The future simple is usually the third tense that students learn so it is a topic covered in classes for beginners. There are 224 Future Simple worksheets to choose from on this page and even more worksheets on tenses on the main tense page. The future simple is often the easiest tense for students to use once it has been introduced because sentences such as I will study tomorrow are constructed by simply adding the word will. Here is an example of a worksheet from this section. It is a fifteen minute pair activity for low level learners. After printing out the directions and cutting out the phrase cards, you will be ready for class. The activity is pretty straightforward and focuses not just on using the future simple but also on time clauses. If you already have worksheets for the future simple, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.
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This short presentation focuses on the different aspects of using the future simple tense and the structure 'be going to' to refer to future events. It is ideal for pre-intermediate students of En ...
A worksheet is dedicated to future simple usage. There you can find a dialogue about planning a birthday party, all sentences with future simple are highlited. It can help students to understand i ...
Start by showing your students the opening for The Jetsons cartoon, perhaps asking them what they remember about it. Then with the sheet, students discuss predictions that the show made and if/how ...
The song worksheet aimed at intermediate students to practice phrasal verbs, opposites and verb tenses. Usually, for every exercise we listen to the song once. The first exercise is designed as a ...
This worksheet has been designed in order for learners to practise the use of the simple future form through an illustrated adventure story. There are unavoidable facts shown in the pictures so t ...
This is a very simple worksheet for teaching or revising future forms: future simple and future continuous, at pre-intermediate level. Students are asked to fill in blank spaces by putting th ...
The title is unique and meaningful. This is recommended for beginner ss. Teachers may use it in a 45min to 1hr class. In the 1st activity ss match pictures to descriptive sentences. 2nd activity i ...
This is a worksheet for revising future forms: will and going to at elementary level. There are 3 different activities in which students are asked to write A if the decision is made at the moment ...
These are 16 cards for Group B of the 2014 Football World Cup in Brazil. You can modify it to include the teams you want. Instructions are included, but the gist is that it is a speaking game to p ...
This worksheet is for the students to work in groups and discuss a trip they will do together. The objective is to use future will. It contains clear instructions on how the activity will carry on ...
This is a gap filling exercise for the will future with a mixture of text and dialogue. The students have to distinguish between questions, positive statements and negative statements. The verbs a ...
It offers a brief text of about 230 words about the problems of keeping New Year's resolutions. It was adapted from an online magazine. It has pre-reading and post-reading activities. It includes ...
In this activity, you'll find a chart in which students will have to complete the sentences following the first conditional structure. They'll also have to decide which topic the prediction is abo ...
This is a simple exercise in which students have to complete the fortune teller's predictions. You can use this activity as a warm-up, lead-in or closure activity. You can even elicit the Future S ...
This is a worksheet for revising the future simple at elementary level. There are 2 different activities in which students are asked to order the words and make sentences using the future simple: ...
This card helps students to form sentences in different tenses. I laminate this card and give every student such a card for their own use. I tell the students to use it when they edit their texts ...
The file explains the tense "will" or Future Simple in the most basic way as possible. Content: use (words + picture), formula (aff, neg & int), keywords and brief examples. Perfect for beggin ...
This sheet contains links to 5 videos that talk about and show future inventions. There are tasks to do while watching to check comprehension and also discussion questions to reflect on the differ ...
Grammar tenses, as any other type of information, can be learned a lot more easily when the information has already been processed by someone else. I'm using this template to help my less successf ...
It's a worksheet to make students talk about London. They have to prepare their day in London following the questions in the grid. They can work in pairs or in a small group and they can use expre ...
Grammar worksheet about Will-future.It explains affirmative,negative,interrogative forms using tables and sentences with the structures. After each table you have sentences.
The Future is a discussion where students use their imagination to predict what our world will be like in the future. With stimulating pictures and questions the conversation diverts into various ...
Listening activity about friendship with Vitamin C's song Graduation. There's also a matching activity and comprehension questions about the song lyrics. The last activity can be really fun if you ...
This is a pretty simple worksheet for teaching or revising future forms: will and going to at elementary level. There's an easy activity in which students are asked to complete the sentences ...
This is an inspirational story. It teaches young generations to appreciate older ones. It deals with family relationships , emotions and the necessity to support and to love elderly people .The p ...
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Future Simple?
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