Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If you’d like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.
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This is a 2-page worksheet for revising the present continuous tense at elementary level. There are 4 different activities in which students are asked to look at the pictures and fill in the gaps ...
This is a charades game to practice the present continuous. The question to ask is "What are you doing?" and one of them has to pick a card (they can be cut up and laminated for best results) and ...
I made this after one unit with a b1 class so we could see how they were getting on. Uses present simple tense and continuous. As well as past simple. Affirmative/negative/interrogative. Telling t ...
I've created a test which consists of present, past and future tenses. It is suitable for pre-intermediate and intermediate students who would like to practise tenses. For some students it is ver ...
Hello :) You can find a short test which is written in very simple English and three other activities which are related to that text (reading comprehension). Activities are True or False, answerin ...
Worksheet examining future forms (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, be going to, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple) except for Future Perfect Continuous. It can be used eit ...
This is a 2-page worksheet designed for elementary students. Teachers may use it as a review for present simple and present continuous as it is based on a girl's narrative of her family. Students ...
This a very good song from Switchfoot which helps to revise the present continuous tense. Make sure that while completing exercise 1 and 2 student must not look at the lyrics. You can ask them to ...
In this worksheet you will find the main rules of four tenses used in the English language - Present Simple, Present Continuous Past Simple and Past Continuous. You could use this worksheet as a h ...
This worksheet was created to revise the use of the present continuous tense. There are a few pictures and you can see a box with sentences that students have to complete using the verbs in bracke ...
This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching the present continuous tense. Recommended for elementary students who are asked to complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brack ...
I find that ESL learners often get confused between the present simple and the present continuous. They learn "skateboarding", "swimming", and "playing football" at school, but rarely the infinit ...
This is a sheet for explanations. You can find the responses for Agreeing in Affirmative and Agreeing in Negative form. Also you can know likes and dislikes and how to use it. For Present Continuo ...
I have just finished reading Jack and the Beanstalk with a group of children.They enjoyed the story and they love Angry birds. This is a worksheet to use with the Angry birds version of Jack and t ...
hi :) I like this song and I think it is very useful to practice Present Simple and Present Continuous. The students are wanted to fill in the blanks in lyrics while listening to the song. You ca ...
A task with pictures and prompts for elementary students learning mixed future tenses. It might be given as a revision task in the beginning of the lesson. Each part has got an example, so the tea ...
This worksheet focuses on the present continuous. Students have to choose the verbs from a box and conjugate them in present continuous while they listen to Fools Garden song "Lemon Tree". The wor ...
I use this worksheet with my kids when we learn the Present Continuous tense. I use some funny pictures to revise verbs for actions, to make up statements in present continuous or negative sentenc ...
A good song to practice Present Continuous. Except from the speed of the singer, this song provides lots of examples using present continuous and with activities like unscramble sentences and fill ...
This powerpoint presentation is about animals. It can be used for article in book Project 2, Tom Hutchinson, p. 28. It practises using present continuous tense, there is/ there are, vocabulary abo ...
A Revision exercise for Present continuous and the verb "to be" in two parts. Can be used for Speaking or Grammar revision. Students or teacher can ask questions to elicit negative form answers. ...
This worksheet focuses on simple past and present progressive. It also provides a vocab activity. It's a good activity to consolidate present progressive and past simple tenses, affirmative, posit ...
Note expansion for students to write sentences to tell about the time for some events. Students are given cues to write sentences using present simple to describe an event. Students change the p ...
General work-sheet on tenses ( simple present " prefrences" simple past " what did you do?" "YN questions") (past con. and present con). It helps the students in putting all the tenses in one fra ...
The worksheet consists of some pictures, some sentences with gaps and a list of verbs. The students have to fill in the gaps by choosing verbs from the list according to the pictures. They have to ...
27 30,403ElemPre-Int
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Present Continuous?
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