the case that learners seem to be unable to talk to each other. This worksheet aims at facilitating these students to talk to each other on a given subject , supported by illustrati ...
This game can be used with any vocab, just place the vocab into the template. It is a round the room game, and the aim is to get back to the starting person in the quickest time possible. You can ...
This worksheet contains a game. Divide the students into pairs or small groups. Give each group one card. Each group is supposed to ask another group what are the similarities and differences betw ...
This worksheet is based on The Fifteenth Character (Oxford Bookworms Starter). It includes a true-or-false activity based on the last part of the story book (pages 20-24). The students can do this ...
This worksheet is based on The Fifteenth Character (Oxford Bookworms Starter). It includes a matching activity based on the fourth part of the story book (pages 14-19). The students can do this ac ...
This worksheet is based on The Fifteenth Character (Oxford Bookworms Starter). It includes a gap-filling activity based on the third part of the story book (pages 10-13). The students can do this ...
This worksheet is based on The Fifteenth Character (Oxford Bookworms Starter). It includes some questions based on the second part of the story book (pages 6-9). Put the students into pairs and en ...
This worksheet is based on The Fifteenth Character (Oxford Bookworms Starter). It includes some questions based on the first part of the story book (pages 1-5). Put the students into pairs and enc ...
This worksheet includes some TOEFL speaking questions. It's appropriate for elementary students and upper levels. According to level of the students you can set time for this activity, it takes 30 ...
23 30,522ElemPre-IntIntAdv
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Mingling Activities?
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