Welcome to the numerals and dates section of Busy Teacher. Here you can find 338 related worksheets that cover these topics at a variety of learner levels. This worksheet has several activities that have been used to help beginners practice cardinal numbers. These games can all be played as a class or in groups; the rules are simple but playing certain games like Buzz can be tricky so you may need to adapt the game to suit your students better. There are also study guides, activities, and of course date exercises you can download from this section too.
These basic topics are introduced and covered in beginner courses but to start out with, students will be dealing with a small amount of material such as cardinal numbers and months of the year. Students may need some short review exercises from time to time to refresh their memories and of course more complex numbers such as very large numbers, percents, and anything with a decimal point should be covered with intermediate students. Students in business English courses may need more practice with this specific topic than the regular English learner so be aware of the needs of your students. Saying and comprehending numbers and dates can be challenging for students; they often find these topics complex and difficult even if they prove that they have a good understanding of the material by performing well on various exercises. Be flexible and assure your students that you can give them as much practice as they want or need.
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Numbers are a weak point of my students but only repeating them doesn't solve the problem. That's why I made this interesting quiz worksheet about facts of London. (source: londoncouncils.gov.uk) ...
This is a worksheet to practise the pronunciation of numbers in the form of a fun test. The test contains 10 questions from the field of natural sciences and student have to circle the appropriate ...
This is a listening worksheet to revise different numbers. It can be used as a test or as a warm-up activity. In this gap-filling task all numbers are missing. Students have to fill them in with w ...
An easy way to review numbers 1-1000. Contains the written form of each number with speaking and listening practice. The first activity shows the spelling of the numbers, the second requires readi ...
This is a basic worksheet to revise vocabulary. It can be use to revise the material or to check on what level of proficiency your ss possess. Lexis is : classroom objects, numbers, days of the we ...
This is a Christmas themed pack of worksheets for odd numbers 1-100. Write the odd numbers (1-20), write the odd numbers (1-50), write the odd numbers (1-100), addition sheets in di ...
Maths printable for primary/elementary children. This worksheet is all about doubling the cost and can be used when teaching students about money. Students are asked to work out the cost of two i ...
This worksheet has been used by me while teaching numbers from 1 to 5. Children love matching and coloring pages. So this worksheet is the perfect combination! Tracing numbers will help child ...
This maths worksheet was created for primary/elementary children. This page shows a 100 number square. Some of the numbers are missing. Students fill in the missing numbers to the number square an ...
Greetings! This worksheet is about ordinal numbers and some real life applications of them, such as alphabetical order, order of the days. The names of the days are movable to their designated pla ...
I like to play this game as a recap for ordinal and cardinal numbers. It works just like dominoes, matching the numbers up, except one side has the number in numerals and the other the words, so o ...
This worksheet was designed for KS2 students. The activity includes halving and doubling numbers. Students are shown two easy methods of halving and doubling tricky numbers. Share them with your c ...
This maths resource was created for primary/elementary students and focuses on taking 10 away from a given number. Children must first take 10 away from each number in the spider web and then comp ...
Listening worksheet to be used in conjunction with Module 10's Real Life section on the Cutting Edge Starter CD-ROM (it comes with the textbook). Simply play the video for the students to watch/li ...
Spelling practice for numbers 1-17. Ss have to complete the word with the correct letter and then join it with its corresponding number. You can include more if you want, but since it was designed ...
This maths worksheet teaches children how to add up different amounts of money. There are six food items all showing different prices. Students need to answer 7 questions e.g. What is the cost of ...
This is an entry test I used to evaluate first year middle school students on numbers, school objects, colours, basic questions, such as: How are you? How old are you? Students have to fill in the ...
Simple spelling practice for numbers 1-114. You can easily expand or shorten it according to your students' needs, add logos, etc. It gives you cues for the first nine numbers and 20s, 30s, a ...
Easy worksheet on numbers up to 100. You can use it with young learners that are studying cardinal numbers up to 100. Students have to put in order, write, match (with different colours if po ...
My friend Alicia is good at preparing her own materials. This school year she wants to start teaching concepts well to her students since books always confuse students and rarely contain all the i ...
Use this power point to practice or revise numbers from 0 to 100. The students learn calculation signs. Very easy exercises to count sums and subtractions and use the calculating signs. The slides ...
The title of this maths resource is 'number recognition'. This worksheet asks students to help Poldo by joining the digit and written numbers together. The first one has been to help them. There a ...
I use this booklet with students with specific educational needs in my lessons. It includes very simple vocabulary such as numbers and colours. While other students follow a textbook, these childr ...
This math worksheet asks students to use the correct numbers to complete the questions. They are allowed to use only the six numbers given on the worksheet. This worksheet was created by PrimaryLe ...
Maths worksheet: Recognising numbers. This maths resource teaches children to recognise larger numbers. There are seven rows of frogs. Each row has five numbers. Students must colour the frog in e ...
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Numerals and Dates?
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