Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If you’d like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.
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Worksheet to practice the future implications of Present Progressive, it has a number of exercises to get students aware of the different ussages a verb tense has. It also includes a shot explana ...
This song is good to use if you are teaching the Present Continuous Tense. You can ask your students to put the sentences in order, fill in the blanks just listening, choose the correct one. In th ...
Let’s Talk 1 Practises verb tenses: Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple This worksheet can be used for conversation practise and preparation for oral exams. My adult students fi ...
This is a song that many people know because it was performed by Glee. This song is great to work on vocabulary and a little bit of present Progressive. Also, it is really good for students to ana ...
Good to work present continuous and a have a little fun, from Iturrama (basque country - jj.b) The story of the song is nice too, you can translate it orally with the students.
Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega: students love this song! It is easy to sing, easy to understand the lyrics, and has a nice, sentimental but 'daily life' story to it. You can follow up with present ...
This is a table with three columns: day, activity and your sentence. It's intended for the practice of the future continuous or present progressive tense with the meaning of future arrangements. T ...
This is a worksheet for revising the present continuous tense. There is a brief explanation followed by an activity in which students are asked to complete 30 different sentences with the correct ...
A simple worksheet containing basic information on how to form the present participle correctly. The teacher can use it when explaining the continuous tenses (e.g. The Present Continuous). It is a ...
This is a present continuous gap filling worksheet. This worksheet focuses only on the affirmative sentences. Before doing this worksheet I suggest you teach the vocabulary, so that students are a ...
This is the 2nd ppt with 21 animated slides on the present continuous with some grammar to learn/revise the interrogative form and short answers. Then there are different activities to revise the ...
This ppt consists of 21 animated slides with some grammar and mostly practice of the present continuous. In this 1st part the students learn and practise affirmative and negative sentences in an e ...
In this worksheet the students will learn vocabulary related to sports; they will have to read different texts about people talking about their favourite sports. After that they will have to decid ...
This is a reading activity about film awards. First they read the text and then they will have to produce something similar to what they have just read. Then they have two different cards with dif ...
Student grammar error correction worksheet with typical errors made in forming the present simple, comparative and superlative structures. Ideal for Young Learners, Beginners, Elementary classes ...
Students will practice the present continuous verb tense to tell what the person in each picture is doing. Using the word bank, students fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb. This w ...
This is a nice worksheet for beginners. It will provide your students with the chance to practice food vocabulary, verbs of action and the use of the structures such as What is he/she doing?. Afte ...
This is a pair work sheet for students to practice using the present continuous. Student A will ask to student B about information of each of the characters in the worksheet. Ex: A: "What is Sarah ...
This is a worksheet on using Present Continuous with "always" to express criticism and annoyance. Cut the situations, give them to students and et them express their annoyance with the situations ...
This worksheet consists of 18 pictures, 18 verbs and 18 sentences with blanks. The students have to choose a verb from the list, fill in the sentences with the correct present continuos form and m ...
There are cards with the sequence of actions. One child is a suspect. He takes a card and imitates the given movements. Others are detectives. They are watching him and guessing what he’s d ...
This set of cards is designed to help students practice or review present continuous sentences. Printed double-sided, the cards can be used as flashcards; printed on two separate sheets, they can ...
Here's an ]interesting activity for Present Continuous tense: your learners will need to look at the pictures and write what Winnie is doing in each picture.
A colourful PowerPoint presentation that leads students through the formation and use of this tense, with prompts to assist teachers in eliciting sentences from students. Illustrations of correct ...
This a worksheet for teaching the future forms: will, going to, present continuous and present simple. Suitable for intermediate students who are asked to go through the pairs of sentences in the ...
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Present Continuous?
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