The third subsection of nouns deals with singular and plural nouns. Browse through the 163 available worksheets to find something that your students will enjoy. When learning vocabulary, students initially learn the singular form of nouns rather than both the singular and plural forms because this approach makes it easier for them to increase their vocabulary more quickly. Later on, as students start learning verbs and making sentences, they also have to learn the plural forms for all those nouns they learned earlier on. This simple worksheet for beginners helps students do just that by asking them to write the plural form of vocabulary words they already know. You can create worksheets just like this one to give your students practice with plurals of other vocabulary words and can even assign a worksheet like this as homework. Check out the rest of the section for more options and feel free to download as many as you want.
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Give me a letter is a funny game to play in your esl class at the end of a lesson. It is suitable for younger and older students. A teacher says a letter and the students need to complete the tabl ...
This worksheet is great for revising some useful vocabulary, namely: countries and nationalities; numbers; days of the week; plural form of words; jobs and professions; family; telling time; free ...
This worksheet was created to assess students at a beginner's level. I have used it with my elementary level students, mainly adults, as well as with 6th and 7th graders. It covers topics like cou ...
It´s a very easy exercise for beginners. Students have to answer the question "What´s this?" by looking a the pictures. After this, students can play a guessing game to practise the sa ...
This is a worksheet for teaching plural of nouns at elementary level. The first page is basically just a study sheet with examples illustrated with images for easy memorization the second pag ...
I find that many of my students have problems differentiating between the different kinds of 's' (Possessive case, plural, 3rd person, short form of 'is'). So I made up a worksheet with explanatio ...
A noun is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality. A verb is a word or phrase that describes an action, condition or experience. An adjective is a word that descr ...
A fun activity for beginners. I use this worksheet with my 9-10 year old starters and they love it. Listening activity set out into 5 different activities - vocabulary, dates, fill in the blanks ( ...
The topic of the presentation is subject and verb concord and its difficulties and special cases. It is aimed for upper intermediate level of English, the materials are not usually taught in scho ...
Cut out the pair verbs and nouns below. A student from a group comes to the board and is shown the pair of a verb and noun. The student is asked to create a sentence using the pair. The student i ...
An initiative for beginners after learning all the rules to change into plurals. Fill in the word or suffix (-ish, -ful) and make a word after adding the suffix, it will help them better understa ...
A chart for practicing plural nouns. Could also be used as a quiz. The uploaded file has singular nouns in the left column and blank boxes in the right column for students to fill in the plural ...
I created this board game in order to practice plural forms of pets with my young English learners. It's always a difficulty for young learners not to forget this slippery "s" at the end of nouns. ...
A worksheet to teach beginner/elementary students the plural of nouns: regular and irregular nouns. Students are given the rules then are asked to complete some tables using the rules. The key is ...
I think it is very useful when revising irregular plural. I used it and the children liked it a lot. I don't think it is too difficult so I hope you like and share it. There aren't any other diffi ...
I used this letter after a writing task in which I identified some common and most unwanted mistakes French-speaking, A2+ level students do. The lesson after the task, I re-explained some gramma ...
This is a worksheet based on a cute cartoon about Bugs Bunny. It can be a simple warm-up at the beginning of the lesson. It will help the pupils get down to work and quickly revise plurals. And a ...
A very simple worksheet to practice the articles a or an. Students are given words to match with a few pictures and then should use along the articles a or an. I created this worksheet for beginne ...
Song worksheet designed for a 1st year at a secondary school (elementary level). Ss have to fill in the gaps according to the drawings and then listen to the song to check and also choose the corr ...
This is a really useful list of collective nouns in English which is ideal for students of English, EFL, and ESL. Students can use this list to help their writing skills and also learn different v ...
The title of this worksheet is 'Changing nouns'. Some nouns end in y. Students look at the sentences and change the singular noun to a plural noun by changing the y to i and adding es. There are 1 ...
Today I want to present my grammar cards, which can be used at your grammar classes. This is a set of colorful cards, you can use them as bingo or as speaking cards for children in class. T ...
This song by Madonna is a great way to exemplify one of the most problematic structures for elementary students ‘there is/are’. It also will be quite easy to work with the lyrics as i ...
This English worksheet focuses on adjectives, verbs and nouns. Students must look at the words and decide whether the word is an adjective, verb or noun. They then tick the correct box. There are ...
I did this simple game for my kinder students, they enjoyed it a lot! You need a dice and some flashcards or pre-thought questions depending on the topic chosen. I took flashcards and just asked t ...
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Singular/Plural Nouns?
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