The future simple is usually the third tense that students learn so it is a topic covered in classes for beginners. There are 224 Future Simple worksheets to choose from on this page and even more worksheets on tenses on the main tense page. The future simple is often the easiest tense for students to use once it has been introduced because sentences such as I will study tomorrow are constructed by simply adding the word will. Here is an example of a worksheet from this section. It is a fifteen minute pair activity for low level learners. After printing out the directions and cutting out the phrase cards, you will be ready for class. The activity is pretty straightforward and focuses not just on using the future simple but also on time clauses. If you already have worksheets for the future simple, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.
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Work in pairs.The students become fortune tellers. Student A is given 10 cards with different pictures. He puts the cards face down and Student B chooses six of them. Student A uses the six cards ...
This is a very useful presentation to introduce will and going to. You can use it with different level, by adapting it, adopting or creating a new one. I hope it would be very useful for you and y ...
Hello :) this worksheet was prepared to practice "will". Students can learn the different usages of "will" such as making an offer, prediction, planning and also spontaneous decisions. There are ...
Worksheet examining future forms (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, be going to, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple) except for Future Perfect Continuous. It can be used eit ...
The topic of the lesson is "The End of the World. Is it going to happen?". Using this topic you can practice to be going to, future simple or conditionals. The worksheet contains vocabulary with p ...
This is a reading worksheet with an element of discussion. It is based on the end of the world theory for 21 December 2012. The students get a chance to voice their own opinion about the matter. A ...
This is a simple and easy worksheet for revising the future simple at elementary level. Students are asked to fill in blank spaces with will, ‘ll or won’t . The worksheet is available ...
Read about the new project from google, and learn the present perfect and some future predictions! It can be used to teach how to predict the future, also there are good items to complete. The te ...
With this worksheet, students can revise the present simple and also practice some more of the future with Will and improve their listening skills. The song is very nice and it's an excellent vers ...
This is a very nice song that can be used to teach the use of the simple future to make promises, especially in pre-intermediate or intermediate levels. It is also connected with love or true frie ...
This worksheet can be used for a listening activity based on the poem Ithaka by Cavafis. It includes a gap-filling activity and reading comprehension questions, after which you could engage studen ...
A task with pictures and prompts for elementary students learning mixed future tenses. It might be given as a revision task in the beginning of the lesson. Each part has got an example, so the tea ...
This is a story about two burglars breaking into a house with gaps to fill in the correct tense. Verbs to be filled in are provided in brackets. Tenses in this worksheet: present simple/progressiv ...
Grammar can be fun. Here you will find a selection of cartoons which illustrate various uses of different future forms (Will, going to, Present Continuous & Present Simple). It can be used as ...
This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching the future tense at intermediate level. The first page is basically just a grammar guide and the second page has a simple activity in which students are as ...
A short speaking or writing exercise that can be introduced as either a solo or partnered exercise. Students meet three characters - Laura, Chloe and Ricky, who always speak in an individual futu ...
This document is a short summary about ¨The Future¨. It also explains the difference between the future continuous and the present continuous. It's made for beginner students ...
Future tenses worksheet in the song "Survival" performed by the British band known as Muse. This song is the official soundtrack of the Olympic Games in London (2012). This worksheet contains the ...
It is a worksheet with a grammar explanation on when to use the different types of future: will, going to or the present continuous. The worksheet also contains some exercises so students can prac ...
It is a worksheet of two exercises about the future tense. In the first exercise, students have to fill in the gaps with the will or the be going to forms + the verbs in bold. In the second exerci ...
I used these pictures to hammer home the difference between 'going to' and 'will' predictions. Ended up cutting up the pictures and the students selected pictures to stick in their books and write ...
If you have some time to spend on it, you can play the song to your students before you hand them the worksheet. Have them trying to guess how many times they listen to "gonna" and "will". You can ...
Very Funny video from youtube! Listening comprehension & video watching Discussing New Year Resolutions & health matters! Anticipation, gap filling exercise, comprehension, vocabulary word ...
It will help students to learn how to form present, past and future simple tenses. The formation is given in small tables and there are short examples on how to use them under each table. It will ...
Worksheet with different excercises to practice simple present tense, simple past, present progressive (ing) and simple future. It could be a good activity to assess students at the beginning of t ...
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Future Simple?
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