230 FREE Pronunciation Worksheets
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FREE Pronunciation Worksheets

Pronunciation - sometimes known as “pro-nuhn-see-EY-shuhn” - is one of the simplest ESL topics to explain, at least in theory; and also one of the hardest for students to get exactly right. As you know, there’s a big gap between grammatical fluency and native-sounding speech - and even long before that, in ESL levels one and two, it’s crucial to make sure students pronounce their vocabulary words in ways that’ll be easily understandable to native speakers. But sometimes, they just can’t seem to hear the difference between their pronunciation and yours - which can be a tough barrier to break through.

Depending on the level of your class, you might take any of a number of different approaches when teaching pronunciation. You might pause the lesson when a student’s pronunciation is wrong, and repeat the word with him or her until it sounds better. You might ask your students to work through lists of commonly mispronounced words, saying each one carefully. If you’ve got a large class, you might pair your students up, and have them repeat certain tricky words back-and-forth to each other. Or you might do all these things, and more.

Whatever your approach, BusyTeacher.org has 230 pronunciation worksheets to back you up. No matter what level your students are, what theme you want to use in your lesson, or what kinds of pronunciation exercises you want to organize, we’ve got worksheets to fit the bill. When you step into your classroom with BusyTeacher.org pronunciation worksheets, you’ll know you’re ready to get an engaging, challenging exercise started - even if you’ve had to prepare in a hurry at the last minute. (Hey, it happens, right?)

The 230 pronunciation worksheets here on BusyTeacher.org draw inspiration from every topic imaginable - from basic vocabulary and grammar to popular songs and movies. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a simple on-paper exercise, a light-hearted activity, or a high-energy game - somewhere in our collection you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.

In fact, we guarantee that your students will like any worksheet you choose. Why? Because every worksheet here on BusyTeacher.org was created and tested in the classrooms of real ESL teachers just like you. All our worksheets are available thanks to the contributions of our worldwide community of teachers - and it’s a community that we’d love you to join, too. If you’ve got a worksheet that’s worked well in your classroom, just click the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page to share it with ESL teachers around the globe.

Not sure which worksheet to choose? No problem! Just choose from one of our top ten most popular pronunciation worksheets - or browse through the collection in thumbnail view, so you can see a snapshot of each worksheet before you download it. Once you’ve found some worksheets you like, just grab ‘em, print’ em, and put ‘em to use. They’re all completely free to modify and share as you see fit.

It’s all waiting - so take a look, and print out any worksheets that catch your eye. They’ll be winners in your classroom - we guarantee it!

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Song Worksheet: We Are the Champions by Queen Bingo

Song Worksheet: We Are the Champions by Queen Bingo

BusyTeacher Contributor
The teacher will ask students to read the words, and then, choose 9 to put into the bingo card. While listening to the song, check if it was chosen the right ones. If the student chose 3 words in ...
9 Views 47,095 All
Song Worksheet: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2 (Bingo)

Song Worksheet: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2 (Bingo)

BusyTeacher Contributor
The teacher will ask students to read the words, and then, choose 9 to put into the bingo card. While listening to the song, check if it was chosen the right ones. If the student choses 3 words in ...
5 Views 34,209 All
English Pronunciation for Spanish Speakers

English Pronunciation for Spanish Speakers

I have taught several students whose first language is Spanish, and this worksheet is one I have designed to help them practise some of the sounds in English that they seem to find most challengin ...
14 Views 62,025 All
Song Worksheet: No Good in Goodbye by the Script

Song Worksheet: No Good in Goodbye by the Script

This popular song has a lot of rhyme words like many other songs, but on top of that is has clever lyrics that play with similar sounds so it is very useful to practice phonetic speech and maybe p ...
4 Views 19,801 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Pronunciation Game - Matching Homophones

Pronunciation Game - Matching Homophones

Entertaining game with matching words with different spelling but same sound. Can be used as a game or a pronunciation lesson. Plus you can create a vocabulary lesson with the new words in the lis ...
28 Views 60,294 ElemPre-IntInt
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Pronunciation/ Short and Long Vowels

Pronunciation/ Short and Long Vowels

This is a worksheet for practicing short and long vowels. It includes two activities. First, the students are asked to find the stress in some words. Next, they are asked to use their dictionaries ...
6 Views 48,258 Elem
Song Worksheet: Hallelujah by Rufus Wainright

Song Worksheet: Hallelujah by Rufus Wainright

Mirna Sol Iedro
This worksheet is great to work on minimal pairs and to practise the sounds /ɔː/ /ɑː/ /ɪ / /uː/ and /əʊ/. It also includes a short matching synonym activit ...
6 Views 23,507 IntAdv
Tongue Twisters for Young Students

