509 FREE Verb Worksheets

FREE Verb Worksheets

With so many verbs to choose from, it can be hard to narrow down your focus. This section has 509 worksheets to practice verbs that can help you. There are flashcards, practice activities, and creative worksheets that can make studying verbs more enjoyable for you and your students. For a simple worksheet appropriate for elementary learners, consider this one that focuses on using the verb to be. It has a number of different activities that can give students the extra practice they need to feel confident using this verb. There are many other worksheets to choose from so look through this section to find something your students will enjoy. Students will be learning new vocabulary words continuously. Beginners start off being inundated with unfamiliar words, intermediate learners consciously study more challenging words relating to a wider array of topics, and advanced learners increase their vocabulary mostly by exposure to more English material. Advanced learners have the benefit of being able to guess the meaning of words based on the context of sentences while other learners often struggle to do this. Verbs are an integral part of any language and as such there are a huge number of them. Another worksheet on this site examines over eighty words with the same basic meaning of the word 'said'. That is a lot of different words with very similar meanings and is a great way to emphasize the fact that learning a language is a never ending process.

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  • Complete Beginner (100)
  • Elementary (266)
  • Pre-Intermediate (272)
  • Intermediate (189)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (87)
  • Exam Level (22)
  • Suitable for All Levels (18)
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'To Have' - Present Simple Formation Rules + Translation Activity for Polish Speakers

'To Have' - Present Simple Formation Rules + Translation Activity for Polish Speakers

A formation rules for Present Simple (to have) plus a translation exercise to practise the verb 'to have'.
3 Views 12,426 Beg
Irregular verbs chart

Irregular verbs chart

» Verb
List of irregular verbs
16 Views 13,397 Pre-Int
Past and Present Tense Verbs Dominoes

Past and Present Tense Verbs Dominoes

Match the past tense to the present tense in this dominoes game/activity.
16 Views 19,799 Beg
Verbs Dominoes

Verbs Dominoes

, Verb
Match the word to the picture in this dominoes game / activity.
21 Views 17,567 Beg
Verbs Target Board

Verbs Target Board

, Verb
Match the word to the picture in the target board activity.
7 Views 8,024 Beg
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Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs with links to the deffinitions. Shared under a creative commons license by http://esl.bonelo.com.
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Two games on irregular verbs: Memory and Card Game

Two games on irregular verbs: Memory and Card Game

Two card games on irregular verbs.
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Cutting Edge Intermediate Wordsheet Module 10

Cutting Edge Intermediate Wordsheet Module 10

Module 10 – Say and tell Revising the verbs say and tell
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Connections 1

Connections 1

Verb to be + Adjective Want to + Infinitive
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My Aunt

My Aunt

Like + Noun Like + Infinitive
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borrow and lend

borrow and lend

Practice of using the verbs <span style="font-style: italic;">borrow</span> and <span style="font-style: italic;">lend</span>.
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