408 FREE Mingling Activities and Find Someone Who
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FREE Mingling Activities


Mingling Activities – Ready, Set, Go!

Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teacher’s 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.

Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.

Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.

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  • Complete Beginner (42)
  • Elementary (204)
  • Pre-Intermediate (241)
  • Intermediate (206)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (136)
  • Exam Level (50)
  • Suitable for All Levels (26)
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Flashcard - What Is in the Card?

Flashcard - What Is in the Card?

•, Mingling Activities
They are flash cards for speaking activities. It can be used with a group or as pair work. The student is to describe what they see in the pictures in the flash card to the rest of the group until ...
9 Views 24,539 Pre-IntInt
Name Me 5: Warming Up Flashcards for Adults

Name Me 5: Warming Up Flashcards for Adults

•Mingling Activities,
This is a set of 15 flashcards which you can use as a warm up activity at your lesson. There is a picture and the task on each card. For example, name 5 things that irritate you.. My adult stud ...
45 Views 44,817 Pre-IntIntAdv
In Your FACEbook

In Your FACEbook

•Mingling Activities,
Activity inspired by the new segment on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. There are some funny status and comments posted on Facebook, which are all real, and an exercise with the vocabulary used. There a ...
25 Views 18,997 Pre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: Take a Seat, Make a Friend

Movie Worksheet: Take a Seat, Make a Friend

I came across this wonderful video and decided to create this class with the clip. You might get your students to seat in an outside area and pretend they are in a ball pit so they can ask t ...
20 Views 17,542 Pre-IntIntAdv
Have You Ever...?

Have You Ever...?

Teaching grammar through speaking is one of the most difficult things to do for a teacher. With this worksheet you will be able to help your students use time adverbs such as already/yet/since/ago ...
19 Views 19,271 IntAdvExam
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Speaking Activity Flash/Cue Card - Intermediate

Speaking Activity Flash/Cue Card - Intermediate

•, Mingling Activities,
This exercise can be used as a warm-up speaking activity for an intermediate level. If the class size is small, this activity can be used as the whole class activity. Give a card to each student a ...
24 Views 32,524 Pre-IntInt
Find Someone Who

Find Someone Who

•, , Mingling Activities
This worksheet can be used as an ice breaker at the begining of a course or also as a fun warmer for the class. Students will walk around asking questions to their classmates and looking for affir ...
9 Views 21,318 All
Information Gap: How Often Do They...

Information Gap: How Often Do They...

•, , Mingling Activities
A large information gap comprising 7 worksheets and a master sheet. Students will have to mingle and ask several other students to complete the information for each person or couple on the sheet. ...
15 Views 17,235 Elem
Mysterious Celebrity

Mysterious Celebrity

•, , Mingling Activities
This is a great gap-fill exercise to practice asking and answering questions in Past Simple for elementary students. This activity can involve up to 8 people with the aim to collect all the inform ...
10 Views 17,089 BegElem


•, , Mingling Activities
This worksheet can be used to enhance vocabulary related to common subjects such as music, cinema, sport, etc. It includes a section for Phrasal Verbs, which students usually find challenging, and ...
12 Views 17,118 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Would You Rather - PPT

Would You Rather - PPT

•, , Mingling Activities
This is a PPT version of the Would You Rather speaking game. It is aimed at teens with a mixture of funny and serious questions. Don't forget to encourage the students to explain their preferences ...
75 Views 83,131 Int
Teenage Oral Interaction Activity

Teenage Oral Interaction Activity

•, , Mingling Activities
For upper elementary to intermediate, a really cool activity (all-around project) with lots of worksheets, 27 dialogue cards, vocabulary sheets etc. Perfect for 11-18 year olds. Personalities, lik ...
24 Views 29,773 Pre-IntIntAdv
What Time Do You...?

What Time Do You...?

•, , Mingling Activities
This is a worksheet I use for beginners to review the present simple, verbs related to everyday activities, and time. Each student asks three others about their daily activities, and then makes se ...
15 Views 20,078 Beg
Do You Agree?

Do You Agree?

•, , , Mingling Activities
This lesson plan and worksheets aim to encourage students to practice their speaking skills, giving their opinion on certain statements the teacher will read out loud about politics using specific ...
31 Views 53,675 IntAdvExam
What Do You Need...? (Speaking Activity)

What Do You Need...? (Speaking Activity)

•, Mingling Activities
A set of 10 questions, each of which begins with "What do you need..." There are several ways how to use them. Elementary students can make word lists as answers; these can be more specifically ma ...
11 Views 15,343 ElemPre-IntInt
Job Bingo Cards

Job Bingo Cards

This is a bingo game for business students. I usually do this a little different than regular bingo games. Instead of calling out the information in the boxes, I have the students interview each-o ...
13 Views 27,646 Pre-IntInt
Things in a Circus

Things in a Circus

•, Mingling Activities
Who amongst us does not carry fond memories of a visit to the circus when we were young? A circus is a fascinating visual experience which gets etched deep into our memory. I have used the theme o ...
9 Views 14,492 BegElemPre-IntInt
School Supplies Presentation

School Supplies Presentation

•, Mingling Activities
This ppt is for making children understand the names of the stationery / supplies names which they use in school every day. Ho wever many of them are not aware the names of these items. The ppt ...
7 Views 13,067 ElemPre-IntInt
School Supplies

School Supplies

I made this bingo keeping in mind a few things. Children use a lot of stationery/school supplies items every day in the school, but they do not know the correct names of them or the correct pronu ...
4 Views 15,765 ElemPre-Int
24 Question Cards [General Questions]

24 Question Cards [General Questions]

24 general questions to cut out and have students ask each other. This was very useful because the topics are varied and random, containing different structures, so it's good to get people speakin ...
56 Views 57,973 Pre-IntInt
Find Someone Who - Adjectives for Places

Find Someone Who - Adjectives for Places

•, Mingling Activities
Excellent mix and mingle activity, good for speaking practice, to conclude the class. Students need to find a peer who completed certain tasks and put his/her name. Interview the classmates using ...
8 Views 16,802 Elem
Speaking Cards: General Questions

Speaking Cards: General Questions

Six pages of general questions to cut out and have students ask each other. Topics are very general, varied and random, so I usually use the questions as a warmer or a first class to get people sp ...
96 Views 165,759 IntAdv
Character: Mingling Activity

Character: Mingling Activity

•, Mingling Activities
This is a mingling activity I created to teach adjectives to elementary students. It goes with a presentation. Explain that their character depends on the colour they like, and now they may find o ...
8 Views 12,134 Elem
Social Networks and Safety Online

Social Networks and Safety Online

This is a conversation plan that can be adapted for all levels and be used in both groups and individual classes. It is extensive and my students of all ages seemed to enjoy it as it was relevant ...
15 Views 23,228 Pre-IntIntAdvExam


This Power Point presentation will help you on the Ecological topics about saving our flora and fauna. People use different methods and they have made various parks as National, Nature Reserve, Zo ...
16 Views 10,197 ElemPre-IntInt

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