230 FREE Pronunciation Worksheets
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FREE Pronunciation Worksheets

Pronunciation - sometimes known as “pro-nuhn-see-EY-shuhn” - is one of the simplest ESL topics to explain, at least in theory; and also one of the hardest for students to get exactly right. As you know, there’s a big gap between grammatical fluency and native-sounding speech - and even long before that, in ESL levels one and two, it’s crucial to make sure students pronounce their vocabulary words in ways that’ll be easily understandable to native speakers. But sometimes, they just can’t seem to hear the difference between their pronunciation and yours - which can be a tough barrier to break through.

Depending on the level of your class, you might take any of a number of different approaches when teaching pronunciation. You might pause the lesson when a student’s pronunciation is wrong, and repeat the word with him or her until it sounds better. You might ask your students to work through lists of commonly mispronounced words, saying each one carefully. If you’ve got a large class, you might pair your students up, and have them repeat certain tricky words back-and-forth to each other. Or you might do all these things, and more.

Whatever your approach, BusyTeacher.org has 230 pronunciation worksheets to back you up. No matter what level your students are, what theme you want to use in your lesson, or what kinds of pronunciation exercises you want to organize, we’ve got worksheets to fit the bill. When you step into your classroom with BusyTeacher.org pronunciation worksheets, you’ll know you’re ready to get an engaging, challenging exercise started - even if you’ve had to prepare in a hurry at the last minute. (Hey, it happens, right?)

The 230 pronunciation worksheets here on BusyTeacher.org draw inspiration from every topic imaginable - from basic vocabulary and grammar to popular songs and movies. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a simple on-paper exercise, a light-hearted activity, or a high-energy game - somewhere in our collection you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.

In fact, we guarantee that your students will like any worksheet you choose. Why? Because every worksheet here on BusyTeacher.org was created and tested in the classrooms of real ESL teachers just like you. All our worksheets are available thanks to the contributions of our worldwide community of teachers - and it’s a community that we’d love you to join, too. If you’ve got a worksheet that’s worked well in your classroom, just click the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page to share it with ESL teachers around the globe.

Not sure which worksheet to choose? No problem! Just choose from one of our top ten most popular pronunciation worksheets - or browse through the collection in thumbnail view, so you can see a snapshot of each worksheet before you download it. Once you’ve found some worksheets you like, just grab ‘em, print’ em, and put ‘em to use. They’re all completely free to modify and share as you see fit.

It’s all waiting - so take a look, and print out any worksheets that catch your eye. They’ll be winners in your classroom - we guarantee it!

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Pronunciation Warm-Up

Pronunciation Warm-Up

This worksheet is used for pronunciation warm-up, for revising minimal pairs, pronunciation drills of the sounds [v] and [w],practicing of tongue-twisters. This activity is done by the students i ...
8 Views 51,107 ElemPre-Int
Pronunciation Activity - Homophones

Pronunciation Activity - Homophones

In this activity, students will see the homophones. I adapted this from an activity in the book "English Pronunciation in Use", by Mark Hancock. It can be done with elementary to pre-intermediate ...
12 Views 24,299 ElemPre-Int
Betty Botter- Visual Tongue Twister Activity

Betty Botter- Visual Tongue Twister Activity

This worksheet makes use of the Betty Botter Tongue Twister to help students with pronunciation. It includes a brief minimal pair practice in which students must match the words to their phonetic ...
15 Views 50,187 ElemPre-IntIntAdv


This powerpoint gives lots of examples of homophones through exercises. Students can learn better or try to find out homophones of the words which are a bit challenging.The powerpoint seems a bit ...
4 Views 19,204 Int
Song Worksheet: Counting Stars by One Republic

Song Worksheet: Counting Stars by One Republic

How to teach with music and lyrics: listen to this song , fill in the blanks with these words in the box.You can sometimes use them several times.Then find the rhyming words .Finally find the ...
13 Views 50,163 Int
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The Chaos, Poem for Pronunciation (PowerPoint)

The Chaos, Poem for Pronunciation (PowerPoint)

Gerard Nolst Trenité (1870-1946), who wrote under the pseudonym of Charivarius, was a Dutch writer, traveler and teacher. In 1922 he wrote The Chaos (also often known by its opening line, D ...
9 Views 41,856 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Long Vowel Maze (Soccer Vowel Maze)

Long Vowel Maze (Soccer Vowel Maze)

The object of the game is to get the soccer ball through all of the boxes and into the net at the end by finding a path of long vowels. The maze is started for students so that they don't get conf ...
7 Views 32,522 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Pronunciation of Car Makes - Phonetic Transcription

Pronunciation of Car Makes - Phonetic Transcription

You can use this worksheet as a handout just to make your ss aware that car makes are pronounced differently in English. I did it as a matching exercise: you cut it into pieces and ss task was to ...
11 Views 29,448 IntAdv
English Vowel Sounds Chart