Tongue Twisters for Young Students

Mrs. B
Tongue twisters easy enough for second grade ESL students to read, with pictorial support! I read Fox in Socks to my class, then we practiced these tongue twisters. They worked with a partner, a ...
17 Views 122,791 ElemPre-IntInt
Write a Tongue Twister with the Letter L

Write a Tongue Twister with the Letter L

Mrs. B
Organizer that helps younger students write their own tongue twisters-- I made it for my second grade ESL students. It would be best used after teaching tongue twisters for practice enunciating w ...
7 Views 40,044 ElemPre-Int
Homophones and Homonyms

Homophones and Homonyms

It is prepared by one of my students and it is really funny and enjoyable. As she presents her subject through cartoons and pictures, it becomes more understandable and easy to grasp the differenc ...
17 Views 57,817 Adv
Movie Worksheet: How to Pronounce UK Place Names - Anglophenia Ep 23

Movie Worksheet: How to Pronounce UK Place Names - Anglophenia Ep 23

This is a game-like worksheet for students to work on phonetics. Watch the video, listen to how different places in the UK are pronounced and then try to match them with their pronunciation. Suita ...
3 Views 27,999 AdvExam
Pronunciation Training

Pronunciation Training

Here is a list of some short and simple words with transcriptions to check the knowledge of English pronunciation rules. Ask your students to match the word and the transcription. You can use this ...
10 Views 38,342 BegElem
Hard and Soft G

Hard and Soft G

The letter g can make spelling tricky. When g meets a, o, or u, its sound is hard e.g. gap. When g meets e, i, or y, its sound is soft e.g. gym. Write words beginning with a hard 'g' sound under t ...
10 Views 43,189 Elem
Hard and Soft C

Hard and Soft C

When c meets a, o, or u, its sound is hard e.g. cap. When c meets e, i, or y, its sound is soft e.g. city. Students are asked to write words beginning with a hard 'c' sound under the carrot, and w ...
6 Views 28,416 Elem
Phonetics; Read the Joke

Phonetics; Read the Joke

This is a worksheet for practicing English phonetics. It contains a joke and the students are asked to transcribe it. Put the students into pairs and give them the instructions. The first pair who ...
4 Views 20,854 Pre-Int
Song Worksheet: Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Song Gap-Fill)

Song Worksheet: Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Song Gap-Fill)

Listening activity based on a well-known Christmas carol. The students listen to the song while they fill in the gaps with the words provided in the box. After the song has been completed and ...
13 Views 65,819 Pre-IntInt
Writing, Speaking and Pronunciation

Writing, Speaking and Pronunciation

This is a worksheet for elementary level students (specially to kid audience). The task is explained inside the document attached for more references on how to do the exercise. There are 6 rows wi ...
7 Views 33,088 Elem
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (

Goldilocks and the Three Bears ("Ough" Pronunciation)

This is a worsheet to help students with the pronunciation of words that have "ough". They also go over some past tense verbs. The reading includes the "ough" words that they learned how to pronou ...
12 Views 21,536 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Spelling and Homophones

Spelling and Homophones

In this worksheet students practise the alphabet by spelling words to each other. They work in pairs. While doing that they musn't look at their partner's worksheet. After finishing the task they ...
10 Views 78,517 ElemPre-Int
American Headway Pre-Intermediate Listening Practice

American Headway Pre-Intermediate Listening Practice

Extensive listening practice for American Headway pre-intermediate level. The file provides the link where audio tracks are available for download. For each track I wrote the related questions. Ex ...
13 Views 25,527 ElemPre-Int
American Headway Elementary Listening Practice

American Headway Elementary Listening Practice

Extensive listening practice for America Headway Elementary. The file provides the link where audio tracks are available for download. For each track I wrote the related questions. Exercises range ...
5 Views 26,476 Elem
Homophones Memory Game

Homophones Memory Game

This memory game is great for students who studied homophones. Cut out the cards and give each group (3-4 students) a deck of cards. This worksheet contains 44 cards, so 22 sets of homophones. If ...
5 Views 21,350 ElemPre-IntInt
Homophones Worksheet II

Homophones Worksheet II

This is a simple and easy worksheet for teaching or revising homophones at elementary or pre-intermediate level. There is an easy activity in which students are asked to fill in the blank spa ...
8 Views 41,062 ElemPre-Int
Liz´s Poem for Children (Routines)

Liz´s Poem for Children (Routines)

You can work this poem with children and teens as a tongue twister. I have worked this activity with my group of students and they really have enjoyed it, in act it´s a nice activity to do i ...
9 Views 29,991 BegElem
Homophones Domino

Homophones Domino

This domino worksheet is  just another fun way to teach pronunciation in English. They can match the word with the similar sound but different meaning and also easy to use, just print, cut an ...
5 Views 23,291 All

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