English Vowel Sounds Chart

This is a blank chart for students to fill in with example words for each vowel sound. I find it useful for regular review of vowel sounds with my students of all different levels -- we often put ...
5 Views 30,807 BegElemPre-IntInt
Missing Vowels: Minimal Pairs with

Missing Vowels: Minimal Pairs with "I" and "Ee" Sounds

This worksheet is for practicing "ee" and short "i" sound minimal pairs. I made it for a Spanish-speaking ESL student who has difficulty distinguishing between vowel sounds -- particularly "ee" a ...
6 Views 30,372 All
An Eggcellent Time of Year

An Eggcellent Time of Year

An Easter lesson for upper-primary students at roughly elementary or pre-intermediate level on the topic of Easter eggs. Includes a vocabulary input exercise and some reading, ending in a pronunci ...
34 Views 47,895 ElemPre-Int
The Sounds [tʃ] [ʃ]

The Sounds [tʃ] [ʃ]

Pronunciation practice with digraphs. Give worksheets to the students with the words that include letters "sh" and "ch". The task is to indicate how the letters "sh" and “ch” are prono ...
2 Views 25,958 Pre-Int
Song Worksheet:Iris by Goo Goo Dolls (Function Words Reduction)

Song Worksheet:Iris by Goo Goo Dolls (Function Words Reduction)

This a cloze exercise based on the song Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, and its purpose is to have students practice listening to function words that are reduced, contracted, or pronounced with weak sounds ...
8 Views 19,583 Int
Intonation, Stress and Voice Tonality

Intonation, Stress and Voice Tonality

I created this worksheet as a starter at my lesson on public speaking, but it might be used as a warmer or a part of any lesson where ss have to speak. It contains the information on how importan ...
22 Views 66,458 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Tongue Twister Lesson Plan & Set of Cards (2)

Tongue Twister Lesson Plan & Set of Cards (2)

Here's the set of cards going with my lesson plan. There are 48 cards in total. A suitable cover has been included as well. Print the cards once and the cover six times. Cut out, stick together an ...
32 Views 65,873 All
Tongue Twisters Lesson Plan & Set of Cards

Tongue Twisters Lesson Plan & Set of Cards

A Lesson plan introducing ways to work with the tongue twister cards in your lessons. The aim is to improve pronunciation, rhythm and stress, to take away the fear of making mistakes while speakin ...
15 Views 65,793 All
Minimal Pairs Game: V/B, Th/S, R/L, S/Sh

Minimal Pairs Game: V/B, Th/S, R/L, S/Sh

A simple game in which students follow the lines based on what word they hear. Focusses on the difference in pronunciation between sounds that are particularly difficult for Japanese speakers to ...
5 Views 17,068 All
Reading Rules- Letter O

Reading Rules- Letter O

It is a set of exercises practicing reading rules of the letter "Oo". At first the brief explanation of reading rules of the letter "Oo" is given. Then six exercises are provided. The students are ...
9 Views 18,795 BegElemPre-Int
The Chaos (the Pronunciation Poem Ready to Be Printed)

The Chaos (the Pronunciation Poem Ready to Be Printed)

If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you would be speaking English better than the most native speakers in the world. After trying the verses, a French man said he'd prefer six ...
23 Views 46,924 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Public Transport Early Reader and Activities

Public Transport Early Reader and Activities

A 4 page early reader and additional activities for review of sightwords and to introduce vocabulary for public transport. Sight words: a, the, see, I, look, at, can. Vocabulary:&nb ...
10 Views 30,851 Beg
The Chaos- Poem for Pronunciation

The Chaos- Poem for Pronunciation

Gerard Nolst Trenité (1870-1946), who wrote under the pseudonym of Charivarius, was a Dutch writer, traveler and teacher. In 1922 he wrote The Chaos (also often known by its opening line, D ...
18 Views 121,392 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Reading Rules- Letter U

Reading Rules- Letter U

It is a set of exercises practicing reading rules of the letter "Uu". At first the brief explanation of reading rules of the letter "Uu" is given. Then six exercises are provided. The students are ...
13 Views 17,988 BegElemPre-Int
Vowel Picture Match Game - Short U & O Sounds

Vowel Picture Match Game - Short U & O Sounds

This is a set of picture cards of words using the short u and o vowel sounds. You can use these picture cards in various ways to give students practice matching pictures/words with their short vo ...
6 Views 26,289 BegElem
Reading Rules. Letters I and Y

Reading Rules. Letters I and Y

It is a set of exercises practicing reading rules of the letters "Ii" and "Yy". At first the brief explanation of reading rules of the letters "Ii" and "Yy" is given. Then six exercises are provid ...
9 Views 18,260 BegElemPre-Int
Minimal Pairs - Vowels

Minimal Pairs - Vowels

Minimal pairs. Pronunciation. Pictures of minimal pairs focused on some vowels and consonants: heat - hat, hill - heel, ship - sheep, heap - hip, pen - pin, eel - ill, cat - cut, toy - tie, hat - ...
7 Views 22,779 BegElemPre-Int

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